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Indiana Reentry Courts: How to? 2012 IACCAC Fall Conference November 8, 2012 Indianapolis, IN.

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Presentation on theme: "Indiana Reentry Courts: How to? 2012 IACCAC Fall Conference November 8, 2012 Indianapolis, IN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indiana Reentry Courts: How to? 2012 IACCAC Fall Conference November 8, 2012 Indianapolis, IN

2 History of Indiana Reentry Courts  First in 2001 – Allen County  Guided by IC 33-23-16 and PSC Rules  Eight in operation  Several in the planning stages

3 What is reentry court?  Targets offenders released from incarceration  Focus on risk and needs, wrap around services, public safety  Increased supervision  Team approach  Judicial involvement

4 Statutory Authority IC 33-23-16-9 "Reentry court" Sec. 9. As used in this chapter, "reentry court" means a problem solving court that is focused on the needs of individuals who reenter the community after a period of incarceration and that may provide a range of necessary reintegration services for eligible individuals, including the following: (1) Supervision. (2) Offender assessment. (3) Judicial involvement. (4) Case management and services. (5) Program evaluation. (6) Counseling. (7) Rehabilitative care. As added by P.L.108-2010, SEC.4.

5 Court jurisdiction – who is eligible ? Released from incarceration on:  Probation  Parole  CTP  Community corrections, and Meets local eligibility criteria. No statutory exclusion criteria.

6 Partnerships – Team  Judge  DOC (purposeful incarceration)  Community corrections / CTP  Probation and parole  Prosecutor  Defense  Service providers

7 Reentry Framework  Principles of Effective Interventions  10 KC of Drug Courts  NADCP drafting reentry specific components

8 Reentry participants  May have diverse criminal history  Increased antisocial attitudes  Disruption of social supports due to incarceration  May be willing to finish time at DOC

9 Court must…  Develop partnerships with DOC, probation, parole services, parole board  Train team to work with high risk individuals  Avoid supervision effect  Order reentry on the front end

10 What does the research say?  Mixed results  Supervision and services matter  Variation in models makes generalizing difficult  Need more research

11 Establishing a Reentry Court  Notify IJC in the planning process  Review statutes and rules  Identify a team  Develop policies and procedures  Submit application for certification  Obtain certification by IJC

12 Why be certified?  Training and support from IJC  Ability to collect user fee authorized by IC 33-23-16-23  Additional points on ICJI applications

13 Questions? Mary Kay Hudson, Director of Court Services Indiana Judicial Center Diane Mains, Staff Attorney Indiana Judicial Center

14 For more information: Mary Kay Hudson Problem-Solving Court Administrator Indiana Judicial Center (317) 234-0106

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