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Published byCameron Powers Modified over 9 years ago
Operationalize the Project Activities into Action Operationalize the Project Activities into Action
PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES PRILIMINARY ACTIVITIES PROJECT INITIATION Publicity Selection of villages Appointment of PIA WDT Awareness building Community Organization Preliminary activities are those which are required to be accomplished for launching the watershed project.
PREPARATORY ACTIVITY PREPARATORY ACTIVITY To build report and gain the confidence of people and community, initiate EPA with consensus of community. PREPARTORY ACTIVITIES Placement of staff Appointment of WDT Funding Opening of account Release of funds Maintenance of account Rappo building Establishing Relationship Confidence building. Programme awareness Community Organization Formation of SHG Formation of U.G Formation of W.C Nomination of W.C President Appointing of Secretary Opening of W.C office Bank account Project Account WDF account
WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT TEAM WDT is an integrated part of PIA and will set up by PIA.WDT will carry the duties and responsible of PIA in a particular watershed. Multi-disciplinary team. Agriculture. Soil Science. Water Management. Social Mobilization. Institutional building Preferably trained and experienced in respective discipline. Practical field experience in working of rural area.
ActionProcessWho should do it Appointment of WDT Conducting interview on given date,time and given place. Selecting five candidates as per discipline. Issuing offer of appointment. Executing the contractual agreement ith WDT. Nominating on member as team leader WDT. Intimating date of reporting of all WDT members to DRDA. Deputing WDT for training. PIA FUNDING Opening SB account in local branch of Bank. Intimating SB account number to DRDA with request to release of fund as per component wise breakup. Releasing the fund. Opening of Account books. PIA DRDA PIA Rappo Building Visiting village frequently. Making night halt in village for closer contact. Conducting regular meeting. Announcing in open meeting funding pattern. Participating in social and cultural events. Sharing about village problems and helping to solve them. PIA,WDT
Confidence building Identifying the felt need though PRA Social mapping during PRA execution. Identifying most wanted activities of community forEPA through consensus for the benefits. Finalizing sites, location for EPA. Preparing work plan & estimate. Getting the work of EPA executed by involving community. Making payment of works for EPA. PIA/WDT Programme Awareness Village meeting. Folk song & dramas. Awareness camp. Exposure visits. Through printed material in local language. Display of poster. Wall writing PIA/WDT Community organization Fixing the time and date of meeting. Informing the community about meeting. Conducting the meeting. Listing out NLB (Non Land based livelihood) acivities. Identifying existing/possible SHG’s. Discussing with existing groups of SHG about objective, origin membership funding and functioning of the group. Finalizing SHG member with consensus. Identifying possible users group and their members with consensus. Exposing SHG member with functioning of successful credit and thrift group. PIA/WDT From previous page
STRUCTURE OF WATERSHED COMMITTEE CategoryMember Representative from Users group5 Representative from SHG4 Representative from SC/ST1 Women Representative1 WDT Member1 NB: Member from SC/ST should be women or Landless person
Formation of W.CCalling general body meeting of Gram Sabha. Explaining purpose of W.C its structure, role and responsibility to gram sabha. U.G/SHG will nominate the member of W.C. Chairman of W.C. Registration of W.C under Society Registration Act. WDT U.G/SHG Leader Gram Sabha WDT Appointment of watershed Secretary Calling application from water shed area. Appointment of deserving candidates as watershed Secretary. W.C Appointment of Volunteers Selecting SC/ST women and general categories who know to read and write from watershed area in consultation with WDT. Appointing selected person as volunteers W.C
OFFICE BEARER & STAFF OF WATERSHED COMMITTE ChairmanWatershed Committee. Secretary Watershed Committee. Volunteers Watershed Committee
Opening of Office of W.C Providing office accommodation for office to W.C G.P Bank Account Project Account Opening S.B joint account in local in bank. Collecting the pass book and cheque book from bank Chairman WC & team leader WDT Secretary WDF AccountOpening another account in the name of WDFSarpanch & Member SHG nominate by Gram Sabha.
CAPACITY BUILDING HAVE YOU COMPLETED Appointed WDT and deputed WDT for training. Conducted awareness programme. Conducted PRA exercise Formed SHG,UG,WC. Registered W.C. Appointed watershed Secretary and Volunteers. Opened Bank account (PIA& W.C). Received funds
WHY TO BUILT CAPACITY BUILDING Watershed Project is Technical and Social in nature. Required trained managers and workers for planning and implementation: Technical skill for Scientific Planning, Proper implementation and social knowledge for community organization, as well as managerial Capability and capacity among the managers and workers are to be imparted successfully through training. Capacity Building Managers Workers PIAWDT SHGWC UG
CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF INSTITUTION Training of PIA & WDT Assessing training needs. Identifying training institutions at State /District Level. Identifying faculty /resource person. Preparing training roster. Finalizing training module and contents duration and time table for different categories of officials, keeping in view the role and responsibility. Preparing training material. Approving budget estimate for training. Release of funds to training institution. Conducting training as per approved schedule. Collecting opinion of trainers on training contents DRDA/DWDU Training institutions DRDA/PIA Training institutions Training of SHG,UG and WC, Secretary & Voluntaries Assessing training needs and requirements. Finalizing training modules and contents keeping in view their role and responsibility. Identifying training institutions. Preparing budget estimate and obtaining approval in DWDU meeting. Finalizing training schedule, resource person, reading material in local language. Conducting training as per schedule. PIA,WDT Fully equipped class rooms. Boarding and lodging facilities. Facilities for field study. Transport facilities.
Training Methodology 1. Lecture cum discussion session. 2. Brain storming session. 3. Problem solving exercise. 4. Group assignment and presentation. 5. Use of audio visual aid. 6. Field Visit.
Capacity Building in Watershed Development Programme Coverage /Contents for PIA Concept of watershed development. Watershed guidelines. Need for water resource management. Community organization. Extension method. Financial management. Watershed programme and PRI. PRA. Formation of village level institutions. Role & responsibilities. M&E Engineering survey. Treatment measures. Duration- One week including exposure visits.
COVERAGE & CONTENTS FOR WDT Watershed concept and approach. Method, techniques of identification field verification of micro watershed. Watershed guidelines. N.R.M Soil & co water conservation. Watershed treatment measures. Appropriate cropping pattern relevant to livelihood in watershed development. Horticulture, Agro forestry, farm forestry relevant to livelihood in watershed development. Dairy farming. Sericulture. PRA. Planning for participatory watershed development-issue, step and techniques. Preparation of watershed project plan and action plan. Implementation of activities under watershed development programme, issue and techniques. Development programme in watershed and convergence of development programme. Extension methods. Community organization. - Leadership building for village development - Group dynamic and group process. - Conflict / problem solving. Management Techniques. - Administrative procedure and report writing. - Financial Management. - Preparation of Budget estimate. - Accounting Procedure. Self help Group Various possible activities in detail which could be operational zed.
Watershed Committee 3 days Concept of watershed. watershed approach. Watershed Common Guidelines. Role & Responsibilities. Participating Approach. Formation of SHG UG,WC. NRM Funds under project. Organizational structure under watershed Management. Role of Gram Panchayat in watershed Management. Treatment measures in watershed development. Public Mobilization. Office Management. Formation of Watershed Plan and action plan. Plan execution. Budget estimate. Check measurement. Financial managers. Accounting procedure. Funding to SHG,UG. Improved Agriculture farming
Hsssdsdes Watershed one week + Secretary exercise Concept of watershed. watershed approach. Awareness ommon guidelines. Role and responsibility. Participatory approach. formation of SHG,UG. Awareness of NRM. Funding procedure. Organizational structure under watershed Management. Awareness of treatment measures. Office management. Formation of watershed plan & action plan. Financial management. Accounting proedure. Functioning of SHG,UG. Improved agricultural farming
Users Group -Concept of watershed and guidelines. - Soil & Water conversation. - Natural resource management & their use. - Watershed treatment measures. - Group work and integrated approach. - Role, responsibility & functions of UG. - Crop production techniques. SHG-Sharing of benefits. - Management of CPR. - Role and responsibility of SHG. - Thrift and credit activities. - Revolving funds. - Marketing & Linkage. - Maintenance of accounts.
PLANNING PROCESS Have you trained WDT MEMBER. W.C, SHG, UG. Watershed Secretary. Volunteers Watershed development project aim at conservation, development and optimum use of natural resource for increasing the production and up liftmen of Socio-economic status of rural community on sustainable basis. To realization of about call for preparation of development plan and action plan with active participation of watershed committee Planning Activities. FAMILIARISTION PLAN Meeting of Gram Sabha. Meeting of W.C Collection of information. Conducting of PRA. Resource appraisal Suggestion & Sollution PREPARATION PLAN Treatment Plan. Production Plan. Livelihood Plan. Compilation Plan. Annual action plan Approval of plan. Appraisal of project and annual action plan] Submission of Plan. Plan approval. Release of fund
Familiarization of Plan Meeting of W.C. Fixing date, time and place for W.C meeting in consultation with W.C and G.P Informing village community abut meeting. Conducting meeting of W.C to make them aware about Type of Plan to be prepare. Role in preparing Plan : Collection of Information: Copy of Revenue map. Population with male and female SC & ST. Livestock Population. Existing Land use particulars. Crops and yield Details of Cultivators. Top sheet of watershed WDT Watershed Secretary PIA/WDT WDT Conducting PRAPreparing of PRA Social Mapping. Resource Mapping. Time line. Matrix Ranking Gram Sabha WDT
Resources Appraisal Identifying and recording the resources and social problerm,potential and constrains. Identifying and prioritizing solutions opportunities and need related to: -Rainfall - Land - Vegetarian (forest- grasses) - Agriculture - Horticulture & Commercial crops. - Livestock Studying the existing situations of: -Crop and production level. - Employment level & opportunity. - House hold industry. -SHG and their activities - Convergence of services with NAREGA. WDT/WC Sugestion & Sollutions Finding solutions for identifying problem by discussing with Gram Sabha,SHG& U.G. Suggestion for harnessing the available potential and fulfilling the felt need. Facilitating the technical feasibility. Organizing visits of SHG,U.G and W.C to research centre and developed watershed. Recording all important observation WDT,W.C WDT Secretary
Preparation of Plan Treatment Plan Visiting Individual - Private land, common land and drainage area: Deciding th treatment for development of land, water, vegetation etc. Identifying locatin and marking on map. Preparing plan estimate structures and time shedule. U.G,W.C, WDC UG,WC,WDT Engineer WDT Production Plan Identifying exiting and possible farming system. Deciding type of production/ cropping system. Deciding the package of practices. Preparation of production plan with cost estimate. Making arrangement for procurement and supply of inputs. Establishing community nursery on CPR through SHG for future requirement. UG WDT LH Plan Identifying viable IGA -Resource Based - Skill based - Processing - Infrastructure and service Preparing detailed proposal of activities selected by SHG. Submitting proposal to PIA through W.C for financial assistance Collecting individual, group and community plan SHG,WC, WDT
Compilation of plan Reviewing the collected plan. Identifying the priority of works. Preparing a consolidation plan of watershed including Budget and time schedule. WDT Annual action plan Identifying activities, work to be taken on priority for year wise implementation as per budget. Work out detail and cost. Demarcation of works activities on watershed map WC WDT WDT WC WDT Approval of Plan Calling meeting of Gram Sabha in consultation with W.C Initinating date time and place of meeting Presenting plan and annual action plan Discussing various item and seek suggestion. Noting the Suggestions. Passing resolution for approval with accepted suggestions. Preparing final plan with suggestion WDT W.C Secretary WC WDT Secretary WC WC WDT
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