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GEO Forest Carbon Tracking Task Europe (ESA), Australia (CSIRO), Norway (NSC), Japan (JAXA), Canada (CSA), Brazil (INPE), USA (USGS), Thailand (GISTDA)

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Presentation on theme: "GEO Forest Carbon Tracking Task Europe (ESA), Australia (CSIRO), Norway (NSC), Japan (JAXA), Canada (CSA), Brazil (INPE), USA (USGS), Thailand (GISTDA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 GEO Forest Carbon Tracking Task Europe (ESA), Australia (CSIRO), Norway (NSC), Japan (JAXA), Canada (CSA), Brazil (INPE), USA (USGS), Thailand (GISTDA) FAO, GOFC-GOLD JRC-EC, Wageningen Univ, USDA, Woods Hole, Restec, NIES Symbios, Google

2 What is CEOS? 28 space agencies 20 participating organizations

3 CEOS Virtual Constellations Common requirements, independent satellites, compatible data (CEOS – Committee on Earth Observation Systems) Atmospheric Composition Air quality, CO2 Land Surface Imaging ecosystem monitoring Ocean Surface Topography climate variability Precipitation weather forecasts Ocean Color Radiometry marine ecosystems Ocean Surface Vector Wind

4 Forest Carbon Tracking – Task Force Is it feasible to monitor the world´s tropical forests?

5 The need An operational global network of national forest monitoring systems Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of forest in the COP15 agreement

6 Network of Forest Monitoring Systems Standards & Methods Satellite In-situ Carbon Models Country-X Forest Monitoring System Local Forest Measurement sites + UNFCCC Rules Forest & Carbon Info Products Forest & Carbon Monitoring Verificat Local Observations /Data Reporting Accounting Systems Capacity Building

7 Product Requirements National level Forest information (border-to-border) - to avoid ‘leakage’ Annual Change basis (i.e. time-series) Resolution (best operationally available eg 25 m)

8 Time-Series & Interoperability Systematic Satellite Data Acquisitions Optical SAR 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 ….. …. … … 2003 2012 … … 1991 1992 1995 …. 2003 2012 … Forest Cover Product Forest Inventory or Carbon Model Accounting Rules and International Reporting Consistency is critical Verification 1972...

9 Timeline of Forest Carbon Tracking Task Standards, Methods Definition & Continuous Improvement

10 FCT National Demonstrators 2009 Brazil Guyana Mexico Indonesia (Borneo) Australia (Tasmania) Cameroon Tanzania Further expansion in 2010

11 Landsat Acquisitions over Borneo 173 ETM+ Scenes in USGS Archive from May – August 2009 11

12 Initial Products: SAR mosaic of Borneo + classified image 2009 Borneo Island ND ALOS PALSAR JAXA / METI 2009

13 CBERS@INPE: 1 million images (2004-2009) LANDSAT @USGS: 1 million images (Jan-Aug-2009) GMES Sentinels @ESA-EC: Data will be open access (Sep 2009) Open access data policies: a qualified success

14 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 2009 GEO FCT Data Portal [ - official launch GEO-VI, Nov.18, 2009] Supported by Google

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