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Building a CFD Grid Over ThaiGrid Infrastructure Putchong Uthayopas, Ph.D Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University,

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Presentation on theme: "Building a CFD Grid Over ThaiGrid Infrastructure Putchong Uthayopas, Ph.D Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a CFD Grid Over ThaiGrid Infrastructure Putchong Uthayopas, Ph.D Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University, Thailand Email:

2 Introduction Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a study of fluid behavior by using numerical technique that allows user to analyze Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Others Related Phenomena. CFD are widely used in industries for. Automotive design, Aerospace design, Turbo machinery design, and much more...

3 CAMETA Project Computer Aided Mechanical Engineering Technology and Application Collaboration among 3 research laboratories CFD lab at SUT, CML at KU and PRG at KU Goal Explore how to apply advanced CFD analysis to solve industry problems Develop advanced CFD techniques, algorithms, and software Explore the use of Beowulf cluster and parallel processing to solve large and complex CFD problem Partly funding from NECTEC

4 CAMETA Software

5 Software Architecture Client/Server Client GUI Sequential Grid generation, Solvers SCV Visualization Tool Servers Parallel 3D grid generation Parallel CFD solvers 2D laminar and Turbulence flow Task are pushed to server using a remote procedure technology called ACI (Active Cluster Interface) developed by us

6 Result of Parallel Grid Generation and Solver

7 Prediction Models

8 Some Target Applications Design of Air flow in clean room for complex electronics product assembly Collaboration with Seagate and Philips

9 Challenges on Grid Transition How to create a Virtual Research organization Single Virtual Computing Resources Authorization, Authentication, Security Mechanism for Transparent Resources Access Computing and Data access Virtual Collaboration Infrastructure Multi-organizational Geographically Separated

10 2 Layers of Grid

11 Building CAMETA Computational Grid PIRUN 72 nodes AMATA 16 nodes Uninet Thaisarn3 CFD Beowulf 16 nodes

12 Proposed Distributed Software Architecture KU Computing System SUT Computing System Globus Netsolve/Ninf ACI CFD Applications

13 Proposed Architecture for Parametric Job Submission Cluster Hardware SCE Cluster Hardware SCE Cluster Hardware SCE Globus Grid (ThaiGrid) SCE/GRID Resource Scheduler JOB Open SCE is a scalable and integrated cluster environment

14 Grid Usage Provided uniform security mechanism across the computing environment Provide services such as communication, information, job staging Provide mechanism for large scale data access

15 People Grid Based on Access Grid Technology Infrastructure for multipoint collaboration over internet Based on IP multicast Telepresence Access Grid allows the life live conversation, collaboration across the participating labs

16 Todo Computational Grid Building basic Globus grid (done) Install and test netsolve, Ninf Adapt ACI interface to run on netsolve Grid communication service Develop more solvers that conform to these standard Improve grid usability by developing some software tools

17 Todo People Grid Accelerate the deployment of access grid among the project partners Build software tools and infrastructure that allows easy access grid deployment Personal and tiny access grid nodes Accommodate non multicast environment See Omega project

18 Milestone Thaigrid infrastructure : done Q1: Evaluation of Netsolve, Ninf Develop ACI on grid Access launch for all parties Q2 Convert applications Evaluation Clean multicast

19 Final Remarks Grid is about People : Education, training is needed Software infrastructure : still in an infancy state, too complex for average users, inflexible. Network No Multicast ! Slow, unreliable ! All these need to be solved to get users on the grid

20 The End Any Question ?

21 Result of Parallel Grid Generation

22 Result of Parallel Solver

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