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Breakfast Spaghetti Boiled Eggs Toast Bananas Mangos.

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2 Breakfast Spaghetti Boiled Eggs Toast Bananas Mangos

3 What is to come for Mellier, Haiti. They have come a long way on this church, but still have much work to do. The hopes are to finish this structure within the next year.

4 Our last day of construction


6 All week our team wondered why the crew hand mixed the cement rather than using the two cement mixers they had on site. Once we finally asked we came to know that they didn’t have any gas, nor money for it. Our team pitched in money to get them gasoline to run the mixers. Unfortunately, they could not get the mixers running while we were still there on Saturday.

7 The team and the site crew who we worked side by side with all week. Before we left Saturday, we were able to give them all a health kit. The kits included things such as a wash cloth, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.

8 Entertainme nt “Farkel”

9 Our Day at the Beach






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18 We finally got to have ICE cold drinks!!

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