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Published byDwight Walsh Modified over 9 years ago
L inac-based U ltrafast X -ray source A Recirculating Linac/Laser- based Femtosecond Spectroscopic Facility for Ultrafast Time Dynamics Scientific Investigations LUX
LUX is an outgrowth of developments in LBNL’s history of ultrafast x-ray facilities Kim, K.-J., S. Chattopadhyay, and C.V. Shank, “Generation of femtosecond x-ray pulses by 90 degree Thomson scattering”, Nuc. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A, 1994. 341: p. 351-354. Zholents, A.A. and M.S. Zolotorev, “Femtosecond x-ray pulses of synchrotron radiation”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1996. 76(6): p. 912-915. Leemans, W.P., et al.,” X-ray based time resolved electron beam characterization via 90° Thomson scattering”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1996. 77(20): p. 4182-4185. Schoenlein, R.W., et al., “Femtosecond x-ray pulses at 0.4 angstroms generated by 90° Thomson scattering: A tool for probing the structural dynamics of materials.”,Science, 1996. 274: p. 236- 238. Zholents, A., P. Heimann, M. Zolotorev, and J. Byrd, “Generation of subpicosecond x-ray pulses using RF orbit deflection”, Nuc. Instr.and Methods in Phys. Res. A, 1999. 425: p. 385-389. Schoenlein, R.W., et al.,” Generation of x-ray pulses via laser-electron beam interaction”, Appl. Phys. B, 2000. 71: p. 1-10. Schoenlein, R.W., et al.,” Generation of femtosecond pulses of synchrotron radiation”, Science, 2000. 287: p. 2237-2240. Thomson scatteringLaser slicing
Scientific Background Many new facility proposals are based on the increasing desire to couple ultrafast processes with structural determinations in the x-ray regime - cf. Napa, Montreux, Corsica workshops Ultrafast encompasses 100 fsec down to few fsec, i.e. timescales relevant to most nuclear motions (coherent lattice vibrations in Bi) Even with the time-energy uncertainty principle, relatively good spectroscopic resolution in the x- ray region can be maintained, while still producing ultrashort pulses – chemical and structural specificity attainable
Scientific Background, con’t. Attosecond time dynamics will be achieved in the x-ray regime – in the visible, the attosecond bandwidth is so large that no spectral resolution is possible (<one cycle of an optical pulse) Electronic dynamics will be a key new area of major impact Cu d-d orbital reorientationinteratomic Coulombic decay in Ne n +
Scientific Background, con’t. X-ray spectroscopies have markedly different features compared to visible, IR, and UV, and can reveal important structural information O atom near edge abs.d-myogloben diffraction Almost no ultrafast diffraction experiments have been possible - structural information on ultrafast timescales will address new scientific dimensions
Laser Sources Lasers are already used to produce x-rays and to perform many of the ultrafast x- ray experiments we know of today. But, lasers are unlikely to produce substantial fluxes of x-rays from 500 eV- 10 keV in the future Vanadium oxide phase transition Kr Auger emission
Facility Concept LUX is a concept to produce ultrashort x- ray pulses as a user facility and in a highly refined spectroscopic manner for experiments across all fields The facility is designed from the beginning to be synchronized with ultrafast lasers for pump-probe and more complex multidimensional spectroscopies (new source properties, i.e. spatial and temporal coherence) Laser excitation pulse Linac pulse ∆t Ions
Facility Concept, con’t. Lasers are an integral component of the facility for synchronized time-domain experiments: (a) initiate tunable photoprocesses in samples (probed by x-ray spectroscopies and diffraction) (b) generate photocathode electrons (c) seed soft x-ray modulators (d) servo-loop synchronization locking (e) multidimensional spectroscopies cw reference laser interferometer L~100 m Path Length Control L= 2 m t= 7 fs Agilent 5501B 2 10 -9 one hour ( 2 10 -8 lifetime Beamline 1 Beamline 2 fiber-based system EDFA (fiber amp) PZT control path length EDFA (fiber amp) Master Oscillator
Facility Concept, con’t. The recirculating linac concept starts with short bunches of electrons – by careful design, the bunch length can be maintained at 2-3 ps duration, and femtosecond hard and soft x-ray pulses can be produced with undulators Short pulse laser seeding and cascaded harmonic generation produce soft x-rays of 10-100 fs duration, with excellent prospects for even shorter pulses (100 asec) Short period narrow gap superconducting undulators with tilted bunches and recompression produce hard x-rays with 50 fs duration
Facility provides a wide range of x-ray wavelengths, operating simultaneously Tuneable x-ray beams from undulators Soft x-rays Laser-seeded harmonic-cascade FEL –20-1000 eV –Spatial and temporal coherence –10-100 fs Hard x-rays Spontaneous emission in narrow-gap short- period insertion devices –1-12 keV –50-100 fs 50 m 150 m Retain possibility for energy recovery by building the final arc
Cascaded harmonics interleaved in straight sections of various arcs Maximum packing of beamlines and end stations into desirable footprint, with lowest cost
Proposed ultrafast x-ray projects around the world LCLS: SASE FEL BNL DUV FEL: harmonic generation in FEL from laser seed DESY TTF-II: upgrade of linac-based SASE FEL to 1 GeV / 6.4 nm BESSY FEL: combined SASE / seeded approach SPPS: spontaneous emission from short bunches ALFF: Argonne linear FEL, SASE soft x-ray European X-ray FEL: SASE (former TESLA) Daresbury 4GLS: single-pass energy recovery linac with variety of x-ray sources under consideration Cornell / TJNAF ERL: single-pass energy recovery linac optimized for “standard” undulator radiation and high average power MIT-Bates X-ray FEL: single-pass linac with seeded FEL’s Arc-en-Ciel: linac based, recirculation or energy recovery mode, SASE and seeded FEL’s Trieste FERMI: linac-based FEL project just forming BNL PERL: energy recovery linac
Femtosecond X-ray Sources 1) Average Flux: per mrad 2 for plasma and Thomson sources, integrated over angular size of harmonic for undulator sources, <1 mrad V x 1 mrad H for bend magnet source 2) Synchronization: between x-ray source and a pump laser, <50 fs reflects passive (absolute) synchronization. 3) Energy Range: indicates the energy that can be covered in a discontinuous way, eg. changing targets in a laser plasma source 4) Spectroscopy (Y) indicates source can be tuned continuously at a rate suitable for spectroscopy, or is a white light source for dispersive spectroscopy 5) Thomson source assumes linac with 2 mm mrad norm. emitttance, 1 ps electron bunches, and 100 mJ laser pulse energy
Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission differs from LUX SASE is based on build-up from noise Growth of signal requires significant lengths of undulators Timing of the SASE FEL pulse is unpredictable due to the stochastic nature of the process leading to a radiation burst somewhere within the electron bunch duration Wavelength tuning in SASE is not very flexible and in general is limited by adjusting long undulator gaps and electron beam energy (not practical if multiple users required) Pulse duration and thus spectral content not readily controllable
Sophisticated short-pulse laser systems and laser synchronization distribution Laser oscillatorAmplifier & conditioning Beamline endstation lasers Photocathode laser HGHG seed lasers RF signals Laser oscillator Spatial profiling Amplitude clipping Amplifier Pulse shaping Multiply Laser oscillatorAmplifier & conditioning Laser oscillatorAmplifier & conditioning Laser systems are existing state-of-the-art products Maintenance could be sub-contracted to commercial vendor for improved efficiency and reliability
National user facility –Recirculating linac-based light source –multiple beamlines –laser-coupled end stations Repetition rate10 kHz Synchronization~ 10’s fs Pulse durations10-200 fs, variable, 100 as in future Polarizationfully variable Broad photon range ~ 0.02 - 12 keV Photons per pulse10 7 hard x-ray, 10 8 -10 12 soft x-ray Specifications of the LUX Facility An ultrafast x-ray science user facility addressing scientific needs in Physics, Chemistry and Biology LUX
Typical End Station Concept Precisely timed laser and linac pulses Tunable laser systems designed for specific experiments, repetition rate, energies Linac Seed pulse End station Pulse diagnostics Laser and delay lines 10 m
LUX project goals Strong internal support –Major initiative beneficial to the future of LBNL BES accelerator R&D funds –Required for hardware development Optimism based on BESAC report, BES request for facility needs, and BES comments Getting on agenda for CD0, a formal project review prior to funding Facility of approximately $380M (FY’03) in 6-year (+) project
“Facilities for the Future A Twenty-Year Outlook” LUX did not get into the DOE 20-year outlookLUX did not get into the DOE 20-year outlook –Proposal presented to BES too late to be included in the process –We still receive encouragement from BES –Mechanisms exist for entering new projects Strong interest within BES and BESAC –Eric Rohlfing (AMO, Chem. Phys.,.…) Fair hearing at BESAC –John Hemminger, chair “ The Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook represents a snapshot—the DOE Office of Science’s best guess today at how the future of science and the need for scientific facilities will unfold over the next two decades. We know, however, that science changes. Discoveries will alter the course of research and so the facilities needed in the future. For this reason, the Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty-Year Outlook should be assessed periodically in light of the evolving state of science and technology. The Twenty-Year Outlook will also serve as a benchmark, enabling an evaluation of facilities proposed in the future against those on this list. ”
Project status Science case evolving –Brainstorming sessions held –International workshop - Ultrafast X-rays 2004, April 28- May 1, San Diego – Baseline machine –Accelerator physics studies demonstrate feasibility Lattice design, tracking, collective effects including CSR, phase-space manipulations –Rf photocathode gun concept for 10 kHz operation –Flat beam production concepts –Cascaded harmonic generation schemes conceptualized –CW superconducting rf engineering and cryogenics conceptual designs –Laser systems conceptualized –Synchronization schemes developed –Solid Designer engineering model of the machine produced –Conventional facilities conceptual design –Potential sites reviewed and favored site selected
Potential sites for LUX Bevatron Old Town
Questions to be addressed Our response to comments from BESAC, machine technical review, internal questions –“organize national reviews- Brainstorming meetings held of the science case”- National workshop Spring 2004 –“relatively high cost of the machine”- Working group on costs has been formed –“low average power”- Options for ERL configuration –“lack of demonstrated HGHG cascades”- Plan to collaborate with BNL at DUV FEL –specific detailed questions from the technical review and consultants …- R&D plan is being executed Build partnerships across DOE facilities –Rf gun –Superconducting rf and cryogenics –Short-period undulators –Cascaded harmonic generation –Instrumentation and diagnostics –…… Obtain advice from SPB –To facilitate this, we have presentations about other facilities, the machine design, attosecond production, the science case for LUX, and detailed examples of science
Time-resolved experiments Science and the multiple relationships between time, spectroscopy, and diffraction Time dynamics is a relatively new aspect of science performed with accelerator-based sources By combining diffraction and spectroscopy (nuclear positions and electronic, chemical or structural probes), outstanding new science will be achieved in the x-ray regime.
The fs Linac Science Case Why unique and important - National and international user base - young scientists interested in ultrafast processes, tremendous grass roots efforts growing in ultrafast x-ray science - answer critical questions of national and DOE need -recirculating linac design is fundamentally a different source from SASE process -LUX is an excellent,highly refined platform for a user facility -allows major national thrust for time-dynamics investigations in the x-ray -timing and synchronization, matched to laser excitation sources, laser seeding are central concepts for success
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