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REALISING THE SELECTION Training Unit 5.2 Realising the selection: procedures and criteria.

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Presentation on theme: "REALISING THE SELECTION Training Unit 5.2 Realising the selection: procedures and criteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 REALISING THE SELECTION Training Unit 5.2 Realising the selection: procedures and criteria

2 Realising the selection The selection for mobility Is characterised by the simultaneous presence of different variables that make standardisation more difficult. There are differences between the start-up of IVT mobility and a VETPRO. Firstly between a selection arranged with a high number of potential candidatures and secondly one just the number required to provide all available mobility.

3 Realising the selection National Agencies underline the existence of three macro typologies of variables that correspond to the typologies of selection criteria to be assumed: the typology of beneficiaries group that will develop the mobility is a crucial characteristic; variables regard the specificities of each project, as they are referred to the objectives of this one; the variables concern the number of candidatures expected.

4 Realising the selection Selection methodologies and criteria Once the public announcement has been publicised and the candidatures have been received, the project staff can proceed to evaluate. National Agencies propose in general three macro typologies for methodologies and selection criteria: linguistic competences level of the candidate; competences and knowledge level in relation with the internship; aspects in relation with the motivation context.

5 Realising the selection The evaluation of linguistic competences is referred to the communication skills of the candidate regarding the language of the hosting country or the working language. The evaluation of competences and knowledge in relation with the internship is carried out by analysing the Curriculum Vitae – if possible, drafted according to Europass CV form, available on the occasion of the announcement. The evaluation of the motivation context requires guidance specific competences for the evaluator.

6 Realising the selection At the end of the candidatures evaluation and selection phase, it is necessary to advertise the results by filling up the respective rankings and their availability to be consulted. It is advisable to communicate to the winners the happened selection, by used direct tools (e-mail, letter, telegram). The ranking should always have a substitutes list, since some give up could happen immediately (without waiting for the departure for the internship).

7 Realising the selection Content: Procedures and phases of the selection. The most common criteria used during a mobility selection. The application tools of the criteria. Needed information to put into practice the criteria? Post selection: advertise of ranking.

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