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30 January 2012, Oradea Department of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics János TÓTH PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "30 January 2012, Oradea Department of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics János TÓTH PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 30 January 2012, Oradea Department of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics János TÓTH PhD

2 Departments Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Building Services Department of Civil Engineering Department of Architecture Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics Department of Management and Economics Department of Basic Technical Studies (Mathematics, Physics, Informatics)

3 Education Education in Mechatronics Engineering (BSC) specialization ~ 15 courses, Informatics Engineering (BSC) specialization ~ 10 courses, Building Service Engineering (MSC) specialization ~ 5 courses, Mechatronics Engineering (MSC) specialization 4 courses (HURO project)

4  National Instruments,  KUKA  FESTO  BOSCH  General Electric,  Lego Hungária,  Digilent,  Schneider Electric Hungária  Daniella  MSK Hungary  EON Tiszántúli áramszolgáltató  Siemens EEM industrial co-operation:

5 Laboratory name: Electronics laboratory Area and place number for students: 8 working place * 2 students in 74 sqm head of laboratory: Gyula Darai Instruments: RFT oscilloscope EO 213, Toroid transformer, digital multimeters, transistor characteristic drawing, multi-meter suitcase.

6 Laboratory name: Measuring and automatics laboratory Area and place number for students: 10 working place * 2 students in 74 sqm head of laboratory: István Nagy 12 pieces of PLC, 10 pieces of FPGA power supplies, oscilloscopes, generators, counter, manual tools, 16 PCs, plotter, printer and NI sign conditioner and amplifier.

7 Laboratory name: Pneumatic laboratory (sponsored by FESTO, Hungary) Area and place number for students: 8 working place * 2 students in 79 sqm head of laboratory: Dr. János Tóth The mechatronics lab established by the firm FESTO has been in operation in our Faculty for 4 years, in which there are courses for not only the full-time students of the Faculty, but there are also retraining for engineers of co- operating plants. In the lab 16 students can work in 8 measuring stations. A measuring station contains a PC and a complete portable FESTO measuring set (PLC, VEEP emulator, wires, tools, instructions etc.). Topics of the education: pneumatics, electro-pneumatic controlling, PLC controlling.

8 Laboratory name: Robot laboratory (sponsored by KUKA, ABB, Robot-x, Hungary) Area and place number for students: 5 working place * 2 students in 79 sqm head of laboratory: Dr. Géza Husi In the laboratory we can find one 3 axies TTT Q-bot multitasking robot, one KR5 arc KUKA industrial robot arm, one KR5Sxx KUKA didactic robot, one SONY SCARA SRX-611 robot with maker cell. six Lego MINDSTORM kit and ten different Fichertechnik fabricant line.

9 Laboratory name: ELVIS laboratory (sponsored by National Instruments, Hungary) Area and place number for students: 10 working place * 2 students in 74 sqm head of laboratory: Sándor Piros Altogether 20 students are able to work in 10 measuring stations simultaneously. Equipment of a measuring station are: oscilloscope, function generator, direct-current power supply, manual device, portable measuring set and spare set. In the lab there are NI ELVIS I and NI ELVIS II measuring systems. The National Instruments Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS), featuring an integrated suite of 12 instruments in one compact form factor is ideal for hands-on learning, with a 100 MS/s oscilloscope option.

10 Laboratory name: Schneider Electric knowledge center (sponsored by Schneider electric, Hungary) Area and place number for students: 20 working place * 1 students in 76 sqm head of laboratory: István Bartha Altogether 20 students are able to work simultaneously.

11 Laboratory name: Mechatronics production-line laboratory (sponsored by FESTO, Hungary) Area and place number for students: 8 working place * 2 students in 79 sqm head of laboratory: Dr. János Tóth The operation and programming of the production-line and the actuation of the robot can be taught on the production line established by FESTO.

12 Laboratory name: MPS® PA laboratory (sponsored by FESTO, Hungary) Area and place number for students: 8 working place * 2 students in 79 sqm head of laboratory: Dr. János Tóth MPS® PA stations and complete systems Laboratory – The elementary control loops in the process industry including new Festo PLC programs and needed Touchpanel applications as well as current electro-pneumatic circuits and RI- diagrams.

13 Thank you for attention!

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