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TCP/IP Malicious Packet Detection (SQL Injection Detection) Ashok Parchuri.

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Presentation on theme: "TCP/IP Malicious Packet Detection (SQL Injection Detection) Ashok Parchuri."— Presentation transcript:

1 TCP/IP Malicious Packet Detection (SQL Injection Detection) Ashok Parchuri

2 Recent Examples Tk Maxx (TK Maxx Admitted that over 45.7 Million credit and debit cards were stolen from the database) Microsoft Defaced (On 3 rd May 2007 Microsoft is defaced Using SQL injection attacked attack. The attacker used simple keyword like or, =.) (Injected a 30 characters to over write the content, by this hacker gained access against the website and defaced the website. )

3 Attack Types SQL Manipulation Code Injection Function Call Injection Buffer Overflow Requirements: Web Browser Previous Technologies : Defensive Programming Anomoly Detection

4 Application Processing

5 Sample Attack

6 Intrusion Detection System Design Considerations The application monitors the URL strings for SQL keywords and reports any maliciousness SQL injection attacks normally done by using keywords like SELECT, DELETE, FROM, OR, =. The intrusion system should effectively scan the URL requests that is coming from the end-user.

7 Evaluation The application is evaluated for setting the threshold value for detecting the maliciousness. For detecting the application threshold level it is the application is performed against more than 1700 URL strings. The results are evaluated and it is found that threshold value 40 could effectively detect the malicious Packets.

8 Evaluation

9 Result The application is designed to alert the administrator when it founds an injection attack.

10 Future Work Analysis of threshold level. Implementing the application in web server to evaluate effectiveness. Implementing more SQL injection keyword for detection. Reducing the unwanted results

11 Thank you

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