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American History: Unit I, part II: The English Colonies.

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Presentation on theme: "American History: Unit I, part II: The English Colonies."— Presentation transcript:

1 American History: Unit I, part II: The English Colonies

2 American History: Quiz in a few moments (you can use your “E-book”) for the explorers part!

3 When you’re done: Read (and highlight) “Columbus I” and “Columbus II” in your e-backpack

4 Agenda: 10/20-21 Take the explorers’ quiz Early English colonies: – Jamestown – New England – “Middle Colonies”

5 In your single subject notebook: Write the prompt and the answer (in complete sentences): Generally speaking, what do students from other local schools think of Central Columbia students?

6 What is Columbus’ legacy? “Legacy”: You make the argument:

7 Using the secondary sources you just read: Write a letter to your Language Arts teacher: Start with either: “Dear Ms. Thompson,” or “Dear Ms. Cronrath,” Your first two sentences: “Today in Mr. Miller’s class we read two secondary sources about Christopher Columbus. Using these sources, I have determined that his legacy is _______________.” Then use the sources to back up your point. You must make a decision (even if you don’t care or think it is a “mixed” legacy)

8 Today’s agenda (10/22 & 23) Review Columbus’ legacy Instruction on the first English colonies in “America” Perhaps a video clip on two such colonies

9 Vocab: “The Columbian Exchange”

10 EQ: How did the English set up their first colonies? Background of English (and the rest of European) settlement: Reasons for exploration: “The Three G’s”: – “God” – “Gold” – “Glory” European exploration: Where is everyone else? England a little “late” in settling (cue the defeat of the “Spanish Armada” in 1588—Sir Frances Drake!)


12 EQ: How did the English set up their first colonies? Let’s get some “vocabulary” out of our way: Colony: Joint stock company: Charter:

13 EQ: How did the English set up their first colonies? England’s first try at colonization: “The Lost Colony of Roanoke” 1585—Sir Walter Raleigh led an expedition to what we call the Outer Banks of North Carolina They left and came back to England 1587—he sends another group led by John White (note the date here)….White comes back for more supplies, but can’t come back until 1590… He comes back, but discovers the colonists have vanished… The only thing they find is the word “CROATAN” carved into a tree


15 EQ: How did the English set up their first colonies? Check point: Speculate what might have happened to the original English Colonists to Roanoke:

16 EQ: How did the English set up their first colonies? “The Business” of exploration: King James I of England: Granted a charter to two “joint-stock” companies The one that succeeds is called: The Virginia Company of London

17 EQ: How did the English set up their first colonies? The Charter: – Guaranteed to colonists the same rights as Englishmen as if they had stayed in England.  This provision was incorporated into future colonists’ documents.  Colonists felt that, even in the Americas, they had the rights of Englishmen!

18 EQ: How did the English set up their first colonies? Late 1606: Virginia Company sends three ships and 150 people (crew and passengers) to North America They land in what we call Virginia today, call the settlement Jamestown About 100 men land in April and begin “settlement” By winter, only 38 of the 150 survived – 40 died on the voyage over – The others died by the dozens in Jamestown!

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