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LOGO Jurisdictional Auditing. Outline  SBE Audits  CBE Responsibilities  Issues/Challenges  Weekly Audit Report.

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO Jurisdictional Auditing. Outline  SBE Audits  CBE Responsibilities  Issues/Challenges  Weekly Audit Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO Jurisdictional Auditing

2 Outline  SBE Audits  CBE Responsibilities  Issues/Challenges  Weekly Audit Report

3 SBE Audits  SBE is responsible for the proper voter placement within statewide jurisdictions, but not the creation of those jurisdictions.  SBE conducts an electronic audit every weekend and makes those results available on every Monday morning for use by CBE election officials.  SBE can run the audits “On Demand” if requested by a CBE.

4 SBE Audits  The following are jurisdictions audited by SBE:  NC Senate District  NC House District  Congressional District  Judicial Districts  Precinct  VTD  County Boundaries

5 SBE Audits  What is an SBE jurisdictional audit?  An SBE jurisdictional audit consists of the following steps: 1)SBE imports all voter addresses into SBE GIS system. 2)SBE maintains all voter addresses in separate database. 3)Audit is performed in SQL Server database using stored procedures. 4)Stored procedure uses SQL ‘STIntersects’ and several joins to overlay addresses, jurisdictions to identify mismatches. 5)Exceptions such as voters not in the correct jurisdiction and addresses not found are identified for the county in shapefiles, dbf and kmz file formats.

6 Sample Jurisdictional Audit Using SEIMS GIS Audit Files and Google Earth

7 Sample Jurisdictional Audit GIS Shapefile (.DBF) – Unmatched Records

8 Sample Jurisdictional Audit Satellite View

9 CBE Responsibilities  County Boards of Elections will be responsible for making all of the necessary changes due to redistricting updates and audits.  CBEs will utilize the SEIMS Geocode application to make updates to correct street ranges in the incorrect jurisdictions. Counties can use the assistance of their county GIS or Mapping Department.

10 Sample Jurisdictional Tools NC Congressional Current & Previous

11 Sample Jurisdictional Tools

12 Issues/Challenges

13 Jurisdictional Audit Explained county_idcountyvr_countnogeoptscong_counthouse_countprec_countsenate_countvtd_countcounty_countprosecutorial_countsuperior_court_count 1ALAMANCE9383967810112927010527043105 2ALEXANDER2416015554259114591145927 3ALLEGHANY71871650172860 2200 4ANSON1733832614 146261461626 5ASHE18523839317482114824033 6AVERY121411572132141137022137014814 7BEAUFORT32471333559261219423019423577 8BERTIE144091040791547 12477 9BLADEN225023185818224810524811885 10BRUNSWICK8506074301930 000 11BUNCOMBE185550251011771207186611741436831190 12BURKE5784833444221882888821274881 13CABARRUS1208182002115256556146556152146 14CALDWELL5344520264912969211969112549 15CAMDEN7369140311919011 16CARTERET5060098722 782286022 17CASWELL154961027422184283093928 18CATAWBA1019485519925740023440043201234 19CHATHAM4670121935566359541646754 20CHEROKEE2178233700121701039000 21CHOWAN1058385230836 600 22CLAY8896434004920 1100 23CLEVELAND617846101387226592282159 24COLUMBUS370813765389206912082153 25CRAVEN696133231338974310746810 26CUMBERLAND20266110961541893542183319211325021 27CURRITUCK17557586331243 233 28DARE27799156400550 000 29DAVIDSON103989171032234674246725931 30DAVIE2848520412632 422

14 Jurisdictional Audit Explained  VR_COUNT – County voter registration count at time of report  NOGEOPTS – Number of registration addresses that can not be plotted on a map  CONG_COUNT – Number of voters who appear to be in the incorrect Congressional jurisdiction  HOUSE_COUNT – Number of voters who appear to be in the incorrect NC House jurisdiction  PRECINCT_COUNT – Number of voters who appear to be in the incorrect Precinct  SENATE_COUNT – Number of voters who appear to be in the incorrect NC Senate jurisdiction  VTD_COUNT – Number of voters who appear to be in the incorrect VTD  COUNTY_COUNT – Number of voters who appear to be in the incorrect county  PROSECUTORIAL_COUNT – Number of voters who appear to be in the incorrect prosecutorial jurisdiction  SUPERIOR_COURT_COUNT – Number of voters who appear to be in the incorrect superior court jurisdiction

15 Jurisdictional Audit Explained  Just because you have a number greater than Zero in the Audit may not mean there is an issue. The following can be reasons for audits showing voters in the incorrect jurisdiction: 1.Some addresses may not plot exactly on a map, especially in rural areas. Ever put an address in your GPS and ended up somewhere else? 2.Addresses for college, military and apartment complexes sometime yield incorrect points on the map. 3.Incorrect street ranges in Geocode 4.Counties using incorrect addressing standards from the voter application.

16 Jurisdictional Audit Explained  So how can we get better results? 1.Currently we have around 51 of the county E911 addressing files. We are currently working with all counties to receive all county E911 files which will help with better addressing points on the map. 2.Counties should send the NOGEOPTS file to their county GIS department. The GIS department can then locate the correct address point for our system and send it back to us so that we may update our master address database. 3.Soon, counties will have the ability to correct their own address points in their audit if that point was incorrectly placed on the map by the state’s audit system.


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