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SEP Self Employment Programme. SELF EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMME(SEP) It is further dived into three sub components 1. SEP Individual - SEP(I) 2. SEP Group -

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Presentation on theme: "SEP Self Employment Programme. SELF EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMME(SEP) It is further dived into three sub components 1. SEP Individual - SEP(I) 2. SEP Group -"— Presentation transcript:

1 SEP Self Employment Programme

2 SELF EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMME(SEP) It is further dived into three sub components 1. SEP Individual - SEP(I) 2. SEP Group - SEP(G) 3. SHG Bank Linkage

3 Role of NMMU - Fixing the Physical targets(no. of beneficiaries) for the SMMU - Fixing the Credit target to SMMU - Fixing the SHG bank Linkage target to SMMU Role of SMMU - Fixing the Physical targets(no. of beneficiaries) for the ULB - Fixing the Credit target to ULB - Fixing the SHG bank Linkage target to ULB

4 ULB :- 1) Entry of application intent. 2) Inviting applicants for counseling through computer generated letter as well as through SMS. 3) Entry of application details. 4) Forwarding applications to Task Force for approval. 5) Entry of Task Force decision. A CTIVITIES OF USERS

5 ULB:- 6) Application forward to Bank by Task Force. 7)Entry of Bank Decision and Entry of Loan Details. 8)Bank disbursement details 9) Entry of releases of Loan Subsidy Details. A CTIVITIES OF USERS

6 P ROCESS F LOW ULB Enter the Application intent with minimum information (SMS sent to the Applicant) Counseling Inviting applicant for counseling through SMS ULB Enter the Details of Applications List of Document Completed If No then returned to ULB If yes, Application sent to Task force Task force Decision If rejected by Task Force application is closed Application close

7 Application send to Bank by Task force Bank Decision Application close If rejected If Approved (SMS) If Loan approved, Beneficiary code generated along with SMS Loan details (Sanction and disbursement) will be entered by ULB Entry of Loan Subsidy details by ULB

8 If the documents of the applicant are incomplete, then return to ULB. If task force rejects the application, then application is closed. If bank rejects the application, then application is closed. Note:-

9 SMS in the Application :- 1)SMS is sent to applicant when application entered by ULB. “Loan application is received. Your Application ID is : 060002”. 2)SMS is sent to applicant for counseling “Come to the [counseling place] on [specified date] with all the documents to fill loan application”. 3)SMS is sent to applicant when application is approved by task force. “Your loan application is approved by Task Force and sent to the bank”.

10 SEP-G Self Employment Programme (Group)

11 P ROCESS F LOW ULB Enter the Group Application intent with minimum information (SMS sent to the Applicant) Counseling Inviting applicant for counseling through SMS ULB Enter the Details of Group Applications List of Document Completed If No then returned to ULB If yes, Application sent to Task force Task force Decision If rejected by Task Force application is closed Application close

12 Application send to Bank by Task force Bank Decision Application close If rejected If Approved (SMS) If Loan approved, Beneficiary code generated along with SMS Loan details (Sanction and disbursement) will be entered by ULB Entry of Loan Subsidy details by ULB

13 If the Group applications are incomplete, then return to ULB. If task force rejects the application, then application is closed. If bank rejects the application, then application is closed. Note:-

14 SEP-SHG Self Help Group Bank Linkage

15 ULB Enter the Details of Applications List of Document Completed Bank Decision If No then returned to ULB Application Close If Rejected If yes, group Application sent to Bank Process Flow If Loan approved, Beneficiary code generated along with SMS Entry of Loan Subsidy details by ULB Loan details (Sanction and disbursement) will be entered by ULB Additional subsidy to Women SHG

16 SMS in the Application:- 1)SMS is sent to applicant when application entered by ULB. “Loan Application received. Your Application ID is : 060002000200001 ”

17 Reports in SEP Reports for NMMU and ULB 1)Year wise Application Details (SEP-G): This is a drill down report gives you the details like total application received, out of which, bank approved, pending application and rejected application for a particular financial year. By clicking on state name you can see the ULB Wise details of selected state. By clicking on total application received, bank approved, pending application and rejected application you can see the basic details of the groups. By clicking on group AppCode you can see the full details of the selected group.

18 Reports in SEP Click on state name to get ULB wise details. Click on Number to get total no of applications bank approved. Click on Group App Code to get details of group.

19 Reports in SEP

20 Reports for SMMU only 2) SEP I Financial Year Wise Application Report: This is a drill down report gives you the details like total no. of application received, total no. of application approved, total no. of application rejected and total no. of application pending for a particular financial year. By clicking on total no. of application received, total no. of application approved, total no. of application rejected and total no. of application pending you can see the application details. Reports in SEP

21 Common Reports for NMMU, SMMU and ULB 3) SEP-I Subsidy Releases Report: This is a drill down report gives you the details about subsidy releases to beneficiary in SEP-I based on financial year, state, district and ULB. When you click on beneficiary code, it will show the list of subsidies released for a selected beneficiary. 4)SEP-G Subsidy Releases Report This is a drill down report gives you the subsidy releases to groups in SEP-G based on financial year, state, district and ULB. When you click on Group

22 Reports in SEP Enterprise Code, it will show the list of subsidies released for a selected group. When you click on No. of Members, it will show the basic information’s of the beneficiary of that particular group. 5) SEP-I Beneficiary Details category wise: This is a drill down report gives you the ULB wise beneficiary category details in SEP-I like ULB Name, Total beneficiary, SC, ST, Others, women out of total, PWD out of total, Minority out of total. By clicking on these fields (in the count) it will show the category wise Beneficiary Details.

23 Reports in SEP 6) SEP-I Education Details category Wise : This is a drill down report gives you the ULB wise Beneficiary Education Details in SEP-I like ULB Name, Total beneficiary, Illiterate, 5th, 10th, 12th, Graduate, Post Graduate. By clicking on these fields (in the count) it will show the Education wise Beneficiary Details 7) SHG bank linkage status: This is a drill down report gives SHG bank linkage details state wise like:- Target, Total no of applications (received), No of applications approved by bank, No of loan disbursed by bank, No of subsidy released to bank etc.

24 Reports in SEP By clicking on state name it will show the ULB wise SHG Bank Linkage Details. If you click on the link of these fields (Total no of applications (received), No of applications approved by bank, No of loan disbursed by bank, No of subsidy released to bank) it will show the group details of that particular link.

25 Reports in SEP Common Reports for NMMU, SMMU 8) Monthly Progress Report(Physical) (MIS) : This report gives an overall view on the Self Employment Programme (SEP) progress. This report shows the detailed progress of No. of beneficiaries Loans disbursed in SEP-I, No. of Groups Enterprises assisted with loans under SEP-G, No. of beneficiaries Loans disbursed in SEP-G, Loans disbursed to the No. of Self Help Groups (SHG) under SHG Bank Linkage Programme, Details of Pending Applications in (SEP-I, SEP-G, SHG Bank Linkage).

26 Reports in SEP 9) Monthly Progress Report(Financial) (MIS): This report gives an overall view on the Self Employment Programme (SEP) regarding amount of loan disbursed. This report shows the detailed progress of amount of loan disbursed under SEP-I, Amount of loan disbursed under SEP-G, Amount of loan disbursed under SHG Bank Linkage and Amount of Interest Subsidy released to bank under SEP 10) SEP-I Demand Vs Subsidy Releases (Bank Wise) : This is a drill down report gives an overall view on demand amount Vs Subsidy Releases for a particular bank, for a particular state on a financial year.

27 Reports in SEP These details are for SEP-I only. By clicking on state name you can see the details of all the branches in a selected state. By clicking on branch name you can see the beneficiary wise Demand verses Subsidy details and by clicking on Beneficiary Code you can see the Demand verses Subsidy Releases. 11) SEP-G Demand Vs Subsidy Releases (Bank Wise): This is a drill down report gives an overall view on demand amount Vs Subsidy Releases for a particular bank, for a particular state on a financial year. These details are for SEP-G only.

28 Reports in SEP By clicking on state name you can see the details of all the branches in a selected state. By clicking on branch name you can see the Group wise Demand verses Releases Details and by clicking on Group Code you can see the Demand verses Subsidy Releases.

29 Graphical Reports in SEP Common Reports for NMMU, SMMU and ULB 12) SEP-I Status Report: This report gives you the graphical representation (bar chart) on the status of the application in SEP-I for the State, ULB for a particular Financial Year. It shows the following details. Target, No of applications received, No of application approved by task force, No of applications approved by Bank, No of applications for which loan disbursed by bank No of applications for which interest subsidy released to bank.

30 Graphical Reports in SEP

31 13) SEP-G Status Report: This report gives you the graphical representation (bar chart) on the status of the application in SEP-G for State, ULB for a particular Financial Year. It show the following details, Target, No of applications received, No of application approved by task force, No of applications approved by Bank, No of applications for which loan disbursed by bank, No of applications for which interest subsidy released to bank.

32 Graphical Reports in SEP 14) SHG Bank Linkage Status Report: This report gives you the graphical representation (bar chart) on the status of the SHG Bank Linkage as a bar chart for State and ULB for a particular Financial Year. It show the details like:- Target, Total applications received, No of applications approved by Bank, No of applications for which loan disbursed by bank, No of applications for which interest subsidy released to bank. The report will be displayed as:

33 Graphical Reports in SEP

34 Reports for NMMU only 15) SEP-G Beneficiaries Benefited (Cast wise /Gender Wise): This report gives you the graphical representation of the total no of beneficiary benefited in SEP-G in a Pie chart for State in a particular Financial Year. It shows you the cast wise details and gender wise details of beneficiaries who got benefited in SEP-G. The report will be displayed as:

35 SEP-G Cast wise Report Graphical Reports in SEP

36 SEP-G Gender wise Report Graphical Reports in SEP

37 16) SEP-I Beneficiaries Benefited (Cast wise /Gender Wise): This report gives you the graphical representation of the total no of beneficiary benefited in SEP-I in a Pie chart for State in a particular Financial Year. It show you the cast wise details and gender wise details of beneficiaries who got benefited in SEP-I. The report will be displayed as:

38 SEP-I Cast wise Report Graphical Reports in SEP

39 SEP-I Gender wise Report Graphical Reports in SEP

40 Contact Us For Technical/operational Issues M.Ezhil Arasu Technical Director National Informatics Centre R.No 123, NBO Building, Nirman Bhavan New Delhi – 110 108 Phone : 23061940 E-mail :

41 Thanking you!

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