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I’m One in a Million! FINCA Celebrates the One Million Client Milestone Fall 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "I’m One in a Million! FINCA Celebrates the One Million Client Milestone Fall 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 I’m One in a Million! FINCA Celebrates the One Million Client Milestone Fall 2012

2 Million Client Milestone Client and Staff Celebration & Recognition Objectives Identify & recognize our one millionth client Honor long-term clients Generate local media Enhance local marketing efforts Encourage donor support through integrated print and electronic campaign leading up to milestone Thank donors for their loyalty Acknowledge staff with 10+ years of service Thank all staff for their service

3 Millionth Client Criteria & Selection Celebrating our newest clients Who’s eligible? Loan clients only (no savings-only clients) New to FINCA Loan <US $1,000 How will (s)he be selected? Weekly new client reports generated from Enterprise Data Warehouse to gauge when milestone will be reached As milestone gets closer, Braulio’s team reviews reports of all subsidiaries’ new clients; alerts Rupert, Volker and Soledad on the day we reach 1 million clients

4 Millionth Client Criteria & Selection Celebrating our newest clients Report reviewed; all eligible names are put into a hat Subsidiaries alerted to date and time that live video feed will take place during which millionth client’s name will be drawn Viewing parties arranged at subsidiary level Once winner is identified, Rupert and/or John Hatch will travel to millionth client’s home and present gift (as their schedules’ permit)

5 Long-Term Client Recognition Honoring those who have remained loyal to FINCA Who’s eligible? Clients with 10+ years continuous association with FINCA Impeccable loan repayment history *Weekly reports generated from Enterprise Data Warehouse will identify tenured clients that meet criteria Ability to demonstrate improvements in business and/or family’s lifestyle (e.g., expansion of business, hiring of additional employees, improved nutrition, children in school/graduated from school, home improvements, etc.) How will (s)he be selected? All eligible clients’ names from each subsidiary will be put into individual “hats” One name will be drawn from each subsidiary during live video feed, and identified as the local “One in a Million!” winner Local millionth client winner will receive a gift determined by the local subsidiary management board

6 Staff Recognition Honoring those who helped us get here Recognizing long-term staff members Names of staff members with 10+ years of service will be posted to the FINCA Staff Honor Roll *The Honor Roll will appear on the FI website *All names will be included in the State of the Network CEO video message Thanking all current staff All staff will receive a commemorative gift If desired, the local subsidiary may choose to acknowledge or celebrate the milestone event with staff in other ways

7 Leading Up to the Announcement General Information The pending milestone will be announced to clients through their regular bank meetings or interactions with loan officers Long-term clients informed that their names will be put into a drawing for a premium gift Delivery of the gift will be paid for and coordinated at the subsidiary level; Regional Directors will determine the type of gift that is appropriate, based on knowledge of client needs The event will be videotaped and submitted to HQ for uploading to social media, and used on the FINCA website Clients are encouraged to wear an “I’m One in a Million!” T-shirt during the filming, or hold a sign with the message in their local language, and speak the phrase into the camera Subsidiaries are encouraged to use the delivery of the gift as a media opportunity

8 Leading Up to the Announcement All subsidiaries will be contacted by HQ at least two weeks prior to the actual milestone announcement date. This will allow time to coordinate logistics with staff, clients and the media.

9 COO &/or Marketing Managers’ Responsibilities Client Gift Drawing & Delivery Confirm local designee and submit to Diane Jones Provide loan officers with talking points to use when informing clients of the pending celebration and their possible inclusion in the drawing for a premium gift Determine what the local premium gift will be and purchase it Develop a plan around how the local winner will be notified, and how the gift will be delivered *HQ will provide talking points

10 COO &/or Marketing Managers’ Responsibilities Client Gift Drawing & Delivery Identify: Who will inform the winner of his/her selection and acquire written permission for photo/video to be used in local and FI print and electronic communications, as well as in the local press release Which local leadership will be involved in delivery of the gift Who will coordinate delivery of gift to the client on designated date Who is responsible for photographing and/or videotaping the event Who will provide information about the client and the delivery event to HQ

11 COO &/or Marketing Managers’ Responsibilities Media Event Identify person responsible for drafting* and distributing the press release, and contacting media re: potential coverage of the delivery event Employ your local processes for interacting with media Provide HQ with copies of any print media received and, if possible, acquire DVD copies of television media or links to online coverage *HQ will provide press release template

12 HR Manager or Designee Responsibilities Long-term Employee Recognition Review employee anniversary dates to identify staff with 10+ years of service Inform qualifying members of the pending honor and obtain written permission from each person, confirming they agree their name can be published on the FI website as well as on the local website, if one exists Develop list of qualifying staff names and submit to Diane Jones at HQ by end of Q3 If desired, local subsidiary may choose to honor qualifying staff in other ways

13 HR Manager or Designee Responsibilities All Staff Recognition Confirm total number of eligible, current staff members and forward to Diane Jones at HQ no later than 15 August 2012 Develop a distribution plan for thank you cards and T-shirts to ensure quick distribution, once date is announced Communicate date of the official celebration to all local staff, once announced by HQ Ensure all employees know to wear their T-shirts on milestone celebration day If desired, the local subsidiary may choose to acknowledge or celebrate the milestone in other ways

14 Questions?

15 Two Network-Wide Contests

16 Client Story & Photo Contest Purpose Engage all staff in a common goal Capture – and share with key target audiences – the successes of our clients and their families, showing positive outcomes as a result of accessing our products and services A panel of judges – two MT members, two members of NBD Team and two design consultants – will select winning photos and stories Three winners from each region whose names, stories and photos will be featured on FI websites (International, Canada and UK), and in FI electronic newsletter, quarterly Village Bank Notes newsletter, and FI annual report

17 VB 2.0 Ideas Contest An innovative, ground-breaking concept to reach the poorest-of-the-poor customer segments that FINCA does not reach today. These customers are credit ineligible, but cannot meet basic needs in terms of access to health and education, and often go without food All staff are eligible to submit ideas of products and services (both financial and non-financial services, such as clean water, education, etc.) that FINCA can, and should, extend Entry ideas should: Raise living standards of the poorest clients Meet pressing needs Be financially sustainable & scalable in the long term, and innovative Five submissions from each region will be honored



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