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Courseware, Sakai + Policy Discussion 3 Palo Alto, California January 7, 2005 Coordinators: Chuck Powell Charlie Leonhardt.

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Presentation on theme: "Courseware, Sakai + Policy Discussion 3 Palo Alto, California January 7, 2005 Coordinators: Chuck Powell Charlie Leonhardt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Courseware, Sakai + Policy Discussion 3 CSG@Stanford Palo Alto, California January 7, 2005 Coordinators: Chuck Powell Charlie Leonhardt

2 Courseware, Sakai + Framework for the Discussion Discuss policies that our institutions have in place regarding Courseware Discuss policies that our institutions do not but need to have in place regarding Courseware Discuss the Sakai meeting (last month in New Orleans) to update the CSG by members in attendance Discuss whether Sakai and its intent to integrate with other Open Source products or Blackboard’s multi- product strategy raise policy issues that we need to consider

3 Courseware, Sakai + Policy Areas Use of the CMS for ‘other’ collaborative purposes (Research Groups, Student Organizations, University Committees) Use of the CMS for Traditional Instruction, Distance Learning, Continuing Education, Professional Education, Satellite Campuses, ‘Scholarship’, and Research Funding: Does course type or system use drive who pays? Authentication and Authorization: What polices are or need to be in place?

4 Courseware, Sakai + Policy Areas Group Management: Do we require courseware to be directory enabled? Quota Management: Do we limit content by object size, by course size, by user storage limits? Operating Hours: Do we mandate 24*7*365 to serve local and any remote site needs? Mandating Use: Do we require any programs to use the courseware environment?

5 Courseware, Sakai + Policy Areas Archiving: Do we require content from previously taught courses to be archived? Quality (and/or Quantity) of course content: Do we have ‘minimum’ standards for what information should be in a course site or meet ‘qualitative’ standards? Integration with Libraries, Museums and Galleries: Do we have policies that support or promote integration? Integration with Portals, ePortfolios, E-Reserves, Content Management: Do we have or need polices that support this?

6 Courseware, Sakai + Policy Areas Content Export: Do we have or need policies that encourage and standardize export of content by faculty and students? Access to Content: Do we have and enforce policies that restrict access to course content at the end of a course? At withdrawal or gradation? E-Reserves: Do we have policies that ensure compliance with copyright law and the TEACH Act?

7 Courseware, Sakai + Policy Areas Continuation of Instruction: Do we have or need policies to address ‘disaster recovery’ in case of events that disrupt normal teaching activities? Inter-institutional teaching: what polices related to access and trust are needed? Policies re: Verification of Copyright status of materials put in the CMS. Must materials stay behind the wall of protection or can they be moved to public areas of sites?

8 Courseware, Sakai + Policy Areas Does the CMS ever become a trusted system of record for some data other systems may use, e.g. will lab or course group information be used to access labs or specific materials in other systems? Are layers of permissions needed in the CMS and policies needed to govern their use? Are policies needed regarding the creation and use of data models for information sent to and from the CMS? Other policy areas of interest?

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