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Computational & Information Science Division Tuesday, May 17, 2005 Randy Zachery, ARO.

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Presentation on theme: "Computational & Information Science Division Tuesday, May 17, 2005 Randy Zachery, ARO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computational & Information Science Division Tuesday, May 17, 2005 Randy Zachery, ARO

2 Outline ARO and CISD Organization Opportunity Driven Research CISD Mission & Thrust Areas Systems & Control Program

3 RDECOM Organizational Structure RDECOM Commanding General ARL CERDEC ECBC NSC TARDEC AMSAA Simulation & Training Technology Center AMRDEC ARDEC ARO Army Material Systems Analysis Authority Edgewood Chemical Biological Center Aviation & Missile Research, Development & Engineering Center Armament Research, Development & Engineering Center Communications Electronics Research, Development & Engineering Center Natick Soldier Center Tank Automotive Research Development, Development & Engineering Center

4 ARO’s Scientific Division Structure Director Mathematical & Info Sciences Mechanical Sciences Electronics Physical Sciences Engineering Sciences Physics Materials Science Chemical Sciences Life Sciences Computing & Info Sciences Mathematics Environmental Sciences

5 CISD Scientific Programs & Personnel Software & Knowledge-Based Systems (David Hislop) Systems and Control (Randy Zachery) Information Processing & Fusion (Vacant, Bill Sander) Communications & Networks (Robert Ulman) Information Assurance (Cliff Wang)

6 Outline ARO and CISD Organization Opportunity Driven Research CISD Mission & Thrust Areas Systems & Control Program

7 Computational & Information Science Division Mission To support and sponsor basic research in information processing and computation, to enhance the war fighter's decision-making, command and control, communications, and combat system performance

8 Opportunity Driven Research vs. Research to Overcome Technology Barriers Opportunity (Innovations) Paradigm Shift Overcome Tech Barriers Return (Understanding & Performance) Investment ($, Time) Innovative research may/may not be focused – higher probability of failure Overcome tech barrier research is focused – lower probability of failure Innovative research may/may not be focused – higher probability of failure Overcome tech barrier research is focused – lower probability of failure

9 Long- Term Mid- Term Near- Term Opportunity Driven Focused Innovations Overcome Tech Barriers Focused Tech Opportunity/ Transfer U n i v e r s i t i e s Single Investigator University Centers C T As UARCs I n – H o u s e Industry AROARLRDECs Most Innovative Most Focused Extramural In-House RDECOM S&T Continuum URI

10 CISD Thrust & Program Areas Autonomous Systems Networked Information Processing Secure and Robust Information Systems Army Scientific & Technology Needs and Objectives technology from war fighter’s needs and vision division level scientific research thrust areas - both needs and opportunity driven Software & Knowledge- Based Systems Systems & Control Communications & Networks Information Processing & Fusion Information Assurance Program Areas (Subfields) Sponsored Research Relevance ROI (Gap, risk, payoff),...

11 Outline ARO and CISD Organization Opportunity Driven Research CISD Mission & Thrust Areas Systems & Control Program

12 Develop the mathematical and systems theory to support modeling, analysis, design, and robust control of complex real-time dynamic systems, especially as they relate to the Army’s mission. Program Goal

13 Support of Division Thrust Areas –research on novel sensors and sensing, use of context information, knowledge extraction and abstraction –research on new control paradigms such as cooperative, distributed control, hierarchal, and adaptive control –research on complexity & system theory to facilitate the construction and predict of the performance of autonomous information systems –research on multi-agent systems to develop a practical theory that facilitates development of tools for designing teams autonomous agents whose collective behaviors emerge to achieve desired goals Autonomous Systems Research and develop methods to facilitate creation of intelligent multi-agent autonomous systems that perceive their environment by means of sensing and through context, and learn from and use that information to generate intelligent, goal-directed desired behaviors.

14 Scientific Objectives Develop design and systems theory for autonomous, distributed, intelligent, and embedded systems in support of envisioned future army relevant systems. Develop understanding of the performance, controllability, stability, scalability, adaptability, robustness, and optimality of applying control systems theory to real problems Develop the appropriate modeling, simulation, mathematics, and analysis capability to support the above objectives Research Content Control theory - optimal, non-linear, neural networks, adaptive, probabilistic, hybrid and embedded, vision in control, quantum control,... Systems Theory - intelligent systems and sensors, data & information fusion, smart structures,... Program Objectives & Emphasis

15 Application areas multi-agent networked control autonomy for UAV/UGVs such as rotorcraft, wheeled vehicles, skidding vehicles, and wall- climbing robots rotorcraft formation flying intelligent adaptive systems such as self- healing robots real-time ISR, sensor-networks game theoretic framework for complex systems Research Applications

16 Research topicPrincipal Investigator Network-centric controlBaillieul, Boston U (MURI) Lemmon, Notre Dame Autonomous & Sastry, UC Berkeley (MURI) Cooperative ControlTsiotras, GaTech Shen, USC Dubowsky, MIT Tsiotras, Georgia Tech Control TheoryAnnaswami, MIT Lewis, UTA Teel, UC Santa Barbara Sheih, U Houston Tarn, Washington U Emerging AreasKumar, UPenn (MURI) Tannenbaum, GaTech Shamma, UCLA Core Projects

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