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Research at the Lloyd Sealy Library Travel Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Research at the Lloyd Sealy Library Travel Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research at the Lloyd Sealy Library Travel Writing

2 The Lloyd Sealy Library Website


4 Google and Wikipedia: Inconceivable! Google searching is useful but not for conducting research for a college paper Search Topics in Google tend to produce too many results. Wikipedia is not always accurate and can be very unreliable, particularly on controversial subjects Wikipedia is not a source Professors accept for research papers

5 Follow the Yellow Brick Road: Searching Google

6 It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! Its… CUNY+ ! CUNY+ is the Online Library Catalog for the City University of New York.



9 Hi! Can I Have Your Call Number?

10 Databases, E-Journals, and Publications… Oh My! There are Two Types of Articles to look for when researching: Scholarly (Peer- Reviewed) Material Non-Scholarly Material Besides CUNY+ Research Material can be found in: Databases Electronic Journals

11 Databases You Might Find Useful

12 Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost)

13 The Nuts and Bolts of Academic Search Premier


15 Gale Virtual Reference Library

16 The Nuts and Bolts of Gale Virtual Reference Library

17 Structure Is Your Friend Elements of Writing Pick a Specific Topic Developing a Thesis Researching and Constructing the Body of the Paper Reaching a Conclusion

18 Origins and Travel History of a Commonplace Product or Invention Products created elsewhere or as a result of travel: Spaghetti (Marco Polo) Alcohol/Beer Atomic Bombs (Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi) Penicillin Bifocals (Benjamin Franklin) X-Ray (Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen) Missiles (Verner von Braun) Basketball (James Naismith)

19 Famous Travels and Travelers Stories real and imagined involving Travel: The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer Innocents Abroad, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, and Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain The Rise of David Levinsky by Abraham Cahan The Time Machine by H.G. Wells Anything by or on both Winston Churchill and Theodore Roosevelt

20 No Ticket?!... Travel Writing Resources Websites, Podcasts, and other Resources for Travel Writing: The Travel Writing Portal at: ngs/travel/travel_writing/index.shtml The Travel Channel Recommended Shows: – Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern – Anthony Bourdain – Samantha Brown

21 P r a c t i c e M a k e s P e r f e c t Locate a BOOK using CUNY+. Identify the author, book title, and call number Locate a BOOK using CUNY+. Identify the author, book title, and call number Locate a SCHOLARLY ARTICLE by using a Database. Identify the author, article title, source, and date of publication Locate a SCHOLARLY ARTICLE by using a Database. Identify the author, article title, source, and date of publication Locate a POPULAR ARTICLE by using a Database. Identify the author, article title, source, and date of publication Locate a POPULAR ARTICLE by using a Database. Identify the author, article title, source, and date of publication

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