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Latin American Culture. Latin American History Early History  Before Columbus there were 3 Native American Empires 1. The Maya: 250 – 500 A.D. 2. The.

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Presentation on theme: "Latin American Culture. Latin American History Early History  Before Columbus there were 3 Native American Empires 1. The Maya: 250 – 500 A.D. 2. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latin American Culture

2 Latin American History

3 Early History  Before Columbus there were 3 Native American Empires 1. The Maya: 250 – 500 A.D. 2. The Aztec:1300’s – early 1500’s 3. The Inca: 1438-1533

4 The Maya  Lived in Southern Mexico & Northern Central America  Greatest city: Tikal  Developed accurate calendar  Cities led by priests & nobles  Economy based on agriculture & trade

5 The Maya - Tikal

6 The Maya – Chichen Itza

7 The Maya - Copan

8 The Maya - Uxmal

9 The Maya - Observatory

10 The Maya - Calendar *Ends on Dec. 21, 2012

11 The Aztec Located In South Central Mexico

12 The Aztec  Capital City: Tenochtitlan (today Mexico City)  Class system – Emperor at the top, farmers, laborers & soldiers at the bottom  Originated many foods: corn (maize), tomato and chocolate (xocoatl “food of the gods”)  In 1520 they were conquered by the Spanish led by Hernan Cortes  Aztecs thought he was Quetzalcoatl “The Feathered Serpent” a god who would come back one day and lay claim to his kingdom

13 The Aztec - Tenochtitlan


15 The Aztec – The Conqueror Hernan Cortes & Moctezuma II


17 The Aztec - Food

18 The Inca  Capital City: Cuzco  Had a central government led by the Emperor  Built a massive network of roads through the Andes mountains and dense forests  Built irrigation system for the Atacama desert lands  Conquered by Francisco Pizarro in 1532

19 The Inca – Road System


21 The Inca – Machu Picchu


23 The Inca – The Conqueror Francisco Pizarro & Incan Emperor

24 The Colonial Period  In 1492 Christopher Columbus landed on Hispanola & many Europeans followed suit  In the 1500’s Spain conquered the Aztec and Incan empires. This began the European colonization  The colonizers brought many things with them including: new animals, new plants, new weapons, new language, new religion, new diseases & slaves  The native peoples died rapidly due to war & disease

25 The Colonial Period  Spain & Portugal ruled all of Latin America by the 1700’s  1791-1825: The Wars of Independence took place. Countries were pushing the colonial Spanish and Portuguese out.  Most of colonial rule was gone by 1825 Colonial Rule: Early 1500’s – 1825

26 The Modern Era  1830’s – 1980 Most Latin American countries were ruled by dictators  Today elected governments run most Latin American countries  Democracy has not solved Latin America’s problems; poverty is widespread, schools are poor, governments are not stable and living standards are low

27 Latin American Governments

28 Types of Government  Most of the governments in Latin America are elected (Democracies and Republics)  Communist/Socialist Cuba, Venezuela  Territories French Guiana Many of the Caribbean Islands including the Virgin Islands  There are no Monarchies

29 Latin American Economies

30  Most of the economies of Latin America still rely on agriculture.  The largest and most advanced economies are in Brazil, Mexico and Argentina.  The Caribbean Nations economies are dominated by tourism.  Tourism is also a large part of the economies of Belize, Costa Rica & parts of Mexico.  A major problem in most Latin American countries is the distribution of wealth. Small upper class that owns most of the wealth Large numbers of people that are very poor Almost a non existent middle class

31 Latin American Religions

32  The vast majority of Latin American peoples are Catholic. Emphasize the role & status of Mary and Saints Have many unique rituals  There is a large minority of Protestants in: Guatemala (25%), Honduras (17), El Salvador (16), Chile (15), Brazil (15), Costa Rica (15), Panama (15)  There is also a growing minority of various faiths including: Jewish, Muslim, native religions and other Christian faiths besides Catholicism

33 Latin American Languages

34  Spanish is the official language of most Latin American countries  English is the official language in Belize and the U.S. & British Virgin Islands  Portugese is the official language of Brazil

35 Other Elements of Latin American Culture

36 Other elements of culture  Social Organization Family life is highly valued  The Arts Vary from country to country Ex: Music in Mexico - ? Caribbean - ?  Customs & Traditions What are some customs and traditions practiced in Latin America?  Food & Clothing Vary from country to country Ex: Paella – Puerto Rico, Mole – Central America

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