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1 RIS-RCE Project Team in Gyeongsang National University Industrial Project of Tongyeong City World Innovation Forum 2007 10-11 August 2007, Kuala Lumpur.

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Presentation on theme: "1 RIS-RCE Project Team in Gyeongsang National University Industrial Project of Tongyeong City World Innovation Forum 2007 10-11 August 2007, Kuala Lumpur."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 RIS-RCE Project Team in Gyeongsang National University Industrial Project of Tongyeong City World Innovation Forum 2007 10-11 August 2007, Kuala Lumpur

2 Tongyeong City 2 I. Tongyeong City’s Geography

3 3 - Population : 133,514 (2007) - Household : 51,046 (2007) - Area : 238 square kilometers - Gyeongnam art & culture center - Center of fisheries industry 1. Present status Welcome to Pearl City Tongyeong I. Tongyeong City’s Geography

4 4 1.Economic independence: 21.2 % 2. Fisheries industry: 65 % 3. Korea-China-Japan Fisheries Agreement: loss of fishing ground, shipping restrictions 4. Open market: WTO, FTA 5. Environmental change: seawater temperature increased What is sustainable fisheries industry? I. Tongyeong City’s Geography 2. Tongyeong’s local fisheries industry

5 Somaemuldo Group of Islands II. Background

6 6 Seed production Nucleus inserting Cultivation Jewelry Pearl processing (1 st RIS) Pearl beads (Before RIS) Export to Japan Mother shell 4 times value added 10 times value added II. Background 1. Background of Tongyeong pearl industry Sales promotion (2 nd RIS)

7 - Only produced in Tongyeong - Only produced in Tongyeong (water temperature, clean water, high quality) (water temperature, clean water, high quality) 7 1) Character of Pearl - Pearl oyster shell resources (reproducible/renewable) - Pearl oyster shell resources (reproducible/renewable) 2) Market Share - Domestic : US$ 4 M on jewelry - Domestic : US$ 4 M on jewelry - International : US$ 6 M on pearl - International : US$ 6 M on pearl 2. Why Pearl? II. Background

8 Tongyeong International Music Festival III. Strategies of RIS

9 9 Single-cell food supply → Developing practical food organism Removing parasite organism → Developing automatic wash system Fluctuating culture conditions (cyclic annual transfer of culture area) → Developing the culture system conditions on land during winter Nuclei not immediately acclimatized to the pearl oyster → Developing bio-bead; Improving nucleus treatment technology Reducing growth period (5 years) → Developing of a good strain of pearl oyster 1. Culture place trouble

10 III. Strategies of RIS Generation of byproducts → Developing of value-added products Dependent on manual operation → Developing automatic selection system Shortage of specialized technicians → Training of processors for the new technology Processing technology variable → Developing of original technology for pearl processing 2. Pearl processing trouble 10

11 III. Strategies of RIS Expanding pearl demand → Star marketing/advertisement → Opening the exhibition of Tongyeong pearl products → Promoting the lifestyle of homeshopping Cultivating overseas market → Participating in exhibitions overseas → Sales at duty-free shops and in airplanes → Tongyeong pearl auction business Joint brand strategy → CI promotion, Radio Frequency IDentification(RFID) system, brand promotion of Tongyeong Pearl 3. Marketing trouble 11

12 Jeseungdang Shrine in Hansan Island IV. The Aim of RIS 12

13 IV. The Aim of RIS Pearl Wedding Anniversary Event → 25-27 May, 2007 → 5 couples celebrating 30-years anniversary (505 applicants) → 100 men and woman (4,000 applicants) 1. Creating innovative local industry as a Tourist town 13

14 IV. The Aim of RIS 2. Establishment of Pearl Farming Complex Natural mother shell farm Pearl oyster Culture farm Make-up farm Winter farm 14

15 15 Pearl Oyster Shell Research Center On-land Winter System Nuclei Inserting Center Eco-village Cosmetics Center 생태체험장 Environmental Monitoring System Eco-Park Marine Farm Stead Pearl Culture Area Sea weed FilterArea - Industrial value: US$ 100M/yr - Area : 260 ha - Fund : US$ 15 M - Duration : 5 years - Production : 2,000 kg - Support : MOMAF Pearl Processing Center IV. The Aim of RIS 3. Korean Pearl Export Zone

16 IV. The Aim of RIS 4-1. Domestic networking 16 Governor of GyeongsnagnamdoExhibition & Experience

17 IV. The Aim of RIS 4-2. International networking 17 Toba City of Japan/MayorTongyeong citizenship/Jackie Chan

18 IV. The Aim of RIS 5. Expert training Inserting/ Imbedding technicianProcessing technicianTourist educator 18

19 IV. The Aim of RIS 6. Manpower capacity building 19 Future experts Worker education

20 IV. The Aim of RIS 7-1. Marketing 2006 Design Award2007 Design Award 20

21 IV. The Aim of RIS 7-2. Marketing Yun I-Sang International Music Hall Pearl boutique in Seoul 21

22 IV. The Aim of RIS 8. Public information 2007. 5. 20 22 TV broadcast (20 times) Vice-Minister of MOCIE

23 RCE - Coastal Cleanup Tongyeong 23 V. The Aim of RCE

24 24 1. The aim of RCE World’s 8 th Regional Centre of Expertise on ESD Rising public understanding and support for sustainable development Public related policy and behavioral changes Collaboration between diverse stakeholders Creating a common vision of sustainable future

25 V. The Aim of RCE 1) Improvement of quality of life (RIS aim) - Health, sound living environment, satisfactory job, personal capacity development, stable income 2) Education for sustainable development (RCE aim) - Clean environment, citizens understand the economic value, well-trained human resources 3) RIS-RCE harmony system - Economic viability, social responsibility - Education of pearl production, processing and marketing 25 2. RIS-RCE networking strategy

26 Yun I-Sang International Muscic Hall and Pearl Gallery 26 VI. Goal and Expected Effects

27 RIS-RCE Activating regional native industry through the Promotion of Tongyeong pearl industry Generating industrial added-value About 400% Sales increase About US$ 2.6 M Job creation Creating 260 jobs Export increase effect Increasing the acquisition of foreign currency amounting to about US$ 27.4 M Regional GDP increase About US$100 M Increasing number of companies Over 35 companies to be established

28 Thank You

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