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Chapter 17: Electric Forces and Fields. Objectives Understand the basic properties of electric charge. Differentiate between conductors and insulators.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 17: Electric Forces and Fields. Objectives Understand the basic properties of electric charge. Differentiate between conductors and insulators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 17: Electric Forces and Fields

2 Objectives Understand the basic properties of electric charge. Differentiate between conductors and insulators. Distinguish between charging by contact, charging by induction, and charging by polarization.

3 Electric Charge protons have positive (+) charge electrons have negative (–) charge opposite charges attract; like charges repel charge is always conserved (cannot be destroyed) charge (q) is measured in coulombs (C) Charles Augustin Coulomb 1736 - 1806

4 Electric Charge is Quantized + qE mg Charge on drop occurs in multiples of 1.60 x 10 -19 C (±1e, ±2e, ±3e…). 1909: Robert Millikan

5 Transfer of Electric Charge charges move freely through conductors (typically metals) charges do not move freely in insulators (most other solids) Electric charge can be transferred 3 ways: contact induction polarization

6 Objectives Calculate electric force using Coulomb’s law. Compare electric force with gravitational force.

7 Coulomb’s Law Law of Universal Gravitation Coulomb’s Law Compare the gravitational and the electric forces between the proton and electron in a hydrogen atom. k = 8.99 x 10 9 Nm 2 /C 2

8 Objectives Calculate electric field strength. Draw and interpret electric field lines. Identify the properties associated with a conductor in electrostatic equilibrium.

9 Electric Fields Field lines show direction and strength of force (represented by the line density) gravitational field (g) electric field (E): (+) → (–)electric field units are N/C

10 Electric Fields The nucleus applies a force of 8.16 x 10 -11 N on the electron in a hydrogen atom. What is the electric field strength at the position of the electron?

11 Electric Field due to a Point Charge (a) What is the E-field strength at a distance of 0.45 m from a 8.2  C charge? (b) What force would be felt by a proton at this location? (c) What is the initial acceleration of the proton?

12 Conductors in Electrostatic Equilibrium electrostatic equilibrium: no net motion of charge (a) The total electric field inside a conductor equals zero. (b) Excess charge resides on the surface. (c) E-field lines extend perpendicular to the surface. (d) Charge accumulates at points.

13 Chapter 18: Electric Energy and Capacitance

14 Electric Potential Energy (EPE) g E uniform field only! displacement in direction of the field

15 EPE Problems What is the change in EPE if a proton is moved 2.5  m in the direction of a uniform 7.0 x10 11 N/C electric field? What is the change in EPE if an electron is moved in the same direction?

16 EPE for a Pair of Charges Two alpha particles (two helium nuclei, 2 p + each) have an EPE of 6.32 x10 -19 J. What is the distance between the two particles?

17 Potential Difference (Voltage) voltage (V) is EPE per charge 1 volt = 1 J/C measured with a voltmeter or multimeter voltage is like “electric pressure” (uniform field only)

18 Voltage Problems What voltage exists in a 3.5 x10 -6 N/C electric field between two points that are 0.25 m apart?

19 Capacitors Capacitors store EPE between two closely-spaced conductors that are separated by an insulator. Capacitance is measured in farads (F). 1 F = 1 C/V

20 Chapter 19: Electric Current and Electric Power

21 Electric Current Electric charges will flow between areas of different electric potential (voltage) electric current (I): a flow of electric charge 1 ampere (A) = 1 C/s measured with an ammeter although electrons typically flow, current is defined as direction of positive flow (+ → –) drift speed of e – in Cu at 10 A is only 0.00025 m/s 0.005 A is painful and 0.070 A can kill you

22 Electric Resistance resistance (R): resistance to electron flow measured in Ohms (Ω) V ↑, I ↑ R ↑, I ↓ A 2400-Ω resistor is attached to a 12-V power source. What is the current through the wire?

23 AC/DC alternating current: electric field reverses periodically, current alternates direction (60 hz in USA) direct current: field is constant, current is constant batteries produce DC electric generators can make AC or DC

24 Electric Power and Energy Consider the units of voltage:

25 Power Problems If voltage = 120 V, what is the current through a 1200-W hairdryer? At $0.05 / kW·hr, how much does it cost to operate a 240-W television for 24 hrs?

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