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Lesson 1– The NPT.  Students will differentiate between nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.  Students will explain the history and purpose of.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 1– The NPT.  Students will differentiate between nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.  Students will explain the history and purpose of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 1– The NPT

2  Students will differentiate between nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.  Students will explain the history and purpose of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.  Students will examine current issues facing the global community surrounding nuclear weapons.  Students will formulate opinions about the use and regulation of nuclear weapons.

3  What are weapons of mass destruction?  Nuclear, chemical, biological  Inflict mass casualties & destruction

4 Biological NuclearChemical

5  1945 – US 1 st A-Bombs, end WW2  1946 – Baruch Plan  1949 – USSR 1 st A-Bomb  1950’s – GB, FRA, China detonate Sputnik – Proliferation Geneva Accords  1957 – IAEA Created  1962 – Partial Test-Ban Treaty after Cuban Crisis  1968 – UN proposes Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty  1970 – NPT Official

6  Controls dvpt, spread, use of nuclear technology  3 Goals: Non-proliferation Disarmament Fair access for peaceful use  Signed March 5, 1970 43 Original, 189 Today

7  Nuclear Weapons States (NWS) Exploded device prior Jan 1967 US-USSR-GB-France – China Can‘t transfer weapons/info  Non-Nuclear Weapons States (NNWS) Don’t /Won’t have Technology for peaceful use IAEA Monitoring

8  I – NWS can’t transfer weapons/info to NNWS  II – NNWS won’t receive weapons/info  III – NNWS won’t turn peace into weapons, IAEA monitoring  IV – All R&D peaceful tech, free exchange info/tech, share w/dvp world  V – Share at lowest possible cost (free?)  VI – Agree to disarm negotiations  VII – Can make own disarm treaties  VIII – Meet every 5 yrs


10  NWS – Big 5  Non-NPT Nuclear States India & Pakistan (Never signed) N.Korea (Quit ‘93, ‘03)  Suspected Programs Israel (Never signed) Iran (NPT Member) Syria/Myanmar http:// nuclear-program/story?id=10823439

11 NationTotal Nuclear Arsenal China> 125 France300 India~ 50 Israel~ 80 Pakistan~ 60 Russia~ 14,000 United Kingdom~ 160 United States~ 10,500 Total~25,275 Source:

12  Prevents proliferation  Regulations  Sets stage for future negotiation Review Conference every 5 yrs (May 2010)

13  Universality Nonsigners –Israel, India, Pakistan  Non-Compliance Iran N.Korea  Helping Syria & Myanmar?  Black Market Terrorism Theft/Illegal Sales

14  Do you view nuclear proliferation as inconsequential or agree with efforts to limit the spread and numbers of nuclear weapons?

15  Research Questions Decide upon a topic you would like to explore/better understand within the theme of nuclear proliferation. Identify 5 potential topics that interest you. Draft a well-constructed research question.

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