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PRESENTATION Caribbean Diaspora and Information and Communications Technology: Bridging the Divide Canada-Caribbean Diasporas and Development Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION Caribbean Diaspora and Information and Communications Technology: Bridging the Divide Canada-Caribbean Diasporas and Development Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTATION Caribbean Diaspora and Information and Communications Technology: Bridging the Divide Canada-Caribbean Diasporas and Development Conference Series Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto 30 May, 2005

2 Introduction PanAmericas/IDRC Scoping Study Pan Americas Project Officer Angelica Ospina Consultants Schiller Jean-Baptiste-REHRED Chanzo Greenidge-Diplomats Inc., UWI

3 Agenda 1. Project Overview 2. Methodology 3. Findings- Diaspora & Country Profiles 4. Findings- Project Development & Implementation 5. Findings- Opportunities & Best Practices 6. Impact and Dissemination 7. Conclusion and Acknowledgements

4 1. Aims and Rationale ICT and Diaspora in Context Mapping and Project Identification Strategies and Approaches Priorities and Potential Caribbean Diaspora in the Caribbean?

5 2. Methodology Schedule Questionnaire & Interviews Country Visits Secondary Sources Comparative Studies

6 2. Methodology Questionnaire TARGET RESPONDENTS STRUCTURE »Institutional Overview and Mapping »Project Selection Criteria »Target Market/Beneficiaries »Approaches to Networking/Partnerships »Funding & Implementation Challenges »Outlook & Best Practices

7 3. Diaspora Profile Demographics and ICTs Caribbean Diaspora & ICT initiatives –Prime Movers –Middle Stratum –Lower Stratum Migrants, Returnees & Expatriates

8 3. Institutional Overview and Mapping Country Profiles – Jamaica – Haiti – Guyana – Dominican Republic – Barbados – Pan-Caribbean?

9 4. Project Selection and Beneficiaries Youth and Schools (The Alma Mater syndrome) Demographics (Rural/Urban, Gender) Transnational Households

10 4. Approaches to Networking/Partnerships Personal and Alumni Networks Key Institutions Cyber-Diaspora

11 4. Funding & Implementation Challenges Telecommunications Costs Banking and Finance in the Caribbean Co-ordination and Focus Government/Private Sector Partnerships

12 5. Opportunities & Best Practices INVESTING IN TRANSNATIONALISM Rural/Diaspora Partnerships E-Industry and Innovation E-commerce- Cottage Industries and ICT OpenSource- Intellectual Property Disaster Prevention and Response Cross-diasporic Linkages

13 5. Opportunities & Best Practices KNOWLEDGE MOBILITY MANAGEMENT ‘Honest Brokers’ Diaspora Skills Bank Trade and Investment Focus Customised Policies Cross-national Co-ordination?

14 5. Opportunities and Best Practices KEY INSTITUTIONS Academic and Media Institutions Religious and Voluntary Associations Government Agencies Professional Organisations & Networks Business and Financial Institutions ICT-oriented Agencies

15 6. Impact and Dissemination Release Schedule Scoping Study Anticipated Impact

16 7. Conclusion Information, Communication & Diaspora Acknowledgements

17 THANK YOU Schiller Jean-Baptiste; Chanzo Greenidge PanAmericas/IDRC Scoping Study Caribbean Diaspora and Information and Communications Technology

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