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Strategic Planning Update Providence School Board Presentation January 23, 2012.

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1 Strategic Planning Update Providence School Board Presentation January 23, 2012

2 Why are we creating a strategic plan now? It will help PPSD staff to focus our efforts and allocate limited resources appropriately to help achieve our goals PPSD has a solid base that has emerged from multiple meetings to build on existing work to make an actionable, focused plan that will drive real results for the stakeholders of PPSD This process will unite leaders to move together; not to recreate existing work, but rather to refine, understand, and build on it so it becomes real. There is a high sense of urgency. This work should make peoples’ jobs more focused and targeted,- easier, not harder!

3 Core Team Participants The core strategic planning team represents diverse points of view, but is small enough to remain agile. Sue Lusi, Superintendent Colleen Jermain, Chief of Staff Paula Shannon, CAO Carleton Jones, COO Mike D’Antuono, Deputy CFO Craig Bickley, Executive Director of HR Dottie Smith, Executive Director of School Transformation Marc Catone, Executive Director of Secondary Schools Rachel Mellion, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction Jenn Steinfeld, Director of Development Rebecca Boxx, Full Service Community Schools Soledad Barreto, Director ELL Karen Vessella, Special Ed. Director, Secondary Lisa Vargas, Special Ed. Director, Elementary Nicole Mathis, Principal, Green MS Regina Winkfield, Principal, E3 Academy Brent Kerman, Principal, D’Abate ES Derrick Ciesla, Principal, King ES Brearn Wright, Principal, Williams MS Kadesa Huffman, Assistant Principal, DelSesto MS Brian Baldizar, Assistant Principal, Classical HS

4 Our starting point reflects a solid base to work from Beliefs and Commitments (Incl. Core values, Vision, Mission) –Revised January 2008 School District Goals & Objectives –Approved October 2003 High School Reform Portfolio –Adopted March 2007 Strategic Direction (incl. Aligned Instruction System) –Approved September 2008 We have a variety of strategic-planning related inputs to consider. Board Policies Past Plans Recent Work “Realizing the Dream” plan (2006-2009) Strategic Framework Map EOWG initiative

5 Current Draft Strategy Framework Map Our map is a great start and reflects a lot of hard work and thinking, but we need a deeper plan to help drive execution

6 PPSD Framework Map: Overview 40+ Activities & Evidence Based Practices 5 Strategies + 24 Sub-Strategies 4 Goals/Results + Key Indicators We want to make these goals and structure drive our execution.

7 PPSD Strategic Planning: 5 Key Steps in our process Consolidate Documents Consolidate Documents Refine a Theory of Action Create 3-year Action Plan Gather Feedback Revise & Finalize Plan 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Create consolidated strategic planning documents with synthesized goals and other content. The team will compile one working document from the several that exist today. The team will update and refine a theory of action to help guide ongoing strategic planning efforts The plan will specify and align goals, key activities and accountability, including definitive timelines and benchmarks, through an inclusive process that embraces the district’s commitment to shared leadership and stakeholder buy-in Staff will be given opportunities to raise understanding and generate buy-in with key stakeholders throughout the process with definitive timelines for respondents The team will revise and create final documentation and next steps for implementation planning.

8 Working Sessions Timelines and Goals Timing (Week of)Key Objectives January 9 (Monday) Kickoff & process overview Set and discuss objectives Develop common baseline understanding of where we are and where we need to go 17 (Tuesday) Refine theory of action Develop initial list of priority initiatives and map to key goals/results Discuss missing goal areas 23 (Monday) Refine list of priority initiatives and identify gaps Identify goals, key measure and metrics for each major activity 30 (Monday) Refine goals and metrics Research and establish baseline measures where possible Develop rough timeline and dependencies for key activities February 6 (Monday) Refine activities and metrics Establish full draft of calendar including draft milestones Complete responsibility/accountability matrix February 13 (Monday) Refine and edit full draft February 27 (Monday) Pre-Road show preparation

9 What is a Theory of Action? A coherent set of strategies that should ensure academic rigor and maximize student learning at all levels by shaping: – Management Goals – Policies – Strategic Planning – Budgets

10 A Theory of Action answers these questions 1 What do we believe? 2 What do we look like now and what do we want to look like? 3 How do we get there? What needs to change?

11 School District Strategy & Execution Aspirational Vision Activities & Initiatives Action Plan ResponsibilitiesTimelines GoalsMeasures Theory of Action Prioritization of Time and Money

12 Questions? Updates will be provided throughout the months. The team will be gathering data and feedback throughout the process as we develop actionable plans and timelines. Thank you.

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