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Welcome New Dual Enrollment Faculty! Dual Enrollment Professional Development Day May 9, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome New Dual Enrollment Faculty! Dual Enrollment Professional Development Day May 9, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome New Dual Enrollment Faculty! Dual Enrollment Professional Development Day May 9, 2015

2 Professional Development Day Agenda 10:00am – 11:00am Welcome to new Dual Enrollment Instructors – Dean Holbrook  General Information Sheet, Expectations and Support Student Services – Robb Ferguson, Diana Dowling, Sheila Jarrell, Heather Mulcaire  Registration, Disability Resources, Financial Aid, Student Resources and Academic Advising 11:00am – 11:30am  Updates – Dean Holbrook  GECCO Outcomes Assessment – Molly Beauchman 11:30am – 12:30pm  LUNCH 12:30pm – 2pm  Breakout sessions by discipline

3 General Overview of Dual Enrollment  History of Dual Enrollment at Yavapai College  Expectations of Dual Enrollment Instructors  Benefits for Dual Enrollment Instructors  Yavapai College Support for Dual Enrollment Instructors and Students  Information from Student Development Division:  Registration  Disability Resources  Financial Aid  Student Resources  Academic Advising

4 Role of Dual Enrollment Faculty Liaisons The Dual Enrollment faculty liaisons are Yavapai College faculty whose role as a liaison is to provide support for the Dual Enrollment faculty in their discipline(s). Job duties for the Dual Enrollment faculty liaisons include:  Review dual enrollment syllabi and course calendars.  Visit dual enrollment classes and provide feedback.  Develop resources and conduct professional development activities.  Coordinate departmental or college-wide assessment activities.  Provide required documentation for NACEP Accreditation. * Contact info for dual enrollment faculty liaisons is located on the Information Sheet.

5 Dual Enrollment Survey Results Last year we created surveys for students, instructors, guidance counselors, and principles. We had 432 students, 37 instructors, 11 counselors and 9 principals respond. Some of the results:  79% of students took only one or two classes.  88% of students said the class was more difficult than a high school class.  87% of students said that they received information about DE class from instructor. 30% received it from H.S. counselor and 34% from YC personnel.  Less than 2% thought the information they received was not helpful.  32% of students report that they will continue at Yavapai College after H.S.  40% of instructors have been teaching DE at least 4 years  84% of instructors felt supported by liaison, but 37% wanted to felt it needed to be improved  100% of instructors felt that because of DE classes students participated in rigorous learning and developed a better understanding of their academic skills  100% of principals said they felt it improved the college readiness of their students and increases their schools prestige and academic reputation

6 Welcome Dual Enrollment Faculty! Dual Enrollment Professional Development Day May 9, 2015

7 Updates for 2015-16  We have established a timeline that has been shared with H.S. principals.  Created Early College Days for prospective Dual Enrollment students this spring. During these visits students applied for admission, took required placement tests, toured the college campus and were given information by Yavapai College Academic Advisors.  We postponed our Accreditation Application until 2016.  We are working to continue to streamline and improve our communication with students, teachers, advisors and parents.  Looking ahead – we may starting charging tuition or a fee for Dual Enrollment – Fall 2016 would be the earliest start if we go this direction.  GECCO Outcomes Assessment – Molly Beauchman

8 General Information Important Dates for fall semester:  Monday, Aug. 3First day dual enrollment students can enroll.  Sunday, Aug. 30Last day to enroll a student in a dual enrollment course.  Wednesday, Oct. 7FTSE day – please sign into the YC portal to report your enrollment on this day. This is state required reporting.  Thursday, Dec. 10Last date for instructor-initiated withdrawal. Any students not withdrawn by this date must receive a letter grade.  Saturday, Dec. 12Grading window opens.  Thursday, Dec. 24Grades due by noon.

9 Breakout session locations:  AHS/PHE: Bldg. 4 – Room 116  Automotive: Bldg. 4 - Room 114  Business/Accounting: Bldg. 4 - Room 115  CNT: Bldg. 19 – Room 209  Culinary/FMA: Bldg. 4 – Room 117  English: Bldg. 19 - Room 207  Mathematics: Bldg. 19 - Room 208  All other departments: Bldg. 4 - Room 118

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