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C’est avec professeur... votre 100 200 300 400 500 Mélange! Vocabulaire 1.1 Grammaire 1.1 Vocabulaire 1.2 Grammaire 1.2 Culture.

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Presentation on theme: "C’est avec professeur... votre 100 200 300 400 500 Mélange! Vocabulaire 1.1 Grammaire 1.1 Vocabulaire 1.2 Grammaire 1.2 Culture."— Presentation transcript:



3 C’est

4 avec professeur... votre

5 100 200 300 400 500 Mélange! Vocabulaire 1.1 Grammaire 1.1 Vocabulaire 1.2 Grammaire 1.2 Culture

6 Épellez MONSIEUR en français. A 100

7 M-O-N-S-I-E-U-R A 100

8 Put in the correct accent mark(s): A tout a l’heure! A 200

9 À tout à l’heure! A 200

10 I’m 14 years old. = ? A 300

11 J’ai quatorze ans. A 300

12 What is >? A 400

13 Un musée de l’art moderne et contemporaire A 400

14 How do you spell = ? A 500

15 Comment tu épelles…? A 500

16 See you tomorrow! = ? B 100

17 À demain! B 100

18 Nice to meet you. = ? B 200

19 Enchanté(e). B 200

20 See you soon. = ? B 300

21 À bientôt. B 300

22 How old are you? = ? B 400

23 Tu as quel âge? B 400

24 Count #s 10-20 in French. B 500

25 Dix, onze, douze, treize, quatorze, quinze, seize, dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf, vingt! B 500

26 Explain the two ways > can be used. C 100

27 VOUS: 1.singulier/formel 2.pluriel/form. & inf. C 100

28 One/people in general = ? C 200

29 On C 200

30 He has = ? C 300

31 Il a C 300


33 We have = ? C 400

34 Nous avons C 400

35 They (fem.) have a map. = ? C 500

36 Elles ont une carte. C 500

37 There is/There are = ? D 100

38 Il y a D 100

39 What is this accent mark called? è D 200

40 Accent grave D 200

41 What is this accent called? ç D 300

42 Accent cédille D 300

43 What is your e-mail address? = ? D 400

44 Quelle est ton adresse e-mail? D 400

45 How is it written? = ? D 500

46 Comment ça s’écrit? D 500

47 Not = ? E 100

48 Ne…pas E 100

49 Some = ? E 200

50 des E 200

51 a/an Masc. = ? Fem. = ? E 300

52 Masc. = un Fem. = une E 300

53 He has a computer. = ? E 400

54 Il a un ordinateur. E 400

55 You (sing./inf.) don’t have a book? E 500

56 Tu n’as pas de livre? E 500

57 Vrai/Faux: In France, people kiss each other on the cheek to greet one another. F 100

58 Vrai F 100

59 Show how French people count to three. F 200

60 1, 2, 3 F 200

61 Vrai/Faux : When meeting an adult for the first time in France, you would use their first name. F 300

62 Vrai F 300

63 What is the name of the castle where Louis XVI lived? F 400

64 Versailles F 400

65 Who is known for being the “Father of Impressionism?” F 500

66 Claude Monet F 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: LES LETTRES!! Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

68 Final Jeopardy Question Répondez… Comment s’écrit Mlle? Click on screen to continue

69 La Bonne Réponse: M-A-D-E-M-O-I-S-E-L-L-E Click on screen to continue

70 Félicitations! Bon Travail! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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