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 Which political party dominated Washington in the early years?  Republican.

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3  Which political party dominated Washington in the early years?  Republican

4  How many state legislative districts are there in Washington State?  49

5  Which branch of government interprets the law?  Judicial

6  What is one of the only positions in the U.S. federal government that works in two branches of government?  Vice President (also the President of the Senate)

7  Which branch of government presents the state of the state?  E xecutive (Governor)

8  What is the precise form of government the U.S. has?  Federal democratic republic

9  Who was Washington State’s 1 st governor?  Elisha Ferry

10  What are two ways the governor of Washington can veto a bill?  Veto the entire bill or a portion of it

11  What is one difference between the Washington Constitution and the U.S. Constitution?  Washington’s is longer (70 pages), has been amended more (98 times), and has more articles (31)  Also Washington specifically talks about right to privacy

12  This word means a person or group connected to a particular religion or set of beliefs.  Sectarian

13  This branch of government has the power to spend public money.  Legislative

14  This branch of government can amend the state or U.S. Constitution.  Legislative

15  What is the term for a court interpreting whether a law is constitutional?  Judicial Review

16  How many counties are there in the state of Washington?  39

17  What city is the county seat for Pierce County?  Tacoma

18  Which branch of government administers the state court system?  Judicial

19  Which branch of government has veto powers?  Executive

20  Which branch of government has the power to tax?  Legislative

21  Which branch of government can declare a law unconstitutional (one that violates the Washington or U.S. Constitution)?  Judicial

22  This word means the right to vote.  suffrage

23  What year did woman in Washington State receive the right to vote?  1910

24  Which branch of government is the head of the U.S. military?  Executive (President -“Commander in Chief”)

25  This word means an official counting of the population.  census

26  How many years did it take Washington to become a state?  36 years

27  What were at least 2 requirements a territory had to achieve to become a state? 1. 60,000 population 2. Draft a state constitution 3. State constitution had to uphold principles of U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence 4. State Constitution had to provide basic civil liberties 5. Establish a public school system

28  This word means a person designated to act or represent another person or persons.  delegate

29  What year did Washington become a state?  1889

30  Which branch of government oversees the activities of local governments in Washington State?  Legislative

31  What’s the paramount (most important) duty in the Washington State Constitution?  Provide an ample education to all students

32  According to the Washington Constitution, Indian land and natives living there fall under whose jurisdiction?  Federal government

33  Which branch of government has many departments to help it fulfill its duties?  Executive

34  Which Branch of government in bicameral?  Legislative

35  How many representatives are ther in the House of Representatives in Washington, D.C.?  435

36  State one check & balance between the branches of government?  Presidential veto, 2/3 vote of Congress to override of a Presidential veto, judicial review, confirming appointments by President, President appointing federal judges, etc.

37  What are the 3 levels of government?  Federal, state, and local

38  What is another word for city or town with its own local government?  Municipality

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