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PAC Enhancement Project Presentation Core Team: Mr. Richard Chandler, Dr. Polly Hoover, Dr. Maria Jaskot-Inclan, Dr. Ileo Lott, Dr. Pervez Rahman, and.

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Presentation on theme: "PAC Enhancement Project Presentation Core Team: Mr. Richard Chandler, Dr. Polly Hoover, Dr. Maria Jaskot-Inclan, Dr. Ileo Lott, Dr. Pervez Rahman, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 PAC Enhancement Project Presentation Core Team: Mr. Richard Chandler, Dr. Polly Hoover, Dr. Maria Jaskot-Inclan, Dr. Ileo Lott, Dr. Pervez Rahman, and Dr. Sonia Ramirez

2 A Cultural Shift Curriculum development driven by Pedagogy Student Success Communication Tracking Implementation Continuous Review Collaboration Real Time Review (Catalog update) 3/19/2014 Moving from Proposed Academic Changes to Proposed Curriculum Changes

3 3/19/2014 shape curricula with subject matter for learning with desirable educational outcomes Currency meet present and foresee future standards in higher education and professions connect to internal constituencies Faculty, Administrators, Students, Discipline & Program connect to external constituencies Society, Government, Accrediting Agencies, Receiving Institutions, Discipline Associations, Marketplace, Alumni, & Sponsors Relevance Consistency foster an educational environment with a desirable level and quality of instruction provide documentable practice for how knowledge is conveyed and learned Sources: Higher Learning Commission: A commission of the North Central Association (2013). “Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources and Support,” in (HLC Publication Policy: Assumed Practices, Document No. CRRT.B.10.020). Chicago, IL: The Higher Learning Commission. Stark, J. S., & Lattuca, L.R. (1997). Shaping the college curriculum: Academic plans in action. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Academic Substance Curricular Sequence Proposal of a Curriculum Development Framework that embraces HLC goals and expectations

4 The Proposed Curriculum Changes address colleges’ curriculum development needs and increase efficiency PAC Process (proposed academic changes) Separate review by faculty and administrators Lengthy, unclear internal review Ignores outside agencies (ICCB, IAI, program accrediting agencies) Paper-based and checkbox Multiple steps (at least 12) PCC (proposed curriculum changes only) Collaborative review by administrators and faculty together Clarity in expectations and shorter internal review Includes outside agencies from beginning Frontloaded expectations (form 20 et al) Automated electronic delivery system and interactive capability Curriculum development reduced to 3 steps Two steps for internal reporting/roll- out, and then to external agencies 3/19/2014

5 A proposed curriculum development concept has more than 75% fewer steps than the current process and features an integrated model, ensuring shared governance and objectivity Local President or Vice President (or designee), Academic Department/Discipline, and Curriculum Facilitator provide conditional recommendation to proceed with proposal. This is a college recommendation. Conditional Recommendation Proposal Team led by local Curriculum Facilitator to facilitate research, vetting, and application of standards (ICCB and IAI). This is a college committee. Local Curriculum Committee to facilitate curriculum standards Curriculum Workshop 2 parts – see next slides Vice Presidents (or designees) (7), all Curriculum Facilitators (8), and elected Committee A members (7), DO Academic Affairs (1). This is a district committee. [Submit Forms 11,12, 13, 20, etc. after this point.] Joint Committee 1 2 3 The Principal Advocate will shepherd all steps of the process 3/19/2014 [Initiate draft of Board report. Applicable ICCB Forms drafted in this stage. ] PCC Process Phase I

6 A. Proposal Team and Consultants (sign off by Curriculum Facilitator) Proposal Team Experts (Local College Personnel are involved as needed, e.g. program/course proposal)  Content: Academic subject matter and/or industry knowledge  Principal Advocate  Faculty (Department, Chair, Discipline/Inter-discipline)  Training Specialist  Research/Resources: Data and analysis, and finance (for cost and funding)  Chief Academic Officer (ex-officio)  Dean of Instruction and/or C2C Dean  Program Director  Office of Finance (Business services)  Research Office  Transfer Coordinator  Curriculum: Program/course development, assessment and review (Submission forms, master syllabi repository, external information ICCB, IBHE, etc.)  Faculty Curriculum Facilitator  Faculty Assessment Coordinator Step 2: Specifications 3/19/2014 Curriculum Workshop (Proposal Team - Local Curriculum Committee) Rubrics will be used to guide the proposal writing PCC Process Phase I

7 Consultants (Internal & External)  Content: Academic subject matter and/or industry knowledge  District Faculty  District Administrators  Advisory members (as applicable)  Two-year /four-year colleges/universities  IAI panels resources  Industry partners  Research/Resources: Data and analysis, and finance (for cost and funding)  DO Research Office  DO Academic Affairs Office  Workforce and Development Office (District’s Executive Director of Workforce Analysis, ex-officio)  Curriculum: Program/course development, assessment and review (Submission forms, master syllabi repository, external information ICCB, IBHE, etc.)  DO Academic Affairs Office Proposal Team will rank proposals according to rubrics in three areas (feasibility, curriculum quality, and cost analysis) Step 2: Specifications 3/19/2014 Curriculum Workshop (Proposal Team - Local Curriculum Committee) Rubrics will be used to rank proposal A. Proposal Team and Consultants (sign off by Curriculum Facilitator) PCC Process Phase I

8 B. Discussion Forum Local Curriculum Committee (faculty representations from disciplines; traditionally faculty council committee)  Purpose of local Curriculum Committee is to use rubrics to determine that proposal meets curriculum standards  The Chair of the committee will sign off proposal to move proposal to step 3, chairperson must attached evidence of committee decision, (i.e. minutes, electronic sign-off from local Curriculum Committee, etc.) Step 2: Specifications 3/19/2014 Curriculum Workshop (Proposal Team - Local Curriculum Committee) Rubrics will be used to rank proposal PCC Process Phase I

9 Discussion Forum Vice Presidents (or designees), all Curriculum Facilitators, and elected Committee A members. This is a district committee. (Submit Forms 11,12, 13, 20, etc. after this point.)  Purpose of this join committee is to provide feedback, create collaboration across colleges, and to address concerns that may affect program/course at other colleges (i.e. prerequisite, transferability, colleges offering similar programs, etc.)  The Chair of the committee will sign off proposal to move proposal to the reporting out stage, chairperson must attached evidence of committee decision, (i.e. minutes, electronic sign-off from local Curriculum Committee, etc.) Step 3: Specifications 3/19/2014 Joint Committee (FCACCC Committee, Vice Presidents, Curriculum Facilitators, & Academic Affairs Representative) Rubrics will be used to rank proposal PCC Process Phase I

10 Reporting out 3/19/2014 Post recommendations Provost endorsement and Board approval 1 2 Faculty representatives notify local and district faculty councils of PCC. Vice Presidents notify colleges Notification Finalization of Board Report and authorization to submit to external agencies. This is district purview. Provost/Chancellor/Board PCC Process Phase II

11 PCC Process Phase III Four-year Colleges and Universities - Form 13s (New Courses) or Forms 11s (New/Existing/Withdrawal Courses) Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) – Courses and/or Programs and certificates Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) – Courses {General Education Core Curriculum (GECC) and Majors courses (as applicable)} Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) – Programs and/or Degrees Higher Learning Commission (HLC) - Programs and/or Degrees (includes Certificates) Department of Education (DoE) - Programs and/or Degrees (includes Certificates) for Financial Aid Review External Agencies Review and Approval 3/19/2014 Finalization: External Agencies

12 3/19/2014 Receipt of external agency approvals Four-Years to Colleges: Forms 13s IAI Panels to Colleges: Course Reviews ICCB to DO Academic Affairs: Course Approvals ICCB/IBHE to DO Academic Affairs: Program Approvals HLC (overview of programs and courses) DoE (financial aid eligibility) CCC Internal Receipt and Implementation PCC Process Phase IV Finalization: External Agencies

13 DELIVERABLES 3 Norming Curriculum Development Process with Workshops 2 Program Rubrics 4 Connecting Curriculum to Catalog 5 Electronic Tracking and Sign-offs 3/19/2014 6 Curriculum Manual 1 Interactive Syllabus with Rubrics

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