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Director of Studies Training School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences 2011-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Director of Studies Training School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences 2011-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Director of Studies Training School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences 2011-2012

2 Overview of the Direction of Studies System Involves Directors of Studies (DoS) Student Support Officer (SSO): Moira Avraam (4th Floor, Dugald Stewart Building) Undergraduate Director: Dr Caroline Watt

3 As DOSs, your main tasks are… To welcome our students to Edinburgh To help them identify the goals available to them To show them the different routes towards these goals To help them reflect on graduate attributes & employability To help provide the support which may be needed along the way ACADEMIC MENTOR see Mentoring handout

4 Specifically, this means providing guidance and advice on … Course selection Degree Programme Structures Degree Programme Transfers Examination and assessment procedures Special circumstances Any other general academic issues

5 DoSs are NOT expected to be … Counsellors Clinical Psychologists GPs Career Advisors Financial Advisors Personal Assistants to our Students There are specialist services available - see PPLS DoS Handbook

6 SSO and UG Director Roles The SSO (and TO) deals with routine administration (confirm attendance, enrol on courses, letters for landlords etc.,) and enquiries UG Dir deals with progression difficulties (e.g. insufficient credits to progress to next year of programme) and degree programme deviations If DoS unsure, ask SSO or UG Dir

7 Whose side is DoS on? The EUSA Partnership Agreement (see DoS Handbook) says to the student that DoS will ‘act as your advocate on departmental or course matters.’ BUT, be honest about your limitations on this (e.g. on Special Circumstances or appeals) Do try to see the issues from the student’s point of view Try to be approachable, open and honest DO be discreet about a student’s problems

8 Freshers’ Week Freshers sent guidance on outside course choices during summer First asked to confirm attendance & sign up for outside courses with TO (Psychology basement concourse) Then meet DoS for Welcome Meeting

9 The Welcome Meeting Explain purpose of meeting Welcome to the Uni Confirm degree and course choices Check signed up for 120 credits Answer any queries Inform about roles of DoS and SSO, and location of SSO see Expectations handout

10 Preparing for the Welcome Meeting Find out who your directees are Note the degree programmes involved Familiarise yourself with the Degree Programme Table (DPT) for each Check EUCLID for background/biog info on each directee

11 If your Directee has questions about course choices… Check DPT Important to enable alternative degree option Strategies for ‘outside’ courses: - A) complementary to degree subjects (safer option?) B) branch out (possible more risky but makes most of the chance) Check prerequisites and quotas Check for timetable clashes Timetab is excellent and you can print off timetable

12 Common Problems Timetable clashes Quota courses: check Euclid on enrollment – full courses not always flagged Contravening DPT (wrong courses) Not submitting Special Circumstances Form when you should; missing supporting docs School guidance for DoSs Page includes link to College DoS Guidance

13 Less Common Problems Unanticipated limitations on Degree Transfers e.g. Single Hons Psych to combined Hons Psych & Business - clashing compulsory Business courses (Acc 1A & Acc 1B). Directees should instead take Economics 1A or Economic Principles and Applications in first year. Check DPTs! Loss of contact with students - only use uni email address for contact, and refer to SSO if concerned.

14 Student Progression Adequate progress is defined as passing at least: 80 credits after year 1 200 credits after year 2 *If the student intends to spend 3 rd year abroad no deficit can be carried into 3 rd year; don’t rely on resits for credits* 360 credits after year 3 No deficit can be carried into year 4

15 Changes to Curricula Freshers wishing to change degree must be directed to Undergraduate Admissions, 2 nd Floor, DHT DoSs DO NOT have the power to agree this Deadline is end of week 2, after that date students to be directed to SSO

16 Transfers in later years Discuss with the student Look at issues (e.g. have the necessary courses been passed? Will it involve an extra year of study?) Be aware of deadlines (see PPLS website) Forms on website: DoS can’t approve degree transfers

17 Transfer Approval If into other College, contact relevant college office Within PPLS: SSO will seek approval from PPLS UG Director If within CHSS, UG Dir of receiving School If an extra year is required, needs approval from UG Dean; transfer application form must be submitted to CHSS office by deadline 6.4.2012 N.B. because of targets and funding issues, extra years of study will not always be granted

18 Absence, Interruption, Withdrawal Up to 3 weeks absence allowed with no permissions SSO should inform relevant course organisers Longer absences require ‘Authorised Interruption of Study.’ Be aware of College deadlines; ask SSO to complete form and send to College AIS needs Associate Dean approval & can’t be backdated Permanent withdrawal – Student must notify SSO or DoS in writing; SSO to inform Registry

19 Thank you for your attention. Any questions?

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