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Processing using XML (hierarchy data structure) Please use speaker notes for additional information!

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Presentation on theme: "Processing using XML (hierarchy data structure) Please use speaker notes for additional information!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Processing using XML (hierarchy data structure) Please use speaker notes for additional information!

2 Computer Information Systems Career Programming Grocer Webmaster Grocer Networking Arruda Business Information Grocer Multimedia/Internet Vieira Transfer Computer Science Ferreira

3 Information Systems Grocer Business Career Accounting Garand Marketing Management Leonard Retail Management Dickens Transfer Business Administration Leonard

4 bcc department optiontype option



7 BCC Departments body { background:beige; } #Page_Header { font-style:bold; font-size: 26pt; text-align:center; color:brown; } #Sub_Header { font-style:bold; font-size: 22pt; text-align:center; color:brown; } #List_Header { font-size:16pt; color:brown; border-bottom: solid 1 brown; } #Dept_Minor { font-size:16pt; color:brown; } Later in the program when id is set to List_Header, we see the style that we setup here: Department Option List

8 table { color:brown; }.fortable { border:solid thick brown; width:400pt; }.forcell { border:solid thin brown; text-align:center; width:200pt; }.forheader { border:solid thick brown; text-align:left; width:200pt; font-size:14pt; background:brown; color:beige; font-style:bold; }.forbutton { color:beige; background:brown; } The button uses the class defined here as.forbutton: <button class="forbutton"

9 Bristol Community College 777 Elsbree Street Fall River, MA Department Option List Span can be used to bind data - in this case I am binding the data from Dept_Data, specifically deptname and therefore displaying it. This ties Dept_Data to the physical data bccoptions.xml.

10 Advisor

11 <button class="forbutton" onClick="Dept_Data.recordset.moveNext(); if (Dept_Data.recordset.BOF)Dept_Data.recordset.moveFirst()"> Next Department

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