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Local Government in Texas

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1 Local Government in Texas
The County System

2 Texas as Unitary Republic
As with other states in the US, sovereignty rests with citizens Citizens elect central government Government administers policy to citizens either Directly through administrative districts called counties Texas generally administers state policy through the county system Many County officers are also elected Counties appear to be local structures, but are in fact state structures County lines may be redrawn by the State Legislature Central Government County A County B County C Citizens Citizens Citizens

3 Texas Counties at a glance
Number of counties in TX: in 1876:122 In 2007: 254 Largest Counties: By area: Brewster By population: Harris Smallest Counties: By area: Rockwall By population: Loving

4 The Structure of County Government
All counties in Texas have the same structure Effectively a plural executive arm of state government 1 County Judge May preside over the Constitutional County Court (CCC) Not required to be a licensed attorney Coordinates County Court Docket with CCL Judges (also elected) Chairman of the Commissioners Court 4-member Commissioners Court Counties divided into precincts Exercises limited legislative powers Several elected county offices Some elected on the county level Others elected on the precinct level District offices shared with other counties Elected district offices, e.g. District Judge, elected on the county or district level

5 The Structure of County Government
County Departments At-large Elected Offices District Judge District Clerk County Attorney County Clerk County Sheriff County Treasurer County Tax Assessor Minor elected offices: Surveyor HDA Elected Offices By Precinct: Justice of the Peace Constables Road Crew Road Crew Road Crew Road Crew Commissioners Court County Judge Comm 1 Comm 2 Comm 3 Comm 4 Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 County Voters

6 At-Large County Offices
Sheriff Principal County Peace Officer Exercises executive jurisdiction over general law areas of the County Appoints deputy sheriffs Maintains County Jail Attorney Principal legal counsel for state in county-level legal issues Exercises misdemeanor prosecution power Shares prosecution power with District Attorneys (DAs have felony prosecution power)

7 At-Large County Offices
Clerk Maintains state records at the CCC/CCL Issues state licenses and other records Schedules court cases Conducts elections Tax Assessor Collects revenue for the State Registers voters Treasurer Receives, maintains, disburses county funds Minor elected offices Surveyor Inspector of Hides and Wools (obsolete as of 2007) Home Demonstration Agent

8 Precinct Elected Offices
County Commissioners Members of the Commissioners Court Establish and maintain contracts for county services within the precinct Road crews Public works (if applicable) Justice of the Peace (JP) The lowest level civil court Need not be a licensed attorney to serve Constables Generally assists JPs and CCLs Serves subpoenas and summons Enforces Peace Bonds May exercise some police powers

9 Political Features of County Government
Absence of centralized authority Elected officials often act independently of each other The Three “P’s” of County Politics Precincts Parties Patronage Urban v. Rural Counties County Governments have less autonomy than Municipal Governments Counties unable to provide urban-style services County Government less prominent in urban counties Often defers to city government May also yield to special regulatory districts

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