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Our Journey with. Our Journey with PBS TeacherLine Year 1 – Began as a Promotion Station Year 2 – Completed a Needs Assessment Year 3 – Developed an Extensive.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Journey with. Our Journey with PBS TeacherLine Year 1 – Began as a Promotion Station Year 2 – Completed a Needs Assessment Year 3 – Developed an Extensive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Journey with

2 Our Journey with PBS TeacherLine Year 1 – Began as a Promotion Station Year 2 – Completed a Needs Assessment Year 3 – Developed an Extensive Marketing Plan Year 4 – Became a Local Course Provider

3 Step 1 – WQLN’s Needs Assessment COMPONENTS OF THE ASSESSMENT Educator survey distributed by Intermediate Unit Educator focus groups Educator discussion groups

4 Step 1 – WQLN’s Needs Assessment Survey conducted from September 1 – December 15, 2006 Hundreds of educators responded Participants were Pre-K – Grade 12 educators in the Northwestern Pennsylvania Region Participants were recruited via email and printed promotional flyers  Each participant received $10 WQLN Education gift certificate for participation and chance to win Borders $50 gift certificate

5 Step 1 – WQLN’s Needs Assessment WHAT WE LEARNED… Educators in Northwest Pennsylvania need more professional development opportunities School administrators support participation in online courses Educators like the flexibility of online courses Most educators have never taken an online course We need to spend significant time educating our local learners about the quality level of TL courses

6 Step 2 – WQLN’s Marketing Plan Attend marketing seminars held by the Non-Profit Partnership of Erie County. Produce a promotional interstitial to air on WQLN TV- 54 and WQLN Radio as well as on local ABC affiliate television station WJET TV- 24. Develop a system of contacts for local school districts with one individual from each school serving as the liaison between WQLN and the school. Publish articles in LakeErie LifeStyle Magazine.


8 National/State Initiatives

9 Localized Initiatives

10 Target Areas of Focus F.A.M.I.L.I.E.S. - Family Literacy Initiative Professional Development for Childcare Providers through PA Keys and Teachers through PDE PBS TeacherLine: Online Professional Development for Educators

11 Outreach Event and Contest Highlights 2 nd Annual Corporate Spelling BEE  Funds help purchase over 16,000 books for underprivileged children. Sesame Street LIVE  A hands-on workshop and pictures with Sesame Street characters. Annual Young Writers and Illustrators Contest  Approximately 300 entries were received for grades K-3. Making a Difference: Great Teachers  3 teachers were honored and 3 students received $500 scholarships How to be a Good Friend: Art Contest  Over 600 entries were received and winners were recognized at an event with the Duchess of York Town Hall Meetings  Topics include: health issues, politics, learning disabilities, etc. Data reflects July, 2007- May, 2008

12 Community Outreach Highlights Erie FREE Taxes, a program led by five local non- profit organizations and funded by the Erie Community Foundation, is striving to make a difference in the lives of working families through financial literacy education, free tax preparations sites, and promotion of the economic benefits of the EITC both to individuals and the community at large.  Increased free tax filings from 703 in 2007 to 1115 in 2008  Increased refund dollars from $880,902 in 2007 to $1,488,432 in 2008

13 GED for Me! Highlights 63 GED graduates to date Winner of new award created by the Central PA Technology Council: Making a Difference Award At times during the evaluations of submitted nominations, the committee encounters an exceptional person or organization that exceeds the scope of the awards of recognition. This award was given to recognize the great work that WQLN is doing to advance the completion of GEDs for adults through distance learning in Pennsylvania.

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