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October 18, 2011.  Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Root Causes Identified:  Agency Causes  Insufficient resources  Claimant Causes  Unreported/Under.

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Presentation on theme: "October 18, 2011.  Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Root Causes Identified:  Agency Causes  Insufficient resources  Claimant Causes  Unreported/Under."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 18, 2011

2  Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Root Causes Identified:  Agency Causes  Insufficient resources  Claimant Causes  Unreported/Under Reported Earnings  Misunderstanding as to how and when to report  Untimely responses to inquiries  Employer Causes  Wrong period reported  Incorrect reporting of employee information  Untimely responses to inquiries 2

3  Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Planned action(s) to address:  Increase education to claimants and employers  Modify existing processes to increase clarity to external customers  Rewrite Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System  Improve methods to acquire information more timely  Converse with DOL regarding increased access to NDNH data warehouse  Apply for funding to receive and create effective tools (ie: trend reports) 3

4  Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Principal milestones:  Implement Updated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System  Create measuring and reporting tools  Analysis of data to determine patterns  Increased access to NDNH data warehouse The resulting milestones listed above will be integrated into continuous improvement plans, activities and presentations 4

5  Separations (SEPs): Root Causes Identified:  Agency Causes  Timely establishment of issues  Insufficient fact finding  Reversals / remands of initial determinations  Claimant Causes  Misrepresentation of facts  Incomplete/missing information  Untimely responses  Misunderstanding of direction  Employer Causes  Incomplete/missing information  Untimely or no responses 5

6  Separations:  Planned action(s) to address:  Enhance employer web application for notice of claim response(s) as IT and agency resources allow  Increase education methods to employers/claimants  Continued training of staff  Implement system edit checks for inconsistency in reporting  Implement SIDES 6

7  Separations:  Principal milestones:  Implementation of IVR updates  Implementation of SIDES  Implementation of internal & external reporting tools  Sufficiently informed external customers 7

8  Work Search Issues: Root Causes Identified:  Agency Causes  Work search indicator improperly set  Lack of valid work search verification (Resolved)  Claimant Causes  Misunderstanding of a valid work search  Improperly reporting work searches  Inadequate work search information 8

9  Work Search Issues :  Planned action(s) to address:  Implement timely work search verification process (Completed)  Increase communication to claimant on the definition of a valid work search 9

10  Work Search Issues :  Principal milestones:  Implementation of IVR updates  Decrease in work search issues 10

11  Strategies to Support Owning UI Integrity:  Encourage every staff member  Create integrity task force  Invite communication between departments and units  Encourage staff to provide feedback 11

12  Strategies to Support Owning UI Integrity:  Develop processes  Increase tracking systems  Increase analysis of data  Prioritize IT resources 12

13  Strategies to Support Owning UI Integrity:  Maintain management oversight  Provide progress reports  Enhance partnerships with Workforce Administration, local offices, and external agencies  Continuous Improvement philosophy and planning 13

14  Communications Strategies:  To claimants and employers  Increase electronic media communication methods  Improve existing communication methods  Provide frequent reminders  Clarify verbal and written direction self-help tools  Educate and remind employers of cost control benefits associated with accurate and timely reporting / responses 14

15  Communications Strategies, Continued:  To state UI staff  Provide periodic feedback meetings  Provide progress reports  Training of UI staff  Integrate integrity initiative with staff performance measures  To the public  Newsletters  Claimant Guide / Employer Guide updates and website updates  Self help tutorials  Public forums  Provide periodic updates to JSND Advisory Council 15

16  Killer App: Separation Category  Description of Issue – Increase the quality and timeliness of communication between the agency and our employers while streamlining the process to reduce costs  Add the following functionality to JSND employer internet application  Employers can elect to receive electronic notification / reminders of items that need their attention  Separation information – fact finding letters  Cross match inquires  Work search verifications  Quarterly wage / payment reporting  Tax due notification  Delinquent report / credit / debit notifications  Employers not utilizing SIDES can respond online to fact finding letters  Provide online “to do” calendar of task due dates  Provide hyperlinks to documents or reporting tools requiring action 16

17  Description of Solution:  Enhance our current employer internet application to incorporate items listed on the previous slide.  Anticipated Results:  Electronic notification / reminders are expected to reduce the rate of appeal reversals by increasing the quality of responses as well as the rate of response  Reminders can be sent to an e-mail address or as text to a cell phone.  A reduction in employer and agency cost through reduced postage, consumables, and staff time  Bonus - Additional costs reductions for employer and JSND as any correspondence can be sent electronically. 17

18  Anticipated Results Cont’d  Online responses will improve the timeliness and quality of information received  Questions can be marked as mandatory, with edits requiring completion  Responses would be sent real time to the issue management system used by adjudication staff  Visual “to do” list provides a monthly view by day listing all tasks (with links) that an employer needs to complete  The “to do” view is expected to increase employer understanding of requirements as well as provide for better response rates and timeliness 18

19  Anticipated Results Cont’d  Allowing employers to respond to cross match and work search verification inquiries online is expected to:  Result in a higher response rate  Better quality response  More timely response  Future ability to integrate the response with our benefits system  Automatically set issues and send appropriate fact finding inquiries 19

20  Killer App:  Cost / Benefit explanation:  Many of these enhancements would result in an increase in the timeliness of issue detection with enhanced quality responses  Real time online response capability coupled with electronic notification is expected to result in:  Increased response rates  More timely issue detection  Improved quality responses  Less manual intervention by staff  Online responses do not require staff intervention  Response is sent directly to the issue management system and EDMS system  Result is a decrease in administrative time / costs due to the streamlining  All of these enhancements work together to improve the integrity of the UI program, both by minimizing overpayments and by lowering administration costs 20

21 “Integrity: Own It!”  Questions?  State Contact for follow-up: Patrick Brown: Phone: 701/328-1680 21

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