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GÉANT and The Future of Pan-European Networking APAN, 4 th July 2004 John Boland CEO HEAnet Member of DANTE Board of Directors.

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Presentation on theme: "GÉANT and The Future of Pan-European Networking APAN, 4 th July 2004 John Boland CEO HEAnet Member of DANTE Board of Directors."— Presentation transcript:

1 GÉANT and The Future of Pan-European Networking APAN, 4 th July 2004 John Boland CEO HEAnet Member of DANTE Board of Directors

2 Outline of Presentation HEAnet as European NREN GN2 – Proposing the Next Generation of European Networking –Financial Background –Capacity –Wavelengths & Fibre options Major Joint Research Topics Application Example


4 GENERAL INTERNET INEX Belfast Citywest Dublin Galway Limerick Cork TEN-155

5 INTERNET 2 RESEARCH COMMUNITIES GENERAL INTERNET INEX Belfast Citywest Dublin Galway Limerick Cork JANET London Frankfurt GÉANT

6 London Frankfurt GÉANT INEX Belfast Citywest Dublin Galway Limerick Cork London Frankfurt INTERNET 2 RESEARCH COMMUNITIES GENERAL INTERNET


8 GÉANT Topology April 2004

9 Basic Issues in GN2 Project Financial Arrangements Capacity Wavelengths & Fibre Questions Research Activities

10 GÉANT GÉANT: One element of a strategy GRIDS IPv6, Optical,... All research disciplines Very demanding communities Research on networking Technology Advanced Experimental Disruptive emerging next generation Internet

11 Financial Arrangements EC support for Geant successor Integrated Project –Network Infrastructure –Developmental Elements Funded by the NRENS and the EC Framework Programme 6 (FP6)

12 Extending the Range of Connections Initiatives to improve connectivity with other world regions - –Principally Mediterranean, South America and Asia Pacific Global Connectivity for joint network experimentation E.g. Russia will be upgraded from current 622Mbps to 2.5Gbps to Moscow

13 EC & NREN funded 186 MEuro over 4 years –Starting end 2004 93 Meuro available from EC 93 MEuro payable by NRENs –assuming 50% co-funding –Subscriptions are based on Bandwidth contracted for

14 Example Subscription E.g. under Geant /GN-1 HEAnet pays approx 900KEuro for dual 2.5Gbps, linked to London and Frankfurt Subscriptions range from ca. 1.5MEuro to 4MEuro in non competitively developed regions Currently Geant international 10Gbps widely available in Western Europe for under 2MEuro 50% Rebated by EC after Claims by Dante

15 Relative Cost of Connectivity Compared with Number of Suppliers

16 Some indications from Market in Europe 40Gbps not widely commercially available Cost of Interfaces for 40Gbps v. high Multiple 10Gbps may be more flexible solution Would allow Hybrid Network –Mix of IP and non-IP –Terminate on Routers and Switches


18 Some exciting possibilities Tender shows Charges for 10Gbps Lambdas are still reducing Additional Wavelengths will be even cheaper Multiple, dual-homed 10Gbps affordable in a number of locations 10Gbps Lambda possible building block Provide switched GEs to high-end users

19 Hybrid Infrastructure solution ? Enable to present to users, combination of point-to-point and IP services Interesting Technical Challenge !


21 Managed Wavelengths and Dark Fibre Whether to invest in dark fibre IRUs and transmission equipment/management and maintenance In terms of costs - –May not be advantage in Western Europe –Less competitive markets : more offers of dark fibre in Central and Eastern Europe

22 BASIC PROCUREMENT SEGMENTATION Major Pan-European Providers Dedicated Dark Fibre Offers Regional Providers

23 What is the Correct Architecture? Is there a Common View of Control and Resource Allocation ? Can we Implement a Managed Environment Across Multiple Networks? Is Interface Definition Well Resourced and Understood? The Technical Challenges

24 Service Activities SA1 : Procurement –Transmission capacity, PoP equipt, maintenance & operations SA2 : Network Operations and Basic Services –Initial basic set of services, developed as technical prog. SA3 End-to-End Quality of Service –Guaranteed for specific traffic & specialist projects SA4 Connecting Other World Regions –Greater consolidation of global connectivity, co-operation initiatives for seamless work with world regions

25 Networking Activities NA1 Management of GN2 NA2 GN2 Dissemination Activities NA3 Support for Users & User Consultancy NA4 NREN Development & Support NA5 Foresight Study NA6 Co-ordination of RTD Activities

26 Summary of each Activity Participan t GRnetHEAnetHungarne t Renater Expected effort 2.1 man- yrs Expected Budger 148,2000......……… Requeste d EC contrib 74,1000.….…….. Deliverables: DJ1.1 Requirement Report DJ2.1 Framework design ……… Milestones MJ1.2 First set of monitoring tools MJ1.3 Single domain implementation …..

27 Joint Research Activities JRA1 Performance Measurement and Management JRA2 Security JRA3 Bandwidth Reservation & Allocation (Bandwidth on Demand) JRA4 Technology & Service Testing JRA5 Ubiquity (Mobility) and Roaming Access to Services

28 MAJOR JOINT RESEARCH TOPICS Security Performance Monitoring End-To-End Guarantees Mobility

29 Exploits GEANT on a pan-European Basis Real time Throughput 512 Mbps -1+Gbps Better Quicker Science Look Back Further in Time e- VLBI

30 Support for European VLBI Radio Telescope Correlator Data Flows (RT or non-RT)

31 5-GHz Global VLBI image of an FRII radio galaxy –Picture provided courtesy of European VLBI Network


33 VLBI image of quasar close to the edge of the Universe, in existence when the Universe was ~7% of its present age Edge of the Universe as seen by the EVN –Picture provided courtesy of European VLBI Network

34 Improved backbone infrastructure for European research and education - building on GÉANT core Support integrated, multi-national research teams with challenging requirements – e.g. GRIDs, eScience Integration of European services into a world-wide scope Support constantly growing requirements and rapidly evolving technology: spearhead development of next generation communication technologies ahead of the market After GÉANT: Whats needed?

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