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Classical Conditioning Review

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1 Classical Conditioning Review
A young child who reaches out to pet a barking dog is bitten by the dog & cries. Every time she hears a dog bark, she whimpers. UCS- UCR- CS- CR-

2 Operant Conditioning Learning where a behavior is followed by a consequence (reward or punishment)

3 Thorndike’s Cats in a Puzzle Box
Law of effect- behaviors followed by a positive consequence strengthens behavior & negative consequence weakens behavior

4 Skinner’s Experiments
Operant Chamber/Skinner Box Shaping – reinforce any behavior leading up to the desired behavior Pigeon Ping Pong

5 Skinner’s Experiments
Operant Chamber/Skinner Box Shaping (Acquisition Stage) – reinforce any behavior leading up to the desired behavior Pigeon Ping Pong

6 Consequences Reinforcement (R)- increases chance behavior will occur again Primary - necessary for survival, such as food Secondary- anything else, such as money, praise, a sticker Punishment (P)- decreases chance behavior will occur again Big Bang Theory Example

7 R P Positive + Add pleasant stimulus to increase behavior Add unpleasant stimulus to decrease behavior Negative - Remove unpleasant stimulus to increase behavior Remove pleasant stimulus to decrease behavior

8 Using Punishment to Discipline:
Can have unwanted effects (anger, hostility, anxiety) Physical punishment leads to aggression Better to reinforce desirable behavior

9 Guidelines to Effective Punishment
Don’t delay Explain the punishment Use least severe punishment (minimize physical punishment) Follow through

10 Examples: A rat presses a bar and receives a food pellet.
A teenager can’t use the car for a week because she stayed out past curfew. You party all night and get an F. You are caught speeding and are given a ticket by a police officer. Every time the 2 year old uses the toilet his parents praise him.

11 Schedules of Reinforcement
Continuous Reinforcement- behavior is always reinforced Intermittent/Partial Reinforcement- behavior is sometimes reinforced Skinner clip of schedules of reinforcement

12 FR VR FI VI Fixed- set amount Variable- random amount Ratio-
Based on certain # of responses FR FR-15 (reinforcer every 15th response) Paid by the job VR VR-15 (reinforcer over an average of 15 responses, not every 15 Gambling Hardest to extinguish Interval Based on time FI FI-15 (reinforcer after every 15 seconds if 1 correct response is made) Paid by the hour VI VI- 15 (reinforcer over an average interval of 15 seconds) Pop quiz

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