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Articles of Confederation. What is it? The “Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union” is the name of the first constitution of the U.S. The agreement.

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Presentation on theme: "Articles of Confederation. What is it? The “Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union” is the name of the first constitution of the U.S. The agreement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Articles of Confederation

2 What is it? The “Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union” is the name of the first constitution of the U.S. The agreement was the “law of the land” from 1781-1789.

3 When did it happen? It was drafted by the same Continental Congress that passed the Declaration of Independence. This document gave the original 13 colonies a set of rules. A WAY TO GOVERN THEMSELVES!

4 It was created during the Revolutionary War and reflects the founding father’s desire to avoid an overbearing central authority (like the king of England!)

5 The “Articles of Confederation” established a “firm league of friendship” among the 13 colonies, when finally adopted on March 1, 1781.

6 What was it good for? The Congress of the Confederation could  Declare war and peace  Manage foreign affairs  Manage the postal service  Establish an army and navy  Borrow money  Determine the value of coins  Issue money

7 What was good? American was land rich and money poor This helped change things….

8 This all sounds good…. But there is just one problem IT DIDN’T WORK!!

9 Major Problems The states were powerful, while Congress was weak There was no chief executive (president) or national judicial system (supreme court)

10 More Problems… Congress could not regulate commerce or taxes FACT: George Washington had to go to Congress to beg for money to buy bullets, food, and clothes for soldiers.

11 George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and other leaders were not satisfied with the Articles of Confederation. But any changes required the approval of all 13 states.

12 In 1876 at Annapolis, Maryland a convention met to discuss commercial problems in the colonies but only 5 of the 13 colonies sent representatives. Something had to be done to help our struggling nation!

13 Shays’ Rebellion Jan 25, 1787 Massachusetts Daniel Shays lead a rebellion Uprising again debt collection and tax policies Federal government could do nothing to stop it

14 The 13 states had to find a way to speak with one voice. Representative from the 13 colonies meet in Philadelphia in 1787 to address the nation’s problems.

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