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1 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06. 2 Top Ten Stories selected by AP for the U.S./ World

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1 1 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06

2 2 Top Ten Stories selected by AP for the U.S./ World

3 3 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 * Tsunami top story of year, with top story of year, with an *

4 4 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 Tsunami Top story of year, with an * But the ballot arrived in early December, weeks before a monster earthquake deep beneath the ocean would spawn a killer tidal wave that would leave more than 150,000+ dead and millions homeless. As a result, this year's Top 10 list doesn't include what arguably has become the most compelling, heartbreaking story of 2004 - 2005. As a result, this year's Top 10 list doesn't include what arguably has become the most compelling, heartbreaking story of 2004 - 2005..

5 5 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 1. Hurricane Katrina

6 6 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 1. Hurricane Katrina. The fierce ocean storm hit the United States’ southern coast in August. It killed more than one thousand three hundred people in five states. The storm destroyed much of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. It caused flooding that left eighty percent of New Orleans, Louisiana, under water.

7 7 Top Ten Stories AP/DDN 01.01.06 2. Pope John Paul II.

8 8 Top Ten Stories AP/DDN 01.01.06 2. Pope John Paul II. The death of Roman Catholic Church leader Pope John Paul II in April. He died after serving twenty-six years as Pope, the third longest in history. Millions of people around the world attended services on the day of his funeral. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany became the new Pope, Benedict XVI.

9 9 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 3. Iraq, rebel violence.

10 10 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 3. Iraq, rebel violence In Iraq, rebel violence continued. The Bush administration said more than two thousand American service members and thirty thousand Iraqis have been killed since the war in Iraq began. Iraqi citizens elected a parliament and voted on a new constitution..

11 11 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 4. Supreme Court

12 12 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 4. Supreme Court In Washington, two new judges were nominated to the Supreme Court. John Roberts was confirmed to take the place of Chief Justice William Rehnquist who died. And Samuel Alito was nominated to take the place of Sandra Day O’Connor who announced her retirement.

13 13 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 5. Crude oil prices 5. Crude oil prices.

14 14 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 5. Crude oil prices 5. Crude oil prices. Crude oil prices reached a record high of almost seventy-one dollars a barrel. The rise in gasoline prices affected drivers in the United States.

15 15 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 6. London Bombings

16 16 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 6. London Bombings In July, a series of attacks on three trains and a bus in London killed fifty-six people, including four bombers who had ties to Islamic militants.

17 17 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 7. Earthquake Pakistan 7. Earthquake Pakistan.

18 18 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 7. Earthquake Pakistan 7. Earthquake Pakistan. In October, a huge earthquake near the border of Pakistan and India killed more than eighty-seven thousand people. More than three million people were left without homes..

19 19 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 8. Terri Schiavo.

20 20 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 8. Terri Schiavo. The husband of a severely brain-damaged woman fought for the right to remove the feeding tube that had kept her alive for fifteen years. The U.S. Congress and President Bush became involved with efforts to keep Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube connected. A judge later ordered its removal. Mrs. Schiavo’s case raised questions about the role of government in private, family decisions about life and death.

21 21 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 9. Bush administration- CIA.

22 22 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 9. Bush administration- CIA. Members of the Bush administration were under investigation and accused of telling the name of an American intelligence agent to news reporters. The agent’s husband had earlier accused the administration of misusing prewar intelligence on Iraq.

23 23 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 10. Bush’s national approval rating 10. Bush’s national approval rating.

24 24 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 10. Bush’s national approval rating 10. Bush’s national approval rating. President Bush’s national approval rating dropped below forty percent this year, the lowest of his presidency. Many Americans began to question the president’s decisions about the war in Iraq. Others were unhappy with how the president reacted to Hurricane Katrina.

25 25 Top Ten Stories AP 01.01.06 * Tsunami 1. Hurricane Katrina 2. Pope John Paul II 3. Iraq, rebel violence 4. Supreme Court 5. Crude oil prices 6. London Bombings 7. Earthquake Pakistan 8. Terri Schiavo 9. Bush administration- CIA 10. Bush’s national approval rating

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