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The ConstitutionDefinitionsPresidentsCourt Cases Synonyms and Antonyms 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "The ConstitutionDefinitionsPresidentsCourt Cases Synonyms and Antonyms 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ConstitutionDefinitionsPresidentsCourt Cases Synonyms and Antonyms 10 20 30 40 50

2 This group of constitutional framers supported a strong central government, division of powers and checks and balances

3 Antifederalists’ demand for a formal summary of citizens’ rights and freedoms added to the constitution James Madison

4 This branch of government makes the laws * Enumerated powers

5 This amendment to the constitution was passed in 1868 and gave all persons born or naturalized in the U.S. Civil Rights

6 A way to change the constitution with the times

7 Belonging to the period before the civil war

8 In 1866, Discriminatory laws that were enacted in many southern states; after the Civil War and before the passage of the Fourteenth amendment, that restricted African American lives During reconstruction

9 The practice of winning candidates’ rewarding their supporters with government jobs

10 A 1993 treaty that lowered tariffs and brought Mexico into the free trade zone established by the US and Canada

11 President Franklin Roosevelt’s program to alleviate the problems of the Great Depression

12 An economic condition marked by both inflation and high unemployment

13 By 1930, people named the shantytowns in American cities after this president

14 After WWI the Allies rejected this presidents Fourteen Points

15 This presidents parting words encouraged the nation to follow a policy of neutrality when he warned the US to steer clear of, “entangling commitments alliances,” or political commitments to other nations.

16 This president began relaxed relations (Détente) with USSR and the People’s Republic of China in 1972

17 In 1933 this president passed New Deal legislation establishing the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps), AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act) along with several other reform laws

18 Gave legal justification for racial segregation by ruling that separate facilities for different races are legal as long as those facilities were equal to one another *Equality *Rights of minority groups

19 Established limits on free speech by setting the clear and present danger standard for when free speech can be restricted *civil liberties

20 Ruled that segregation in education creates inequality. Overturns Plessy vs. Ferguson and nullified the concept of “separate but equal”

21 Established the Supreme Court’s right of judicial review and Strengthened the judiciary in relation to other branches of government *Separation of powers *The judiciary

22 A 1973 Ruling that state laws that criminalize abortion are unconstitutional *Civil Liberties

23 The synonym for trade

24 Synonym for espionage

25 Antonym of deficit

26 Synonym for ethnic cleansing

27 Antonym for the policy of communist expansion

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