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COLEGIO ESCOLAPIAS GANDIA CONDITIONALS C/ San Rafael, 25 46701-Gandia Tfno. 962 965 096 1 1 ST CONDITIONAL.

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Presentation on theme: "COLEGIO ESCOLAPIAS GANDIA CONDITIONALS C/ San Rafael, 25 46701-Gandia Tfno. 962 965 096 1 1 ST CONDITIONAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 COLEGIO ESCOLAPIAS GANDIA CONDITIONALS C/ San Rafael, 25 46701-Gandia Tfno. 962 965 096 1 1 ST CONDITIONAL If + Present, Will + Infinitive a) Possible or likely situations b) Promises and warnings * If it rains tommorrow, I won´t practice bungee- jumping * If you don´t put on some sun cream, you´ll burn 2 ND CONDITIONAL If + Past, Would + Infinitive a) Imaginary or unlikely situations now or in the future b) to give advice * If I/she were older, I/she wouldn´t live at home * If I won the lottery, I would buy a new sports car If you had a computer, you would use the Internet * If I were you, I´d exercise more * If she were you, she would deny it 3 RD CONDITIONAL If + Past Perft, Would+ Pesent Perft a) Imaginary situations in the past, things that didn´t happen * If I had remembered your phone number, I would have called you Mixed Conditionals a) If + Past, Would/Could/Might… + Prest Perft b) If + Past Perft, Would/Could/Might… + Infinitive * If I were braver, I would have confronted him * If We had left just earlier, We wouldn´t be alive

2 FOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT Copyright Colegio Escolapias Gandia 2 We could replace IF with the following particles: a)Unless (if…not = a menos que (usually in 1 st Conditional) You won´t find the beach unless you take a map/ If you don´t take a map b) Provided (that)/ Providing (only if= solo en el caso de que…) You´ll survive on the island providing you can catch fish c) As long as (only if = mientras que, solo si…) d) Even if… (In Condt. I, II, III. It emphasises the condition) Even if you know how to fish, you still won´t survive e) In case… (por si/ en caso de que…) We will take more than the necessary food in case we can´t catch any fish

3 FOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT Copyright Colegio Escolapias Gandia 3 * I´ll go home unless I have to iron more shirts If… * He would avoid being late by taking the motorway If… * Don´t touch the match or you´ll burn your finger If… * I wish I had a good ear for music If only… * I don´t have a word processor so I can´t write your report with it If… * He felt seasick because he hadn´t taken his pills If…

4 FOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT Copyright Colegio Escolapias Gandia 4 * You won´t be employed by this company if your performance isn´t good Unless… * What a pity you can´t see my newborn baby! I wish… * Why don´t you stop smoking here? I wish… * I didn´t notice the man was in danger so I didn´t help him If… * Keep the plasticine in a closed box or it will become dry If… * I hate people throwing rubbish on the grass I wish… * She didn´t have any soft drinks at home so she didn´t offer one to me If… * It´s a pity you suddenly fell ill; then you would have come to America with us If…

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