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1 Welcome Dr. R. Aymar and CERN Delegation. 2 Welcome Vice Minister Prof. Cheng Jinpei Deputy DG Prof. Ma Yanhe from MoST.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Welcome Dr. R. Aymar and CERN Delegation. 2 Welcome Vice Minister Prof. Cheng Jinpei Deputy DG Prof. Ma Yanhe from MoST."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Welcome Dr. R. Aymar and CERN Delegation

2 2 Welcome Vice Minister Prof. Cheng Jinpei Deputy DG Prof. Ma Yanhe from MoST

3 3 Welcome Prof. Han Jianguo DG of International Cooperation Bureau of MoST

4 4 Welcome Prof. Lei DG of International Cooperation Bureau of MoE

5 5 Welcome Prof. Guo Huadong Deputy Secretary General Prof. Zhang Jie DG of Basic Sciences Bureau from CAS

6 6 Hesheng Chen Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049, China High Energy Physics in China

7 7 Outline HEP community in China Inst. of High Energy Physics – Beijing Electron-Positron Collider – Non-Accelerator physics Cooperation with CERN BEPCII Middle and Long term plan

8 8 HEP Community in China Inst. of High Energy Physics (IHEP) Univ. of S&T of China (USTC) Peking Univ. Tsinghua Univ. Shanghai Inst. of Applied Physics Chinese Inst. of Atomic Energy (CIAE) Shandong Univ. Huazhong Normal Univ. Nanjing Univ. Shanghai Inst. of Ceramics (SIC) Huazhong Univ. of S&T …… Many Univ. groups for PP and NP theories.

9 9 Korea (4) Korea Univ. Seoul National Univ. Chonbuk National Univ. Gyeongsang Nat. Univ. Japan (5) Nikow Univ. Tokyo Inst. of Technology Miyazaki Univ. KEK U. Tokyo USA (4) Univ. of Hawaii Univ. of Texas at Dallas Colorado State Univ. SLAC UK (1) Queen Mary University China (18) IHEP of CAS Univ. of Sci. and Tech. of China Shandong Univ., Zhejiang Univ. Huazhong Normal Univ. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. Peking Univ., CCAST Wuhan Univ., Nankai Univ. Henan Normal Univ. Hunan Univ., Liaoning Univ. Tsinghua Univ., Sichuan Univ. Guangxi Univ., Guangxi Normal Univ. Jiangsu Normal Univ.

10 10 International Collaborations CERN: –LHC: CMS, Atlas, LHCb, Alice –LEP: L3/L3C, ALEPH –AMS KEK: Belle DESY: HERAb BNL: RHIC/Star FNAL; D0 SLAC: Babar LNF: KLOE Kamland, Dama… ……

11 11 Institute of High Energy Physics Comprehensive and largest fundamental research center in China For : – Particle physics: Exp. and Theory – Accelerator technologies and applications – Synchrotron radiation technologies and applications 1000 employees, ~ 650 physicists and engineers, 350 PhD Students and postdoctors Established at 1950, and became an independent institute at 1973.

12 12 Research Divisions Experimental Physics center: BES, BESIII, CMS, Atlas… Particle Astrophysics Center : cosmic ray, astrophysics, neutrino physics, particle astrophysics… Theory Division: particle physics, nuclear physics, field theory, cosmology… Accelerator Center: BEPC, BEPCII, high power proton accelerator Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Lab. Nuclear Analysis Lab. Free Electron Laser Division Computer and Network Center Center of Hi-Tech R&D

13 13 Bird’s Eye View of BEPC Bird’s Eye View of BEPC

14 14 BEPC constructed in 1984 –1988 with beam energy: 1 – 2.8 GeV –Physics Run : Luminosity 10 31 cm -2 s -1 @ 1.89GeV, 5 month/year –Synchrotron Radiation Run : 140mA @ 2.2 GeV, 3 month/year

15 15 The Beijing-Electron Positron Collider (BEPC)

16 16 BES Main Physics Results from BES Precision measurement of  mass: world average value changed by 3 , ccuracy improved by factor of 10,  lepton universality R Measurement at 2-5GeV:  R/R 15-20% →6.6% Higgs mass prediction from SM g-2 experiment  (M z 2 ) -1 : 128.890±0.090 → 128.936 ± 0.046 Systematic study of  (2S) and J/  decays. Obtain f Ds from Ds pure leptonic decay. Measure Br(D S   ) in model independent way

17 17 (10 6 ) World‘s largest J/  and  data sample (10 6 ) More interesting physics results are expected. J/  01.11-02.399.11-01.3

18 18 New Resonance from J/    pp (PRL 91, 022001 (2003)) P Pbar bond state? Multiple quark state? M=1859 MeV/c 2  < 30 MeV/c 2 (90% CL) J/    pp M(pp)-2m p (GeV) 3-body phase space acceptance  2 /dof=56/56 fitted peak location acceptance weighted BW +3 +5  10  25

19 19 Other Major research fields in IHEP 1. Non-Accelerator physics experiment – L3 Cosmic ray measurement at CERN – Yangbajing - Argo RPC carpet project – Hard X ray modulated Telescope satellite –  ray burst detector in the test flight of Chinese Man-operate space-craft (Jan. - June 2001) – X-ray detector of Chinese Moon project. 2. Theoretical physics – Particle physics and field theory – Intermediate and high energy nuclear physics – Particle-astrophysics and cosmology

20 20 Yangbajing Intl. Cosmic Ray Observatory Tibet, 90km from Lasha, a.s.l. 4300 m IHEP-INFN RPC China-Japan Air Shower Array 15000m 2

21 21 AMS01 permanent magnet and structure were built at Beijing, and became the first big magnet in space as payload of Discovery June 1998. Search for antimatter and dark matter precision measurement of isotopes Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer

22 22 Hard X-ray Modulate Telescope Satellite scan sky for point sources Charged particle shielding Collimator Crystals PMT Support structure

23 23 3. Accelerator technology – high luminosity e + e - collider – high power proton accelerator – application of low energy accelerators 4. Radiation technique and application –Synchrotron radiation –Free electron laser –Nuclear analysis techniques and its applications –Radiation protection 5. Nuclear detector and electronics Other Major research fields in IHEP

24 24 BEPC 4w1 Diffuse Scattering X-ray fluorescence analysis Topography 4B9 X-ray Diffraction Small angle scattering Photoemission SpectroscPopy 3B1 Lithography 3W1 Middle energy 4W1B 4W1A 4B9B 4B9A 3B1B 3B1A 3W1A 3W1B 4 wigglers and 13 beam lines. > 300 exp./year from > 100 institutions Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility 140mA@2.2GeV 1W1A XAFS 1W1B High-pressure diffraction LIGA VUV Macromolecular 3B3 1w1 4w2 3B3 Soft X-ray Optics

25 25 Structure of third type of light–harvester protein. The structure diffraction data taken at BSRF.

26 26 Beijing Free Electron Laser First in Asia at 1993 Beam energy 30 MeV Infra-red FEL Applications

27 27 Cooperation with CERN Promote Chinese HEP strongly – Long history: first contact at 1958 – Many exchanges since earlier 70’ – Join experiments since the end of 70’ – CAS-CERN cooperation agreement 1981 – LEP: L3/L3C(HCAL, BGO,To) ALEPH – Computer link: remote login(1986), X25(1988) – MoST-CERN cooperation agreement 1991 – CNSF-CERN CMS & Atlas MoU late 90’ Important piece of China-Europe S&T cooperation

28 28 LHC Experiments 1. CMS → talk of Prof. W.G. Li – 1/3 of CSC at muon end caps – HV boards for RPC – RPC of barrel muon (Beijing Univ.) – carts of magnet doors, floor 2. Atlas → talk of Prof. G.L. Tong – Drift Monitor chambers 3. LCG: → talk of Prof. G. Chen 4. Data analysis and Physics studies 5. LHCb: → talk of Prof. Y.N. Gao 6. Alice: → talk of Prof. D.C.Zhou

29 29 LHC Cooperation Coordination Group – advice to MoST and CNSF – coordination LHC cooperation efforts – contact with CERN – Supervise LCG working group Physics Working group

30 30 BEPC future development High Precision Frontier: precise measurement in charm energy region (2-4 GeV), and search for new phenomena. Transition between continuum and resonance's, perturbative and non-perturbative QCD Rich of resonance's, charmonium and charmed mesons. New type of hadronic matter predicted in the region, e.g. glueball and hybrid , pentquark, exotic particles… Advantages at Threshold : large , low multiplicity, pure initial state, S/B optimum

31 31 Future development: BEPCII Upgrade BEPC into two ring collider, increasing luminosity by a factor 100, rebuild detector to adapt high event rate and reduce sys. errors. Cost: 77M US$. Installation is under way, and will be finished the installation by the end of next years. Physics run by Spring 2007 Comparison with CESRc: –Lumi. of BEPCII is a factor of 3-7 higher –Beam energy spread of BEPCII is about half → BEPCII statistics is about one order of magnitude higher than CLEOc –Detector performance similar

32 32 2. BEPCII: High Lumi. Double–ring Collider Build new ring inside existing ring. Two half new rings and two half old rings cross at two IR’s, forming a double ring collider. BEPCII (→Report by Prof. Wang)

33 33 Event statistics at BESIII Physics Channel Energy (GeV) Luminosity (10 33 cm –2 s –1 ) Events/year J/  3.097 0.6 1.0×10 10  3.67 1.0 1.2×10 7  ’ 3.686 1.0 3.0 ×10 9 D 3.77 1.0 2.5×10 7 Ds 4.03 0.6 1.0×10 6 Ds 4.14 0.6 2.0×10 6

34 34 MDC: small cell & He gas  xy =130  m s p /p = 0.5% @1GeV dE/dx=6% EMCAL: CsI crystal  E/E = 2.2% @1 GeV  z = 0.5 cm/  E TOF:  T = 100 ps Barrel 110 ps Endcap Magnet: 1 T Super conducting Muon ID: 9 layer RPC Trigger: Tracks & Showers Pipelined; Latency = 2.4 ms Data Acquisition: Event rate = 3 kHz Thruput ~ 50 MB/s BESIII detector BESIII detector

35 35 Clean Room Wiring Machine

36 36 BESIII SC magnet: winding test coil

37 37 EMC: CsI(Tl) crystals 6300 crystals, (5.2x 5.2 – 6.4 x 6.4) x 28cm 3 PD readout, noise ~1100 ENC Energy resolution: 2.5%@1GeV Position resolution: 5mm@1GeV5mm@1GeV Tiled angle: theta ~ 1-3 o, phi ~ 1.5 o Minimum materials between crystals

38 38 Schedule May – Nov. 04: Linac upgrade. BES removed √ Dec.04 – June 05: SR running July 05 – May 06: Long shutdown – Remove existing ring – Infrastructure upgrade – Install two rings: half unit – test devices, install control system, alignment – Cryogenics system ready for SC devices, field mapping. June - Nov. 06: Tuning of machine + SR running Dec.. 06 : BESIII detector moved into beam line Jan. 06 – April 07 : Machine-detector tuning. Physics run by May 2007

39 39 Middle and Long Term Plan of IHEP Chinese Government organizes a national wide effort to make middle and long term plan for Science and technology. IHEP is interested in several fields, specially for Particle physics, Particle Astrophysics Accelerator technology Synchrotron Radiation and applications Big science facility Taking the advantage of BSRF and other facilities, IHEP should extent research fields to protein structure, nano-science, material science … → Multiple Sciences Research Center

40 40 Possible projects for Middle term Charm physics @ BEPCII Modulated hard X-ray telescope satellite Neutrino experiments: –Reactor neutrino to measure sin 2 2  13 –National underground Lab. –Very LBL oscillation experiment: J-Prac→ Beijing High power proton Accelerator: –Chinese Spallation Neutron Source 100KW→200 KW – Accelerator Driven Subcritical system Hard X-ray FEL Convert BEPC into dedicated SR source after BEPCII finished physics running Intl. collaboration

41 41 Experiment to measure sin 2 2  13 using Daya Bay reactor neutrino Daya Bay NPS is the best site in the world: – 60 km from Hong Kong, –12GW now, 18 GW @ 2008 – good mountain near NPP for near and far detectors. Near (300-500m) and Far detectors (1.5-1.8 km), modular, expect accuracy of 1% in sin 2 2  13 Site study and tunnel design are underway Conceptual design of civil construction is finished. Optimize the selection of near/far cites Detector R&D and MC simulation started

42 42 Daya Bay Power Plant: Best Site 4 reactors in 2 clusters, 2.9 GW each, total: 11.6 GW Two more cores with 5.8 GW expected by 2010 Daya Bay

43 43 Daya Bay NPP Ling Ao NPP Daya Bay Near: D: 500 m Overburden: ~300 m.w.e. Ling Ao Near: D: 500 m Overburden: ~220 m.w.e. Far site: D DB : ~2200 m D LA : ~1800 m Overburden: ~1000 m.w.e. Ling Dong NPP (under const.) Total length of tunnel = 3422.5 m

44 44 VLBL Experiment of J-PARC to Beijing V LBL  experiment with 2000 - 4000 km is very interesting to study many important physics: – Sign of the difference of  mass square – τ  appearance – CP violation of V LBL  experiment from JHF to Beijing –Good tunnel: 20 km north of Beijing, near highway to Great Wall –The tunnel is 560 m long, 34 meter wide, 13 meter height, 150 m rock on top –Good infrastructure available –2200 km to JHF with 9.5 o dip angle

45 45 CSNS: Next big Science Facility → R eport by Prof. Fu CSNS: Next big Science Facility → R eport by Prof. Fu 75keV 3.5 MeV 35MeV 70MeV (100μA) H - I.S. RFQ DTL Linac Separated DTL Linac 352MHz 352MHz RFQ 20mA RCS MEBT SDTL Target and Experiment Area LEBT 1.6 GeV, 25Hz 62.5 μA →250μA H-H- DTL P B = 100kW → 400kW

46 46 International Collaboration Chinese Government supports Chinese HE physicists to work for HEP international collaborations LHC: Linear Collider –Accelerator: IHEP, Peking Univ., Tsinghua Univ. → Report by Prof. Gao – Physics and detector :

47 47 Remark China - CERN cooperation promotes Chinese HEP strongly. LHC exp. collaborations open new page in China-CERN cooperation. This workshop provides an unique opportunity for CERN, Chinese Funding agencies and physicists to discuss future program and interests in both sides. Many common interests in the future program in both sides → more active and close cooperation's. Thanks !

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