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What should I expect when I take the COMPASS test?

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Presentation on theme: "What should I expect when I take the COMPASS test?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What should I expect when I take the COMPASS test?

2 Josh Bishop Assessment Center Pendleton Campus

3  An untimed computer-based placement test  Available on TCTC campuses  Students living more than 100 miles from a TCTC campus should contact me at for information on remote  Assesses academic background in reading, writing, and mathematics  Used to determine initial course placement

4  Students arrive with different levels of background knowledge in core subjects  Beginning in courses that are far above personal background levels often leads to lack of success  Grades of D, F, W (withdrawal), WF (failing at time of withdrawal) typically means you must repeat the course  Repeated lack of success may require you to  Reconsider career options  Lose financial aid

5  Scores are used to identify your academic strengths and weaknesses.  Advisors use scores to recommend appropriate level courses.  You may be expected to take lower level, pre-requisite courses, before taking required courses in major.  This should prepare you to be more successful in reaching your final academic goal.  COMPASS scores are extremely important!  Advisors want an accurate idea of your background knowledge!

6  Anyone planning to take college level courses while at TCTC  Exceptions:  Anyone who has already completed college courses in English and mathematics at 100 level or higher with a “C” or better ▪ Completed English but not math? Will need COMPASS math ▪ Completed Math but not English? Will need COMPASS Reading and Writing  Anyone who took COMPASS or ASSET in high school – unless you feel you might score higher now  Students entering without a high school diploma or GED will take the ATB COMPASS assessment (process is the same as COMPASS)  Other notes: ▪ COMPASS scores are valid for a three year period ▪ SAT or ACT scores cannot be substituted ▪ Students with documented disabilities should ask about taking Asset instead

7  Your COMPASS scores are important!  Advisors need an accurate picture of your background knowledge  Here are links to some helpful websites:  where you can download an unofficial test  m - links to self assessment modules at bottom of page m   - subject links on left side of page

8  Assessments available at specific times on each TCTC campus  No appointment is required  No charge for initial testing  Walk in hours are: Campus/LocationTesting Days/Times Pendleton/Miller Hall, Room 103 Monday-Thursday/8:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday/8:00 am to 12:00 pm Anderson/Room 221 Friday/8:00 am to 12:00 pm Easley/Room 206 Tuesday/2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

9  Bring:  A picture ID (driver’s license, military ID, official high school or college ID)  Pencils  An approved calculator – for list go to  Do not bring:  Scratch paper  Dictionaries  Children

10  Test scores available immediately following test completion  Verbal explanation of scores provided when meeting with an advisor following orientation

11  Scores are used for placement into many entry level courses.  It’s very important that you do your best!  For more detailed information go to

12  Complete SmarterMeasure  Listen to “SmarterMeasure? What’s that?”  Log-in to the SmarterMeasure website to complete the assessment  When you have completed both COMPASS and SmarterMeasure, you’ll be ready to sign up for Orientation in Step 4.

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