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General Information - Methodology of History and Geography.

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1 General Information - Methodology of History and Geography

2 Keeping field notes from excavation sites Analyzing radiocarbon dating test results Examining and cataloging artifacts 1. Which social scientist directly engages in these activities? (1)political scientist (2)Historian (3)Archaeologist (4)sociologist

3 Keeping field notes from excavation sites Analyzing radiocarbon dating test results Examining and cataloging artifacts 1. Which social scientist directly engages in these activities? (1)political scientist (2)Historian (3)Archaeologist (4)sociologist

4 2. Use of terracing is an example of a society’s reaction to (1) religious beliefs (2) social stratification (3) geographic conditions (4) political situations

5 2. Use of terracing is an example of a society’s reaction to (1) religious beliefs (2) social stratification (3) geographic conditions (4) political situations

6 …The girl and two other children were left on a mountaintop to succumb [fall victim] to the cold as offerings to the gods, according to the archaeologists who found the mummified remains in Argentina in 1999…. — “Frozen Inca Mummy Goes On Display,” National Geographic News, September 11, 2007 3. This passage best illustrates the role of archaeologists in (1) interpreting evidence (2) challenging customs (3) classifying artifacts (4) planning expeditions

7 …The girl and two other children were left on a mountaintop to succumb [fall victim] to the cold as offerings to the gods, according to the archaeologists who found the mummified remains in Argentina in 1999…. — “Frozen Inca Mummy Goes On Display,” National Geographic News, September 11, 2007 3. This passage best illustrates the role of archaeologists in (1) interpreting evidence (2) challenging customs (3) classifying artifacts (4) planning expeditions

8 4. Which nation is located on a peninsula? (1)Brazil (2)Saudi Arabia (3)Philippines (4)Austria

9 4. Which nation is located on a peninsula? (1)Brazil (2)Saudi Arabia (3)Philippines (4)Austria

10 5. What would a geographer conducting research be most likely to do? (1) use carbon-14 to determine the age of artifacts (2) analyze the reasons women vote for certain candidates (3) observe the effects of wind patterns on regional trade (4) design a survey to determine the online spending habits of young people

11 5. What would a geographer conducting research be most likely to do? (1) use carbon-14 to determine the age of artifacts (2) analyze the reasons women vote for certain candidates (3) observe the effects of wind patterns on regional trade (4) design a survey to determine the online spending habits of young people

12 6. Which body of water is located between Southwest Asia and Southeast Asia? (1)Pacific Ocean (2)Indian Ocean (3)Caribbean Sea (4)Black Sea

13 6. Which body of water is located between Southwest Asia and Southeast Asia? (1)Pacific Ocean (2)Indian Ocean (3)Caribbean Sea (4)Black Sea

14 7. Which social scientist is most concerned with analyzing the relationship between the supply of and the demand for goods and services? (1) an anthropologist (3) a sociologist (2) an economist (4) a political scientist

15 7. Which social scientist is most concerned with analyzing the relationship between the supply of and the demand for goods and services? (1) an anthropologist (3) a sociologist (2) an economist (4) a political scientist

16 8. What is a major feature of a traditional economy? (1) nationalizing foreign-owned businesses (2) determining prices using a free market (3) establishing quotas based on five-year plans (4) bartering for goods and services

17 8. What is a major feature of a traditional economy? (1) nationalizing foreign-owned businesses (2) determining prices using a free market (3) establishing quotas based on five-year plans (4) bartering for goods and services

18 9. An economist who focused on ancient societies would most likely study the (1) development of trade (2) evolution of family patterns (3) effect of fire on the lives of the people (4) role of religion in river valley civilizations

19 9. An economist who focused on ancient societies would most likely study the (1) development of trade (2) evolution of family patterns (3) effect of fire on the lives of the people (4) role of religion in river valley civilizations

20 10. Which social scientists primarily study the scarcity of resources and the distribution of goods and services? (1)anthropologists (2)economists (3)political scientists (4)historians

21 10. Which social scientists primarily study the scarcity of resources and the distribution of goods and services? (1)Anthropologists (2)economists (3)political scientists (4)historians

22 “Price of Oil Hits Record High” “Tribes Fight Over Control of Natural Resources” “Government Rations Goods for Duration of War” 11. These headlines all relate to the economic concept of (1)overproduction (2)entrepreneurship (3) interdependence (4) scarcity

23 “Price of Oil Hits Record High” “Tribes Fight Over Control of Natural Resources” “Government Rations Goods for Duration of War” 11. These headlines all relate to the economic concept of (1)overproduction (2)entrepreneurship (3) interdependence (4) scarcity

24 GENTRY Wealthy landowners Study Confucian ideas Some become civil servants PEASANTS Most people are peasants Farmers work the land Live in small villages MERCHANTS Some become very rich Lower status than peasants because their riches come from work done by other people Some buy land and educate a son so he can join the gentry 12. Which concept is best illustrated by this diagram? (1) dynastic cycle (3) social hierarchy (2) guild system (4) cultural diffusion

25 GENTRY Wealthy landowners Study Confucian ideas Some become civil servants PEASANTS Most people are peasants Farmers work the land Live in small villages MERCHANTS Some become very rich Lower status than peasants because their riches come from work done by other people Some buy land and educate a son so he can join the gentry 12. Which concept is best illustrated by this diagram? (1) dynastic cycle (3) social hierarchy (2) guild system (4) cultural diffusion

26 13. Opinion and bias in written historical sources illustrate the need to be aware of (1)plagiarism (2)human rights (3)turning points (4)points of view

27 13. Opinion and bias in written historical sources illustrate the need to be aware of (1)Plagiarism (2)human rights (3)turning points (4)points of view

28 The Americas are referred to as the “New World.” Eastern Asia is referred to as the “Far East.” Southwest Asia is referred to as part of the “Middle East.” 14. Whose perspective is best represented by these regional place names? (1) Chinese (3) European (2) African (4) Indian

29 The Americas are referred to as the “New World.” Eastern Asia is referred to as the “Far East.” Southwest Asia is referred to as part of the “Middle East.” 14. Whose perspective is best represented by these regional place names? (1) Chinese (3) European (2) African (4) Indian

30 15. Which document is considered a primary source? (1) encyclopedia article (2) modern textbook (3) biography (4) personal correspondence

31 15. Which document is considered a primary source? (1) encyclopedia article (2) modern textbook (3) biography (4) personal correspondence

32 16. In studying the United Nations, an example of a secondary source would be (1) the charter establishing the United Nations (2) a speech written by the Secretary General for the 50th anniversary of the United Nations (3) a description in an encyclopedia of the first session of the United Nations Security Council (4) photographs of the opening ceremonies at the original site of the United Nations

33 16. In studying the United Nations, an example of a secondary source would be (1) the charter establishing the United Nations (2) a speech written by the Secretary General for the 50th anniversary of the United Nations (3) a description in an encyclopedia of the first session of the United Nations Security Council (4) photographs of the opening ceremonies at the original site of the United Nations

34 The “Middle East” is not a term Middle Easterners gave themselves, but a British term borne of a colonial, European perspective. The term’s origins are seeped [steeped] in controversy for having originally been a European imposition of geographic perspective according to European spheres of influence. East from where? From London. Why “Middle”? Because it was half-way between the United Kingdom and India, the Far East.… — Pierre Tristam, “What is the Middle East?” 17. Which term is most closely associated with the main idea of this passage? (1) interdependence (3) containment (2) pacifism (4) ethnocentrism

35 The “Middle East” is not a term Middle Easterners gave themselves, but a British term borne of a colonial, European perspective. The term’s origins are seeped [steeped] in controversy for having originally been a European imposition of geographic perspective according to European spheres of influence. East from where? From London. Why “Middle”? Because it was half-way between the United Kingdom and India, the Far East.… — Pierre Tristam, “What is the Middle East?” 17. Which term is most closely associated with the main idea of this passage? (1) interdependence (3) containment (2) pacifism (4) ethnocentrism

36 18. What does a topographic map show? (1) climate regions (3) patterns of trade (2) ethnic distributions (4) physical features

37 18. What does a topographic map show? (1) climate regions (3) patterns of trade (2) ethnic distributions (4) physical features

38 19. Knowing the latitude of a location would be most helpful in determining (1) language (3) population (2) temperature (4) time

39 19. Knowing the latitude of a location would be most helpful in determining (1) Language (3) population (2) temperature (4) time

40 Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan. India borders Pakistan, China, and Bangladesh. Most of China’s major cities are in the eastern part of the country. 20. Which type of map would be most helpful in verifying all this information? (1) Political (3) land use (2) Climate (4) population density

41 Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan. India borders Pakistan, China, and Bangladesh. Most of China’s major cities are in the eastern part of the country. 20. Which type of map would be most helpful in verifying all this information? (1) Political (3) land use (2) Climate (4) population density

42 ... It recounts the life of the officials, the notaries, the deputies, the proprietors of Indian labour, the priests, the miners and the Spaniards who travel from post to post along the roads and rivers of Peru; the visitors, the judges, the Indian chiefs and their subjects, including the very poor. In my work I have always tried to obtain the most truthful accounts, accepting those which seemed to be substantial and which were confirmed from various sources. I have only reported those facts which several people agreed upon as being true.... — Huamán Poma, Letter to a King: A Peruvian Chief’s Account of Life Under the Incas and Under Spanish Rule, E. P. Dutton 21. This author is describing the process he used in (1) formulating a scientific theory from earlier experiments (2) developing a historical account from primary sources (3) comparing details of differing religions (4) explaining the importance of obeying laws

43 ... It recounts the life of the officials, the notaries, the deputies, the proprietors of Indian labour, the priests, the miners and the Spaniards who travel from post to post along the roads and rivers of Peru; the visitors, the judges, the Indian chiefs and their subjects, including the very poor. In my work I have always tried to obtain the most truthful accounts, accepting those which seemed to be substantial and which were confirmed from various sources. I have only reported those facts which several people agreed upon as being true.... — Huamán Poma, Letter to a King: A Peruvian Chief’s Account of Life Under the Incas and Under Spanish Rule, E. P. Dutton 21. This author is describing the process he used in (1) formulating a scientific theory from earlier experiments (2) developing a historical account from primary sources (3) comparing details of differing religions (4) explaining the importance of obeying laws

44 ... It recounts the life of the officials, the notaries, the deputies, the proprietors of Indian labour, the priests, the miners and the Spaniards who travel from post to post along the roads and rivers of Peru; the visitors, the judges, the Indian chiefs and their subjects, including the very poor. In my work I have always tried to obtain the most truthful accounts, accepting those which seemed to be substantial and which were confirmed from various sources. I have only reported those facts which several people agreed upon as being true.... — Huamán Poma, Letter to a King: A Peruvian Chief’s Account of Life Under the Incas and Under Spanish Rule, E. P. Dutton 22. According to this author, accounts used in making statements of fact must be (1) brief (3) verified (2) interesting (4) unbiased

45 ... It recounts the life of the officials, the notaries, the deputies, the proprietors of Indian labour, the priests, the miners and the Spaniards who travel from post to post along the roads and rivers of Peru; the visitors, the judges, the Indian chiefs and their subjects, including the very poor. In my work I have always tried to obtain the most truthful accounts, accepting those which seemed to be substantial and which were confirmed from various sources. I have only reported those facts which several people agreed upon as being true.... — Huamán Poma, Letter to a King: A Peruvian Chief’s Account of Life Under the Incas and Under Spanish Rule, E. P. Dutton 22. According to this author, accounts used in making statements of fact must be (1) brief (3) verified (2) interesting (4) unbiased

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