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State Level Achievement Survey “A Study on learning levels of children in class III &VIII in Andhra Pradesh” During 2014-15.

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Presentation on theme: "State Level Achievement Survey “A Study on learning levels of children in class III &VIII in Andhra Pradesh” During 2014-15."— Presentation transcript:

1 State Level Achievement Survey “A Study on learning levels of children in class III &VIII in Andhra Pradesh” During 2014-15

2  Assessment of children learning is indispensable in the School Education System.  It helps to assess the children achievement levels in the curricular areas, to explore areas for further academic inputs needed for better learning of the children.  Assessment of children at regular intervals entails tracking the changes visible in learners from time to time.

3  To study the achievement levels in terms of prescribed academic standards in curricular subjects among the children of classes III & VIII in PS,UPS&HSs.  To study the effect of background variables such as Home, Teacher and School on the achievement levels.  To study the achievement levels with reference to medium of instruction; location of schools; school management; different social groups; gender;

4  There is no significant difference in the achievement levels of the students across the districts in different subjects.  There is no effect of background variables such as Teacher, School and Home on the achievement level of students.  There is significant difference in the achievement levels of the students with regard to Gender, location, Management, Medium of Instruction and Social Groups (SC,ST, OBC and Minorites).

5 RESEARCH DESIGN & METHODOLOGY  The methodology employed in this study is of normative study using survey method.  Schools are selected in the district through Stratified Proportionate Random Sampling. (As it was done in the previous year 2013-14)  No. of Districts considered for the Study: All 13 Districts  All Revenue divisions is selected from 13 Districts  Two are three mandals is selected from each Revenue Division  Further care is taken that the sample well representative of a wide range of students, belonging to different locations, school managements, Area (Rural,Urban &Tribal and social groups and schools enrolments.

6 From each Identified Mandal – Primary Schools : 1 – Upper Primary Schools : 1 – High School : 1 Total Sample of Schools in the State: - Primary Schools : 418 (68%) Class III - Upper Primary Schools : 126 (19%) Class III&VIII - High School : 78 (13%) - Urdu Schools from 5 districts : 25 (2- P.S, 2-UPS, 1- HS from each district :5) - Total Schools: 597 + 25+622 On an average each district (40 to 60) Schools including PS,UPS&HS will be Selected Proportionately Stratified Random Sampling.

7  The children’s sample is 25 will be selected from each selected class (Class III&VIII)  Minimum sample children in each class is not less than 10  If more than 25 students in the class, only 25 students will be selected randomly.  For Class III(PS&UPS): 8010, for Class VIII(upper primary section &HS; 2759, Total 10769 children’s are to be selected approximately. Curricular Subjects considered for the Study:  PS (Class III) & UPS(Classes III): Telugu, English, Maths and EVS  UPS & HS (Class VIII): Telugu, English, Maths, Science and Social studies

8 1.1. School Questionnaire a) School Infrastructure Facilities (Variables) School Enrolment Variables Teacher Perfection Variables 2 Teacher Questionnaire Teacher background Variables Teacher –TLM (Variables) Absenteeism 3.3. Student Questionnaire Student Background variables Student parent’s Educational Background Students Parent’s Occupational Background 4 Class III (Telugu, English, Maths &EVS Each Subject Two Test forms (Test Form-1 &Test Form-2) is to be selected) Each test form 40 items (20 Anchor items +20 new items) Total test items for class III in each subject: 60 (20 Anchor items and 40 New items are) Class VIII (Telugu, English, Maths, Science Social Each Subject Two Test forms (Test Form-1 &Test Form-2) is to be selected Each test form 50 items (30 Anchor items +20 new items) Total test items for class VIII in each subject: 70( 30 Anchor items and 40 New items)

9  Pedagogy of SSA in coordination with SCERT is developed Subject wise Test items for Learning Assessment Tools of class III &VIII.  Test items developed based on the IRT (multiple test forms)  SCERT moderated Tools by the concerned subject Lecturers/ Professors  Urdu Co-ordinator is translated Tools into Urdu medium

10  A Pilot study is conducted in Krishna district for 3 primary schools and 3 UPs and 3 HS. Around 120 children is tested in each class for class III&VIII.  Tools are standardized through pilot study, and doing necessary modifications by adopting Item Response Theory (IRT) or Classical Theory. And use of SPSS software.

11 After completion of the administering the tools the DPOs/AMOs will be collected the tools from all MEOs for scrutinized the Data. The testing tools are to be scrutinized and analyzed with the help of DIET faculty and DRPs at the District as per instruction given in the training. State level Data Entry Valuation of test items is to be done at the Krishna district through offline application

12 Orientation of field Functionaries S.N TrainingNo.of DaysParticipants 01State level One Day 20-12-14 AMOs,Asst.AMOs, DRPs, one from DIET in each Dist. 02District level One Days 29-12-2014 MEOs, DIET Faculty Members, Concern school HMs,. DLMTs and Identified CRPs. 3Administering the test each class two days 30 th and 31 st - 12-2014 Each class one CRP for class III&VIII in PS,UPS&HS

13 Academic Standard wise Children’s Achievement - 2014-15 Class III


15 StandardsA+AB+BC Reading10.616.88.413.251.0 Writing20.820.414.57.636.7 Vocabulary & Grammar9.713.614.38.653.8 Listening and speaking (Oral) Overall Subject4.115.827.317.135.8 Grades: A+- Above 90%; A: 71-90%; B+: 51-70%; B: 41- 50%; C : 40% and below. ( Oral 63.5%are NA)


17 StandardsA+AB+BC Reading 9.411.26.39.363.8 Writing 5.410.97.49.966.4 Vocabulary Grammar 2.514.126.811.744.9 Listening and speaking (Oral) Overall Subject Grades: A+- Above 90%; A: 71-90%; B+: 51-70%; B: 41- 50%; C : 40% and below.( Oral NA 63.0)



20 standardsA+AB+BC Problem solving Reasoning & proof 1.615.48.611.562.8 Communica tion 4.213.9 0.0 25.756.2 Connection 7.513.3 0.0 27.751.5 Representati on 2.717 0.0 22.857.8 Overall Subject Grades: A+- Above 90%; A: 71-90%; B+: 51-70%; B: 41-50%; C : 40% and below.



23 Academic Standards A+AB+BC Conceptual Understanding 6.217.513.910.851.6 Hypothesis and Experimental skills 6.414.68.910.459.6 Drawing and Mapping skills 9.816. values, Daily life application 8.616.38.49.856.9 overall subject 3.618.212.97.557.8 Grades: A+- Above 90%; A: 71-90%; B+: 51-70%; B: 41-50%; C : 40% and below.


25 StandardsA+AB+BC Telugu 4.115.827.317.135.8 English Maths EVS 3.618.212.97.557.8 Overall Class III 2.412.817.311.256.3 Subject wise children secured grades in terms of % – Class- III –all subjects Grades: A+- Above 90%; A: 71-90%; B+: 51-70%; B: 41-50%; C : 40% and below.

26 Classes – VIII For the Year 2014-15


28 standards A+AB+BC Fluent Reading and Understanding 7.515.530.924.921.2 Vocabulary & Grammar Writing 30.227.815.46.719.8 Over all Subject 14.345.517.520.614.3 Grades: A+- Above 90%; A: 71-90%; B+: 51-70%; B: 41-50%; C : 40% and below.

29 Standard wise Achievement levels in terms of Mean – Class –VIII- English

30 StandardsA+AB+BC Reading Comprehens ion Vocabulary Grammar Writing 28.224.919.04.723.1 over all Subject 0.03.920.533.242.4 Grades: A+- Above 90%; A: 71-90%; B+: 51-70%; B: 41-50%; C : 40% and below.

31 Standard wise Achievement levels in terms of Mean – Class -VIII -Maths


33 Standard wise children secured grades in terms of % – Class –VIII- Maths Standards A+AB+BC Problem solving Reasoning & proof Communication 0.0 86.9 Connection Representation 2.07.716.2 0.074.2 Over all Subject Grades: A+- Above 90%; A: 71-90%; B+: 51-70%; B: 41-50%; C : 40% and below.





38 StandardsA+AB+BC Conceptual understanding0.0 Experiments – Projects Drawing and models0.0 Application in daily life and concern towards Bio- Diversity 0.0 1.67.0 84.4 Over all Subjects0.0 Standard wise children secured grades in terms of % – Class- VIII - Science Grades: A+- Above 90%; A: 71-90%; B+: 51-70%; B: 41-50%; C : 40% and below.

39 Standard wise Achievement levels in terms of Mean – Class -VIII- Social


41 StandardsA+AB+BC Conceptual understanding Responding on Social /Current Issues Mapping Skills Application in daily life and concern towards Bio- Diversity Over all Subjects Standard wise children secured grades in terms of % – Class- VIII -Social Grades: A+- Above 90%; A: 71-90%; B+: 51-70%; B: 41-50%; C : 40% and below.


43 StandardsA+AB+BC Telugu 2.114.345.517.520.6 English 0.03.920.533.242.4 Maths Science Social Overall Class VIII 0.55.517.813.462.8 Subject wise children secured grades in terms of % – Class- VIII –all subjects Grades: A+- Above 90%; A: 71-90%; B+: 51-70%; B: 41-50%; C : 40% and below.




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