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Student 1-to-1 Netbook Program Care and Use of Computers.

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Presentation on theme: "Student 1-to-1 Netbook Program Care and Use of Computers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student 1-to-1 Netbook Program Care and Use of Computers

2 Central New Brunswick Academy How did we get here?

3 Connections for Learning

4 Use… …only with permission and under supervision of your teacher…

5 Netbooks… …are yours for learning - your name will be placed on the back of it… you are responsible for it - you must take care of it and ensure it remains in good condition

6 Username / Login unique to you - all activity on any computer you are logged in to is traceable make sure you log out - or others may use the computer and you may be held responsible

7 Passwords unique to you - cannot be changed (8 characters - letters/numbers/symbols) do not share - others can access your files or act inappropriately

8 Use History… activity is traceable - all websites visited and other activity is recorded, even at home files recoverable - even if you erase files they can be recovered by technicians

9 Policies & Procedures

10 Policy 311 defines standards - appropriate use of technology applies to everyone - students, teachers and administrators

11 Policy 311 what is appropriate? - use is for learning what is covered - Internet, e-mail, networks

12 Data and Access do not alter data that is not yours - hands off others work access - use proper accounts to login to network; no hacking

13 Downloading software / music - may contain malware - do not download from P2P sharing sites do not add programs - may cause harm to computer or network if you need program - your teacher can ask technician to install

14 E-mail student account - will be issued, access only with teacher permission / direction other e-mail - access to web-based email (e.g. hotmail) is not permitted

15 E-mail SPAM - no mass emailing (e.g. chain letters, etc.) access - not during class (except with teacher permission)

16 Chat unprotected chat sites - not appropriate for school IM - not for use in school

17 Social Networking no access from school - (e.g. piczo, my space, facebook) use for learning? - look for other alternatives (eg. Edmodo)

18 Storage video / music / other large files - there is limited storage space; keep only files useful for learning games - do not load on netbook or school computers

19 Personal Information safety is key - keep personal information private keep others safe too - do not share pictures or information about others on public sites

20 Inappropriate material do not create, store or share - obscene, pornographic, racist, hate mistakes happen - tell teacher if you accidentally access non-school material (protects you)

21 Bullying… it’s simply about respect

22 Copyright

23 all property has an owner - (e.g. cars, buildings, land, hockey equipment, etc.) intellectual (digital) property - all pictures, video, websites, text, files and other digital content also has an owner

24 Copyright pictures / video - must have permission to use creative commons license - some sites allow content creators to give permission for use

25 Copyright text / ideas - must reference; paraphrase no copy and paste

26 Copyright software, music - owned by creators no burning music or copying games

27 Care and Use

28 Netbooks labels - name on back only; no stickers cleaning - screens and casing using soft, damp cloth - no cleaning solutions except special ones made for computers

29 Netbooks do not lie screen flat do not open casing / remove parts

30 Netbooks use on desks only - stable support; not the floor; hallways / traffic areas are very dusty plug-in at night – bring to school chanrged, should last whole day

31 Bags transport – netbooks must be in protective bags/sleeves before leaving classroom limit contents – netbooks and chargers only; no books or other items

32 Tech support… my computer doesn’t work - tell your teacher, use a spare (if available) until yours is returned if damage is intentional - we will talk to you, parent; you may be responsible for repairs

33 Acceptable Use Policy

34 Computer Use Agreement must be signed by all students - you agree to follow acceptable use policies your parents sign too - they must agree to support school in guiding your use of technology

35 Questions?

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