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Dedication For mother and siblings, Who strongly support me every step of the way.

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2 Dedication For mother and siblings, Who strongly support me every step of the way.

3 I was listening to the radio and this commercial came on. It was about a mother with a son who had no legs and was paralyzed from the diaphragm down. This was caused by a women crazily driving down the street. This woman was texting while driving and she had run over the boy. The mother of the boy was saying, “I can’t tell my son go in the yard and play. I can’t say go play. I can’t say go play. Any mother would understand. I can’t say go play. The text she sent was “I’m on my way.” My real question is: Was the text that important?” This is only one example caused by people being consumed with technology. People are spending too much time on technology. I recently looked at the results of my survey, and saw that out of the 27 fifth graders I surveyed, 14 of them watch television for more then 30 minutes a day, 9 of them spent more than 30 minutes a day on a laptop or computer, and 8 of them spend more than 30 minutes on a cell phone a day. I feel like people aren’t really using their time wisely because if they’re always on technology they will never learn how to use anything their self. 1.6 million(28%) of car crashes are caused by texting while driving. This shows that people are engrossed in technology. I feel that we should stop this habit and only use technology when necessary. “We know that cell phone use is a very risky distraction and texting is at an even higher risk. We know that cell phone use is a factor in many more crashes than texting. The main reason is that millions more drivers use cell phones than text,” said Janet Froetscher, president and CEO of the National Safety Council(NSC). “That is why we need to address both texting and cell phone use on our roads.” It’s not just children, but it’s all people who are spending too much time on technology. People are risking their lives just to use technology. If they stop this habit of texting, there won’t be as many crashes caused by texting and driving.

4 Television Television is a mind degrading box that literally helps people become less smart (except the history channel). All technology is mind numbing and if you use it for everything you will never know how to do anything without it. You should only use it in emergency situations like if you needed to watch the news to find out about a storm or other weather conditions. and just so you know, watching television for hours every day is not one of those situations.

5 Internet/Gaming Systems This photo shows a non emergency situation to use the laptop. This is just a source of enjoyment, and I’m not saying you can’t play on the computer every once in a while, but even people who play computer games will eventually stop and think that they are not spending their time wisely. They should not be spending their time on technology. This picture shows how some kids use their time. This is caused by something called addiction. Addiction is caused by people spending too much time on technology and not being able to walk away.

6 Cellular Phones People cannot even sit down in a movie theater and have a good time, because they have to constantly be on technology. People including kids and adults are constantly on some technological device and are addicted to them.

7 In conclusion, I propose that we all just get out and enjoy ourselves instead of being cooped up inside on technology. Technology is helpful in dire situations like if you waited for the last minute to do a project and you need the research from the internet, but technology is stopping people from realizing that they need to get out into the real world and stop being on technology 24/7.

8 Bibliography onesandtexting.aspx

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