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CLIMATE Alaska Death Valley Temperatures reach both extremes of the scale from freezing cold –30ºC in Alaska to a boiling hot 60ºC in California’s Death.

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Presentation on theme: "CLIMATE Alaska Death Valley Temperatures reach both extremes of the scale from freezing cold –30ºC in Alaska to a boiling hot 60ºC in California’s Death."— Presentation transcript:


2 CLIMATE Alaska Death Valley Temperatures reach both extremes of the scale from freezing cold –30ºC in Alaska to a boiling hot 60ºC in California’s Death Valley. desert climate ocean climate. On the southwest there is a desert climate, which is opposite of the east which has ocean climate. tropical climatehumid continental climate. On the south is tropical climate, and on the north is humid continental climate.

3 GRAND CANYON Took 3-6 million years to form; erosion continues to alter its contours. The Grand Canyon become a national park in 1919. Colorado River It was formed by the Colorado River, which flows west through the canyon and averages about 300 feet. Many people consider it to be one of the seven wonders of the natural world. 277 miles (446 kilometers The Grand Canyon is 277 miles (446 kilometers) in length. As well as sightseeing, hiking and rafting are also popular in the area.



6 NIAGARA FALLS The Niagara Falls The Niagara Falls are located on the border of Ontario, Canada and New York, USA. American FallsBridal Veil Falls Horseshoe Falls. The Niagara Falls are made up of 3 waterfalls, the American Falls, the Bridal Veil Falls and the Horseshoe Falls. EARTH!!! The 3 waterfalls combine to produce the highest flow rate of any waterfall on EARTH!!! The Niagara Falls are a source of hydropower, producing large amounts of electricity. Lake Erie Lake Ontario. The Niagara River drains water from Lake Erie into Lake Ontario. The Niagara Falls were created by glacier activity around 10,000 years ago. It is illegal (and not very smart) to go over the Niagara Falls. A number of people have tried it anyway, some survived, some were injured and some were killed. The first tightrope walker to cross the Niagara Falls did so in 1859. Goat Island sits in the middle of the Niagara Falls, between Horseshoe Falls and Bridal Veil Falls. NikolaTesla A monument dedicated to Serbian-American inventor NikolaTesla sits on Goat Island. The Niagara Falls are visited by around 30 million people every year.



9 MISSISSIPPI RIVER Mississippi River The length of the Mississippi River is approximately 3,730 km, slightly shorter than the Missouri River. Missouri River the USANorth America The Mississippi River and Missouri River combine to form the longest river system in the USA and North America. It is also the fourth longest in the world. The first bridge built across the Mississippi River was in 1855 with the first railroad bridge finished a year later in 1856. At its widest point, the Mississippi River stretches out over 11 km in width.



12 RIO GRANDE The Rio Grande The Rio Grande is 3,000 km long, the fifth longest river in the United States Of America. A 2,000 km segment of the river forms the international boundary between Mexico and the United States Of America. Colorado MountainsNew Mexico Texas Mexico The Rio Grande begins in the Colorado Mountains, courses through New Mexico, forms the border between Texas and Mexico, and flows into the Gulf of Mexico.


14 GREAT LAKES The Great LakesSuperior, Huron, Michigan, Ontario and Erie The Great Lakes — Superior, Huron, Michigan, Ontario and Erie — make up the largest body of fresh water on Earth, accounting for one-fifth of the freshwater surface on the planet at 6 quadrillion gallons. The area of all the Great Lakes 246,463 square kilometers. 21% of the world's surface freshwater is contained in these lakes. The waters of the Great Lakes are so cold and most ship wrecks have been almost perfectly preserved including some of the people. Storms on the Great Lakes can rival almost any Ocean Storm and there have been record wave heights recorded between 9 and 11 metres.


16 RED RIVER The Red River The Red River drains an area of some 241,000 square km. It is a tributary of the Mississippi River. Texas-Oklahoma The Red River is 2,080 km long; for about half this distance, it serves as the Texas-Oklahoma boundary. R ed River CampaignAmerican Civil War. The river and its valley were the site of the R ed River Campaign in the American Civil War.



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