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Computer Science Department Assessment 2008 Report Slippery Rock University.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Science Department Assessment 2008 Report Slippery Rock University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Science Department Assessment 2008 Report Slippery Rock University

2 Students Faculty Advisory Board Constituents Analysis of Assessment Data Report results Surveys Course Embedded Internship Appraisals Discussion Curriculum Changes Data Collection (3 methods) Spring Fall

3 CS, IS, and IT Three Student Learning Outcomes –Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (CT&PS) –Communication and Interpersonal Skills (C&IS) –Professional and Ethical Responsibilities (P&ER) Three Assessment Methods –Surveys –Course embedded assessment –Internship appraisals

4 2006 – 2007 Closing the Loop Re: Student Reactions For the first time in Fall 2006, students were given an opportunity to examine assessment results and respond. They became aware of the assessment process. Student feedback showed that they seriously considered the observations from last year’s report and had further insight into the curricular process. Move from C++ to Alice/Java to be a “good move” and that “the higher withdrawal rate might shift from CpSc 140 to cpsc150”. Some students “saw the ACM Code of Ethics as important for writing Efficient Code”. Students questioned removing Assembly Language from Computer Organization (CPSC 370). Assessment data will have to be evaluated continually to address this. Students expressed an interest to NOT “see the assessment thing in every computer science course”.

5 Assessment Results The following slides contain data from: –Student surveys –Internship Appraisals –Course Embedded Assessment Summary Data is provided for each major for Spring 2007 and Fall 2007 GIVE US YOUR THOUGHTS!

6 Course Embedded (Goal 80%) PS&CT all over 80%, except: 140 ( ▼75%), 150 (▼ 68%), 374(▼ 71%) C&IS all over 80%, except: 150 (79%) E&PR – all over 80%. (464 ▲ from 71%) Computer Science Data for 2007

7 Information Systems Data for 2007 Course Embedded (Goal 80%) PS&CT half over 80%. 140 ( ▼to 75%), 150 (▼to 68%), 343 (▲ from 61% to 78%), and 413 (▼to 77%) 327 (▲ from 62%), C&IS all over 80% except: 150 (▼to 79%), 343 (▼to 67%), and 300 (▼to 76%). documentation improved: 423 (▲ from 67%), 327 (▲from 58%) E&PR – all over 80%

8 Information Technology Data for 2007 Course Embedded (Goal 80%) PS&CT all over 80%. except:140 ( ▼to 75%). 327 (▲ from 62%) C&IS all over 80% except: 300 (▼to 76%). documentation improved: 423 (▲ from 67%), 327 (▲from 58%) E&PR – all over 80%

9 YOUR TURN! Any feedback about the data, process, or assessment in general is greatly appreciated.

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