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Published byTracy Hamilton Modified over 9 years ago
1 Madhya Pradesh APIP 2012-13 Presentation by GoMP 3/10/12 Annual Project Implementation Plan for ICDS (APIP)
MADHYA PRADESH - Demographic Profile Area (in sq.kms.)308 thousand sq. K.M. Population Census 201172597565 Male37612920 Female34984645 Scheduled Tribes20.27 (Census 2001) Scheduled Castes 15.17 (Cenus 2001) Population (0-6 Years)1.05 Cr Development Blocks313 Populated villages54903 Gram Panchayats23012 Literacy70.6 Male80.53 Female60.02 Density of Population236 Sex Ratio930 Child Sex Ratio912 2
Health Indicators 3 Madhya PradeshINDIA Current StatusCurrent status MMR310 (AHS 2010-11) 212 (AHS 2010-11) IMR62 (SRS - 2011) 47 (SRS - 2011) U 5 MR89 (AHS- 2011) 98 TFR3.2 (SRS 2010) 2.5 (SRS 2010)
An Overview of ICDS Services Total no. of Districts50 Total no. of Blocks313 Total Projects ( ICDS )453 Projects in Rural area281 Projects in Tribal area99 Projects in Urban slum73 Total no. of Anganwadi Centres80160 (1231 newly sanctioned AWCs) Total no. of Mini AWCs12070 Average no. of AWCs / project174 Additional no. of AWCs required for total 1.05 Cr children 20000
Facilities at AWCs (Infrastructure and Other facilities) Total number of AWCs78929 AWCs having their own buildings22590 (28.2%) AWCs functional in other Govt. buildings16349(20.7%) AWCs functional in other rented buildings40266 (51.0%) AWCs having toilet facilities35457 (45.0%) AWCs having electricity facility24631 (31.2%) AWCs having facility for drinking water68617 (86.9%)
Service Outreach Total Population of MP7.25Cr.(2011) Population of 0-6 yrs, Children,@ 14.5%1.05 Cr Eligible population 0-6 yrs to be enrolled0.88 Cr (as per survey) 0.84 Cr (Actual enrolled) Gap- 4.5% Covered under ICDS (SNP) 0-6 yrs0.72 Cr (86% of enrolled) Gap- 14.3% Population of P/L mothers @ 3 % of the total population 0.21Cr (Expected) 0.17 Cr (Enrolled) Gap- 19.04% Covered under ICDS(SNP) P/L0.15Cr (Preg. and Lact.) Gap- 11.8%
Total No. of Children Benefitted Under SNP 6 Months - 6 Years 7 In lacs
Total No. of Pregnant & Lactating Mother Benefitted under SNP 8 In lacs
9 % SNP Coverage 2006-2012
Status of Malnutrition - MP 10
Weight for Age – Underweight (0-5 years %) 11
Weight for Height – Wasting (0-5 years %) 13
Breastfeeding Indicator 15
ICDS – Challenges 100% Coverage of Children and Mothers (Universalization) Opening of AWCs Ensuring the presence of children and retaining them at AWCs Growth Monitoring Ensuring proper distribution of breakfast, hot cooked meal & THR Strategy for Community Based Care of SAM children Capacity building Monitoring & Evaluation IEC& BCC Strategy 16 ICDS- Challenges
States Initiatives Mangal Diwas (community participation) New WHO growth standard rolled out across the State Mapping current nutritional status through NIN Developed about 7000 AWCs across the State on BalA pattern to attract community and Children in collaboration with RSK Reference manual for AWWs in collaboration with IGNOU and ECCE manual in collaboration with RSK Setting up of 273 NRCs and 55969 SAM children have been rehabilitated (April 2011- March 2012), all blocks will be covered with NRC facility Scaling up Sick New Born Care Units Atal Bal Mission 17
Reducing U5MR from 94.2 to 60 per thousand live births by 2015 Reducing the percentage of underweight children under five years from 60% to 40% by 2015 and further from 40% to 20% by 2020 Reducing prevalence of SAM in children under 5 years from 12.6% to 5% by 2015 and to negligible by 2020 ABM Goals
To fill in the gaps primarily in the State Health and Nutrition programs, including ICDS. To undertake evidence based pilots with a view to scale up on the basis of results. To serve as a platform for Convergence of Various Schemes of Different Departments. To promote decentralized planning through District Specific Action Plans. ABM Strategy
20 Decentralized planning by districts including following key components - Provision of additional nutritious diet to SUW Children besides SNP. Convergent Bottom-up Planning Capacity building of frontline workers revamped Community involvement through Atal Bal Mitra Yojana Culture-specific BCC initiatives Concurrent Monitoring and Evaluation ABM - Key Components included in DAP
Strengthening of MCTS Linkage with Growth Monitoring and Health services through MCP cards Skill Enhancement trainings Joint supportive supervision Developing linkages between MIS of Health and WCD for improved tracking of malnourished children Village wise online data capture of SAM Children Convergent Efforts
Major Activities Proposed in APIP 2012-13 Human Resources i. ii. Proposing a technical team of consultants (Nutrition,MIS,M&E) for better implementation of the program both at State level as well as ICDS project level 22 Level Sanctioned PositionFilled in positionVacant State level98 0 District level23119873 Block level26731899794 Sector level (Supervisors) 31572728429 AWW80160770863074 AWH80160761883972 Mini AWW1270 0
Procurement: i.Medicine Kit & Pre School Education will be supplied to all the AWCs including Mini AWCs. ii.Equipments and supplies to strengthen field offices (From State to Project office) iii.Essential supplies to AWCs (Weighing machines, MUAC, growth monitoring charts, registers and storage boxes) Nutrition and Health Education i.Strengthening Village Health and Nutrition Days. ii.Observance of Special Days and weeks (Women’s day, Nutrition week, Breastfeeding week etc). iii.Tracking of food commodity being distributed under SNP 23 Major Activities Proposed in APIP 2012-13
IEC i.Use of Audio-video channels for mass awareness ii.Observance of important days and communication campaign iii.Capacity Building of staff on IEC, IPC etc iv.Special IEC strategy for high burdened districts Monitoring and Evaluation:- i.Assessment of nutritional status of under five children were done by NIN during 2012-13 ii. Strengthening of Web enabled MIS iii. Third party concurrent monitoring will be done iv.Strengthening of supportive supervision at all level v.Tracking of severely under weight children 24 Major Activities Proposed in APIP 2012-13
Capacity Building i.Assessment and filling of position as per norms (all MLTCS and AWTCs). ii.Establishing State training cell dedicated exclusively for trainings. iii.Roll out of new MIS across the state after training of ICDS functionaries iv.Regular training of ICDS functionaries v.Renovations and establishing one new MLTC and 16 AWTCs with the support from Development Partners. New Initiatives to strengthen ICDS i.Orientation for Community Participation in ICDS program ii.Appointment of additional AWWs in selected AWCs iii.Mobile tracking system for program activities iv.GIS mapping of AWCs are in the process Major Activities Proposed in APIP 2012-13
Budgetary allocation and expenditure on SNP during 2008-2012 (in Rs. Lakhs) Financial Year Budget allocation Actual Expenditure % Utilization 2008 – 200927121.4226388.6997.29 2009 – 201056903.4952215.2291.76 2010 – 201192697.7789736.4096.81 2011-201290200.0089365.7699.07 26
Physical Targets and Financial Estimates S.N. Program Components Intervention/ Activities UnitNormPhysical Financial (Rs. Lakhs) 1Human Resources Filling of vacanciesTargets State level98 100% District level231 (73 vacant) 100% Block level 2673 (794 vacnt) 100% Sector level (Supervisors) 3157 (429 vacant) 100% AWC level 80160 AWW (3074 vacant) 80160 AWH (3972 vacant) 12070 AWW (Mini AWC) 100% Salary of ICDS staff State98436.62 District231709.82 Block/Sector586014905.80 AWC17239045003.6 SUB- TOTAL-161055.85 27
S.N. Program Components Intervention/ Activities UnitNormTime LinePhysical Financial (Rs. Lakhs) 2.Administrative cost Rent/ Vehicle/Contingency Rent Rural/Tribal AWC 29517 Urban AWC 7875 Rs. 200/m 750/m 708.4 708.75 Total1416.8 Hiring of vehicles and POL 820.75 Contingency 714.1 SUB-TOTAL- 22951.65 28 3. Supplementary Nutrition Supply of SN to children, P & L women and AGs Children 6 months- 6 yrs 85,00,000Rs. 4 x 300102000.00 P & L women1410000Rs. 5x 30021150.00 Severe malnourishe d children 1.87,599Rs. 6 x 3003376.78 SUB- TOTAL -3 Note: 50% of cost of SNP to be borne by State126526.78 Physical Targets and Financial Estimates
S.N. Program Component s Intervention/ Activities UnitNormPhysical Financial (Rs. Lakhs) 4.Procurement Supply of material & equipments (see table 4B.1 at page 37) PSE kit801600.01 lakh/ kit801.60 Medicine kit801600.006 lakh/ kit 480.96 PSE kit (Mini AWC)120700.005lakh/kit60.35 Medicine kit (Mini AWC) 120700.003lakh/kit36.21 Weighing scales Salter scale 235370.0075 / scale176.52 Baby weighing scale517870.01 lakh / scale517.87 Adult weighing scale454850.01 lakh / scale454.85 Computers/ Printers and UPS @ Rs..50 lacs each State-10 District- 10 Block -200 0.50110.0 Almirah/ Storage box/ Utensils, equipment, etc State to Block124.15 AWC level@ 0.05 lakhs for furniture 51231 AWC0.052561.55 SUB TOTAL – 45324.06 Physical Targets and Financial Estimates
S.N.Program Components Intervention/ Activities UnitNormPhysicalFinancial (Rs. Lakhs) 5. Training and capacity building Regular training (induction/ job/ Refresher 1110.35 MPR /MIS training for ICDS staff 1753.95 Exposure Visit10.0 SUB – TOTAL- 52874.3 6.IEC Mangal Diwas80160 AWCs0.0252004.0 IEC per AWCs /yr80160 AWCs0.01801.60 SUB - TOTAL- 62805.6 7. Monitoring & Evaluation Routine monitoring through MPR 80160 AWCs0.005400.8 Register, records etc. (80160 +12070 mini AWC).005461.15 SUB TOTAL-7861.95 30 Physical Targets and Financial Estimates
S.N.Program Components Intervention/ Activities UnitNormPhysica l Financial (Rs. Lakhs) 8Others Uniform to AWW/AWH 80160 AWCs +80160 AWHs+12070 Mini AWWs / =172390 Rs. 425 / worker 681.36 Convergent workshops 50 districts 1.0 lakh / distric 50.0 Flexi Fund for the AWCs 922300.01922.3 Travel2297.0 Office expense620.0 Special initiatives : See details at item 4 K at page 60 of the report. 1.Orientation workshops for PRI Members665.0 2.Appointment of additional AWWs at 11000 AWCs643.50 4. Training of AWWs and Supervisors in Inter-personal communication267.95 5. Tracking system for program activities1202.4 SUB- TOTAL-87349.51 GRAND TOTAL209749.70 31 Physical Targets and Financial Estimates
Summary of Proposed Budget –APIP 2012-13 32 S.N.Intervention/ Activities Proposed Budget (Rs. Lakhs) 1 Human Resource (State to AWC) 61055.85 2 Administrative Cost ( Rent POL, Vehicle hiring, Computer, Furniture etc. 2951.65 3 Supplementary Nutrition (Note: 50% of cost of SNP to be borne by State) 126526.78 4 Procurement 5324.06 5 Training and Capacity Building 2874.3 6 Information,Education and Communication 2805.6 7 Monitoring and Evaluation 861.95 8 Others (convergent workshops, Uniform for AWWs and AWHs, travel flexi fund for AWCs, office expenses and special initiatives like, workshops for PRI Members, Appointment of additional AWWs, IPC trainings and mobile tracking system) 7349.51 GRAND TOTAL 209749.70
Time line for Activities Proposed under APIP 2012-13 ActivitySub ActivityOutputIndicator Time line (Quarterly) IIIIII IV Human Resources Assessment of Vacant positions at state, district, block, sector & AWC level List of vacant positions ready All Vacancies filled Issuing directives to CDPOs for filling up the vacant positions of AWW/AWH with recommendations of Gram Sabha. Directives issued Advertise vacancies for supervisors, conduct test & hold selection (50% reservation for AWWs & 50% open) Selection held Advertise vacancies for CDPOs conduct test & Interview Interview Conducted Hold DPC for promotion of CDPOs to DPOs/DWCDO DPC Held Advertise vacancies for ASO/SA, conduct test & Interview Interview Conducted Appointment of additional AWWs in selected AWCs Appointment made Training & Honorarium to additional AWWs- Trainings completed 33
ActivitySub ActivityOutput Indicator Time line (Quarterly) IIIIII IV Training & Capacity Building Conduct Induction training for newly recruited AWWs & Helpers Trainings Completed No. of AWWs & AWH trained Training needs assessment for Job & Refresher training of AWW/Helper Need assessment completed Conduct Job & Refresher training of AWW/Helper as per STRAP Trainings completed as per STRAP No. of AWWs/AWHs trained Preparation of training module & material on IPC Module & Material prepared All districts received the material Development & printing of Flip books on IPC for AWWs Flip book printed All districts received the material Training of Master trainers on IPC Master Trainers trained No. of Master trained Training of trainers (supervisors) on IPCSupervisors trainedNo. of traines trained Training of AWW on IPCAWWs trained No. of AWWs trained on IPC Training of ICDS functionaries on MPR/MISTraining conductedNo.of functionar Exposure visit Exposure visit conducted Best practices being rolled out Organize orientation trainings for community opinion leaders(PRI, CBO, SMS, Mahila Mandal, SHG etc.) Trainings of community opinion leaders organized No. of functionaries trained 34 Time line for Activities Proposed under APIP 2012-13
ActivitySub ActivityOutputIndicator Time line (Quarterly ) IIIIII IV 3) SNP Processing procurement of SNP for AWCs (THR) SNP ProcuredNo. of districts received SNP Monitoring of SNP quality, quantity, frequency & beneficiaries covered ( at different levels) Improvement in coverage Coverage increased by 10% of current status Monitoring of third meal programme for Severely Underweight Children through tracking & routine monitoring system Improvement in coverage 100% SAM children receive third meal 4) Pre- School Education Ensuring 100% children of 3-6yrs are enrolled & attend PSE Improvement in enrollment & attendance 100% children are enrolled & 10% increase in attendance from the current level Community Monitoring of PSE Programme for quality & regularity Community monitoring system established No. of villages with community monitoring system established Organization of Parent-AWW meet every month for creating awareness about PSE System of Parent AWWs meet established No. of AWCs which started organizing regular meeting with parents 35 Time line for Activities Proposed under APIP 2012-13
ActivitySub ActivityOutputIndicator Time line (Quarterly) IIIIII IV Procurement Procurement of PSE kit by DPOs as per purchase rules Kits procured No. of AWCs received PSE kit Procurement of Medicine kit by DPOs as per purchase rules Kits procured No. of AWCs received Medicine kit Place orders for procurement of Computers & Printers through LUN after finalizing the specifications at DWCD Orders placed No. of districts /blocks received supplies 5.4) Procurement of furniture & office equipments as per purchase rules Procurement done No. of districts /blocks received supplies 5.5) Assessment of requirement of serving utensils, boxes, dari, furniture etc for AWCs Assessment of requirement made No. of districts from where assessment received 5.6) Procurement of serving utensils, boxes, dari, furniture etc for AWCs as per purchase rules Procurement done No. of AWCs received supplies IEC Strengthen Mangal Diwas Programme Mandal Diwas strengthened No. of AWCs where all four Mangal Diwas are held regularly Assess IEC needs & develop strategies & material IEC strategy document developed - 36 Time line for Activities Proposed under APIP 2012-13
ActivitySub ActivityOutputIndicator Time line (Quarterly) IIIIII IV Monitoring & Evaluation Linking of Mobile tracking monitoring system & referral of SAM children Development & Printing of New MPR formats, Checklist, Registers Material developed No. of districts started using new MPR & formats Others Procurement of Sarees & badges to AWW & AWH Procurement made No. of AWWs & Helpers received Sarees & badges Organizing Convergence workshops for improved interdepartmental coordination with health, RD, Education, Tribal departments Convergence workshops for interdepartmental coordination initiated No. of districts started organizing convergence workshops Strengthen NHED sessions in convergence with health department NHED sessions strengthened No. of NHED sessions organized as per the protocols 37 Time line for Activities Proposed under APIP 2012-13
I.Promotion of 14 ASOs to CDPOs, 7 APOs to CDPOs and 18 CDPOs to DWCDOs done, all the vacant post will be filled by March 2013 II.Procurement process of Pre-School Education Kit, Medicine Kit and uniform for AWWs and AWHs shall be completed by Jan.2013 III. Pilot for Community based management of SAM children is under consideration IV.Pilot for providing one full meal to Pregnant and Lactating Women proposed V.Training plan for induction of ICDS functionaries on revised MIS approved by GoI, and first SLMF training for three States being organized by MP VI.Printing of reporting registers and formats are in the process and will be delivered to all projects by November 2012 VII.Project “SANJHA PRAYAS” in collaboration with Rural Development department in 20 -20 villages, of two blocks in two districts will be implemented soon on pilot basis. An update...
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