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2 INTRODUCTION Class:Six Subject:English Time:50 minutes
Most.Marufa Yeasmin Asistant Teacher International Grammar School-IGS,Rangpur. Class:Six Subject:English Time:50 minutes



5 LEARNING OUTCOME After the end of this lesson students will be able To talk about quantities for shopping To make dialogue with the shopkeepers To use some and many appropriately in sentences

6 Mother is telling the shopping list to Imran

7 A box of chocolate ice-cream
IMRAN HAVE TO BUY Half a kg of Carrots One kg tomato A box of chocolate ice-cream Two cauliflowers One kg sugar A dozen eggs 1 litre milk

8 Follow the dialogue Imran Do you have any carrots?
Salesman Do you have any carrots? Hello, How can I help you?

9 Yes,we do.How much would you like?
Imran Salesman I would like half a kg.And I’ll also need one kg of tomatoes,half a kg of potatoes,two cauliflowers,a dozen of eggs and some ice-cream. Yes,we do.How much would you like?

10 Right !Do you need anything else?
salesman Imran What ice-cream would you like,sir? I,ll have chocolate salesman Right !Do you need anything else?

11 Imran Salesman Imran Salesman Sure.How much milk do you want?
Umm……let me check.Oh,yes,could I have some sugar and milk? Sure.How much milk do you want? Imran Salesman Just one litre,….and one kg of sugar,please. Ok,let me find all the items for you.

12 Imran Imran Salesman Salesman Thank You,How much is the total?
Thanks. Please,Put them in a paper bag. Sure! We don’t use plastic bags here. Here you go!I”ve put all the items here. Imran Salesman Thank You,How much is the total? The total comes to Taka five hundred and thirty-five.

13 Thanks Bye, Imran Imran Salesman
Thank you. Here is the change, fifteen Taka.Have a good day! Here is five hundred and fifty Imran Thanks Bye,

14 SOME &ANY Any is used with negative statement:
I don’t see any student there. I haven’t got any photographs. Some is used with positive statement: I have some flowers. There is some milk in the glass

15 See pictures and make a Shopping list

16 Write the answers……… How many items did Imran buy?
Why do you think Imran asked the salesman to use a paper bag? Discuss with your friends and then write down one or two reasons.

17 Write at least ten sentences using some and many
HOMEWORK Your mother told you to buy some things of baker.Now make a dialogue with the baker. Write at least ten sentences using some and many


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