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CERN openlab Communications CERN openlab IV Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013 Mélissa Gaillard.

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1 CERN openlab Communications CERN openlab IV Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013 Mélissa Gaillard

2 CERN openlab Communications 2  CERN and the LHC in 2012  The LHC in 2013 and 2014  Recent Events and Upcoming Conferences  CERN openlab Summer Students Programme  Highlight on Three Summer Students 2012  CERN openlab Website Traffic  Special Events at CERN During CERN openlab IV  Special Event in London  Computing colloquia and IT seminars  Annual Report  Timeline CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

3 CERN and the LHC in 2012 3CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

4 CERN Communication Context in Figures  Visits Service: 85,000 visitors in 2012 (compared to 75,000 in 2011, 58,000 in 2010, 40,000 in 2009 and 25,000 in 2008) and still many more requests  Permanent exhibition (‘Universe of Particles’ in the Globe for Science and Innovation): around 62,000 visitors in 2012 (+20% compared to 2011 with 52,000 visitors)  Total of 169 protocol visits in 2012 (282 VIP visits with Head of States, Ministers, etc. in 2010 + 2011)  Teachers Programme: 1045 in 2012 (1112 in 2011, 984 in 2010, 830 participants in 2009): limit of present capacity...  Journalists visiting CERN and interviewing CERN physicists all year-long 4CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

5 Paralympics Opener Featuring Stephen Hawking and the LHC 5 ‘The motto of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games is ‘Inspire a generation’ so it was particularly pleasing to see science, the LHC and Higgs bosons featuring so strongly in the opening ceremony of the Paralympics last week.’ Rolf Heuer, CERN director general The live broadcast drew 11.2 million viewers, according to the BBC. drew 11.2 million viewers “The Large Hadron Collider at CERN is the largest, most complex machine in the world, possibly the universe,” Hawking says, as the British electronica duo’s lush and poignant synthesized sounds soar behind him. “By smashing particles together at enormous energies, it re-creates conditions of the Big Bang. The recent discovery of what looks like the Higgs particle is a triumph of human endeavor and international collaboration. It will change our perception of the world, and has the potential to offer insights into a complete theory of everything.”recent discovery of what looks like the Higgs particle Full article and video available at: hawking-paralympics hawking-paralympics CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

6 4 th July Announcement Coverage One week prior to the announcement, CERN issued a press release stating that CMS and ATLAS would present their results on 4 th July at CERN. The seminar took place at CERN as a curtain raiser to the ICHEP conference which was organised in Australia this summer: physicists from around the world gathering in Melbourne were able to join the seminar via a live two-way link. After the seminar (which was webcasted), the CERN Director General and the ATLAS and CMS Spokespersons hosted a press conference. This was followed by TV and radio interviews and discussions between journalists and physicists. Unprecedented coverage of a particle discovery in all types of media! 6CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013 The information shared on the following slides come from material developed by the ATLAS and CMS outreach teams as well as the CERN Press Office.

7 4 th July Announcement Coverage  At CERN on the day: 88 journalists representing 55 media:  11 worldwide news agencies including Reuters, AP and AFP;  21 print press representatives;  4 photographers  and 20 TV companies  A media analysis report commissioned by CERN from NASDAQ OMX found 17,000 articles in 108 countries about the discovery, between 27th June and 10th July 2012. 7CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

8 A Massive Press Coverage 8 It even included an article from Auto World News, showing just how far-reaching the media coverage generated was. CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

9 4 th July Announcement Coverage  The webcast of the Higgs seminar had almost 500,000 single IP connections – with a record 60,500 IPs connected at once. CERN also provided 150 scientific institutes – with an estimated audience of 10,000 people – with a special HD connection to the webcast, and a video conference connection to the 700 physicists present in Melbourne for the ICHEP conference.  Video footage was used by 1,034 TV stations and 5,016 news programmes (compared to 550 TV stations and 3,500 news programmes in 2008, for the inauguration of the LHC):. 9 An estimate of 1 billion viewers worldwide ! CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

10 Coverage in the Social Media 10 Celebrities helped spread the message to broad, young audiences Some examples below: 4.2 million Twitter followers of Will-i-am (of Black Eyed Peas) 2.9 million Twitter followers of rapper MCHammer 2 million People following singer Lana del Rey on Facebook 5.1 million people on Twitter received the CMS announcement: “ We have observed a new boson […] ” CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

11 In December 2012, the LHC broke two records: a record number of 2,748 proton bunches were injected into the accelerator giving a new record beam intensity. These very good results were made possible by a new beam configuration: the design value of 25 nanosecond spacing between proton bunches replaced - for the first time – the typical 50 nanosecond spacing. Up to now, the LHC has been running with around 1,380 bunches with 50 nanoseconds between bunches. By going to 25 nanoseconds, the LHC operations team can double the number of bunches to around 2,800. In December, the LHC operations team has injected and progressively ramped the 25 nanosecond beams from 450 GeV to 4 TeV. These intermediate steps were needed to study the behaviour of the new beam configuration at high energy. A pilot physics run at 4 TeV has been performed to give the LHC experiments some experience of running with 25 nanoseconds between bunches before this configuration is used operationally in 2015. 11CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013 25 ns spacing yields record beam intensity ‘This is a vast achievement, allowing the machine’s first three years of proton running to end on a high note, and presaging a strong restart in 2015 after the LHC’s first long shutdown reaches a conclusion.’ Rolf Heuer, CERN DG

12 CERN is Expanding Russia joins Brazil, Turkey and Ukraine as applicants for Associate Membership.  Romania in accession to membership since 2010  Israel Associate Member in the pre-Stage to Membership since 2011  Serbia Associate Member in the pre-Stage to Membership since 2012  Cyprus Agreement concerning Associate Member in the pre-Stage to Membership in ratification process 12CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

13 2012: Under the Spotlights… 13CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013 Excerpt from a Slide presented by CERN DG in January 2013

14 “Hero of the Year” 14CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

15 15CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013 Nature’s ten People Who Mattered This Year

16 Fabiola Gianotti (ATLAS Spokesperson) Time Person of the Year Number 5 16CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

17 Time: Particle of the Year  ‘Forget Person of the Year – the discovery this summer by the Large Hadron Collider of the Higgs Boson particle was one of science’s greatest achievements’ Read more: year/#ixzz2HNOkmG1B year/#ixzz2HNOkmG1B  Video: 17CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

18 Physics World Top Breakthrough for 2012 18CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

19 The LHC in 2013 and 2014 19CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

20 20CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013 Slide presented by CERN DG in January 2013

21 CERN openlab Board of Sponsors 201121 Slide presented by CERN DG in January 2013

22 Recent Events and Upcoming Conferences  This year too, CERN DG, Rolf Heuer, was invited to speak at the World Economic Forum in Davos last week.  Key upcoming conferences : Moriond 2 – 9 March 2013 - La Thuile 9 – 16 March 2013 ICHEP2013: July 20 -21 2013, Moscow, Russia CHEP2013: October 14 - 18, 2013 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Theme of the conference: 'BiG Data Beyond Moore’s Law', coming to terms with Moore-less cores, ever increasing data volumes, and managing more resources without using more people.´ 22CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

23 openlab Summer Student Programme  The programme: Exists since 2003. A total of 162 students have participated so far. In 2012, 15 students from 12 nationalities came to CERN (Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Greece, India, Macedonia, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland,) A special series of lectures given by CERN experts from mid-July to early August, on advanced CERN-related topics In 2012, visits to CERN facilities and Zurich (Open Systems, EPFZ, Google), Switzerland  Timeline 2013: Leaflet and poster 2013 available Call for projects in IT by mid March 2013 Student applications by 31 th March 2013 (opening announced)  Goodies very much welcome by the students working on the openlab projects!  Communication: –E-mailing to 130 targeted contacts: the Computer Science Departments, the alumni organizations and the Career Information Officers of 48 key technology universities part of CERN member countries will be done at the beginning of February –Postings on the CERN openlab website (done) and announcement in the CERN Bulletin (in February). –Depending on the number of applications received by end of February (the number of applications has been multiplied by more than 20 since 2008 and we received more than 500 applications in 2012): postings on CERN Courier website (job section), Brightrecruit, Euraxess (European Commission job website for researchers), as well as key technology universities career websites. 23CERN openlab presentation 2012

24 Highlight on Three Summer Students 2011 and 2012  Jessy Kate Schingler, working with the Citizen Cyberscience Centre, organised the WebFest at CERN last summer. At this occasion, the ParticleQuest adventure game was developed. It has recently been the focus of a special hands-on session at Mozilla Festival 2012 in London.  Urs Fassler working for the Platform Competence Centre  Google Summer of Code Student: Dhruva Tirumala Bukkapatnam science/ 24CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

25 CERN openlab Website Traffic On average between May and end of 2012:  1800 unique visitors per month  4.6 pages per visit  Top ten countries: Switzerland, USA, China, Germany, Netherlands, France, UK, India, Russian Federation, Moldova. 25CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

26 Special Events at CERN during CERN openlab IV  Confirmation that a TEDxCERN conference will be organised on 3 May 2013: Theme: Multiplying Dimensions  CERN open days: 27-28-29 September 2013 (week end of the 59 th CERN anniversary).  In 2008, when the last open days were organised, 76,000 visitors came to CERN during the two days.  We propose to organise the Major Review meeting on 26 September to make sure you can attend both events in an easier way.  Google came to shoot the virtual visit of the computer centre this winter. In 2013, this should be available to the general public: we will add content about the openlab activities (CERN openlab logo was made visible for the event) and liaise with you of course for approval  In September 2014, CERN will celebrate its 60 th birthday 26CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

27 Special Event in London During CERN openlab IV Large Hadron Collider Science Museum, London 8 November 2013 to 30 April 2014 After last year's thrilling announcement of the discovery of a Higgs boson, it was inevitable that the Large Hadron Collider, built and operated by some 10,000 scientists and engineers, would earn its own exhibition. When the travelling show debuts at London's Science Museum, visitors will see the small bottle of hydrogen gas that fed protons into the 27-kilometre accelerator at CERN, the world's largest particle-physics laboratory, near Geneva in Switzerland. Also on display will be a giant superconducting magnet used to bend the particle beams, which approach the speed of light, and historical devices such as the apparatus that led to the discovery of the electron in 1897. To know more: 27CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

28 Computing Colloquia and IT Seminars  CERN Computing Colloquia present future trends in computing and information technology that are of broad interest to the physics and computing community at CERN. They are generally hold in the main auditorium.  CERN IT Seminars are more technical and generally held in the IT auditorium as they are targeting computing experts.  We will be glad to help you liaise with CERN IT Department to participate in such colloquia or seminars at CERN: feel free to share your ideas with us 28CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

29 29 Annual Report  New Design and Template  Draft version will be sent to you in February for content related feedback  Printed version available to you in April  Website content will be updated based on the agreed content of the annual report 2012 CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

30 30 Timeline  Next Board of Sponsors: 14 – 15 May 2013  Next Major Review Meeting: 26 September 2013  Industry Day of the Open Days 2013: 27 September 2013 CERN openlab Major Review Meeting 31 January 2013

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