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Intrusion Detection System for Wireless Sensor Networks: Design, Implementation and Evaluation Dr. Huirong Fu.

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Presentation on theme: "Intrusion Detection System for Wireless Sensor Networks: Design, Implementation and Evaluation Dr. Huirong Fu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intrusion Detection System for Wireless Sensor Networks: Design, Implementation and Evaluation Dr. Huirong Fu

2 Outline Overview of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Project Objective: –how to detect attacks on WSN? Project Tasks: –Intrusion detection system More Information UnCoRe 2007

3 3 WSN Overview Applications of WSNs Components of a Sensor WSN Communication Models Attacks on WSN UnCoRe 2007

4 4 Overview: Applications of WSNs Military Disaster Detection and Relief Industry Agriculture Environmental Monitoring Intelligent Buildings Health/Medical Law Enforcement Transportation Space Exploration UnCoRe 2007

5 5 Overview: Components of a Sensor Sensing Unit Processing Unit Storage Unit Power Unit Wireless Transmitter/Receiver UnCoRe 2007

6 6 Overview: Communication Models Hierarchical WSN –Sensor Nodes –Cluster Nodes –Base Stations Distributed WSN UnCoRe 2007

7 Overview: Attacks on WSN (1/3) DoS, DDoS attacks which affect network availability Eavesdropping, sniffing which can threaten confidential data Man-in-the-middle attacks which can affect packet integrity Signal jamming which affects communication UnCoRe 2007

8 Overview: Attacks on WSN (2/3) UnCoRe 2007

9 Overview: Attacks on WSN (3/3) UnCoRe 2007

10 Project Objective How to detect attacks on WSN? –Intrusion Detection System (IDS): Design, implementation and evaluation UnCoRe 2007

11 Project Tasks Literature survey on IDS for WSN –What have been proposed? –Have they been implemented and evaluated? –What are the Pros and Cons of each? UnCoRe 2007

12 Project Tasks Make decision –Shall we extend some of the works, or –Design a novel IDS? Design, implementation and evaluation –What are the requirements for an ideal IDS? –What are the challenges? –What are the hardware and software available? UnCoRe 2007

13 Existing security measures 2 Intrusion detection based on AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol) –Pros Sophisticated algorithm for detecting and reacting to a great variety of potential wireless network attacks using an anomaly detection pattern Works well for ad-hoc wireless networks –Cons Computationally expensive Currently not deployed on wireless sensor networks UnCoRe 2007

14 Existing security measures 4 Effective Intrusion Detection using Multiple Sensors in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks –Pros Mobile agent based intrusion detection Intelligent routing of intrusion data throughout the network Lightweight implementation –Cons Agent only deployed on a fraction of the network nodes Not deployed on completely wireless sensor networks UnCoRe 2007

15 Existing security measures 3 INSENS (Intrusion Tolerant Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks) –Pros Allows an alternative network route to be established between non-malicious nodes –Cons Does not provide intrusion detection, but rather intrusion tolerance Still requires the sacrifice of a small number of wireless sensor nodes UnCoRe 2007

16 Our IDS System Uses Motelv’s TMote wireless sensors. Developed using MoteIv’s proprietary software--TMote Tools –Cygwin –Java –TinyOS programming language –Enhanced with a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE for programming and compiling the TinyOS modules UnCoRe 2007

17 IDS Wireless Sensor Setup UnCoRe 2007

18 Our IDS System Design Uses anomaly detection pattern Establishes a baseline of “normal” traffic between wireless sensor nodes over a specified time interval Compares current traffic against this baseline traffic over the same specified time interval Makes a determination as to whether or not a DoS attack is occurring UnCoRe 2007

19 Our IDS System Design Communication between wireless sensor nodes Activity diagram for Wireless Sensor Node communicationActivity diagram for Wireless Sensor Node communication UnCoRe 2007

20 Our IDS System Design cont’d Emulation of a DoS attack Activity design for Emulation of a DoS attackActivity design for Emulation of a DoS attack UnCoRe 2007

21 References 1 Denial of Service in Sensor Networks 2 Wireless Sensor Networks for Intrusion Detection: Packet Traffic Modeling 3 INSENS: Intrusion-Tolerant Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks 4 Effective Intrusion Detection Using Multiple Sensors in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks UnCoRe 2007

22 References MoteIv – mmunity mmunity TMote Tutorial – /Tmote_Windows_install /Tmote_Windows_install TinyOS – 1.x/doc/tutorial/index.html 1.x/doc/tutorial/index.html UnCoRe 2007

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