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Published byOlivia Rowe Modified over 11 years ago
Bandwidth requirement from Applications using APII (Korea-Japan-USA) Center for High Energy Physics Kyungpook National University Youngdo Oh*, Dongchul Son Korea-Kyushu Gigabit Network Meeting in Oita Oct. 4/5, 2002
2002. 10. 4. CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2 Contents Activities on Korean High Energy Physics Korean HEP Roadmap Bandwidth requirement –Korea-Japan Collaboration Belle, K2K experiments at KEK and Kamioka –Bandwidth requirement if Korean-Japan-US connection is available over Hyeonhai/Genkai CDF Experiment at Fermilab in USA Korea-USA requirement for the CMS Experiment Suggestions
2002. 10. 4. CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 3 Activities on Korean High Energy Physics
2002. 10. 4. CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 4 The Belle Experiment at KEK (Japan) 10GeV positron-electron Colliding Experiment Data Taking/Analysis in progress Goals CP violation in B- Meson System Tests of Standard Model Study of Heavy Quark system (b & c)
2002. 10. 4. CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 5 Aomori Univ. Budker Inst. of Nucl. Physics Chiba Univ. Chuo Univ. Univ. of Cincinnati Univ. of Frankfurt Gyeongsang Nat'l Univ. Univ. of Hawaii Hiroshima Inst. of Tech. Hiroshima Coll. of Maritime Tech. Inst of Cosmic Ray Res., U of Tokyo IHEP, Beijing ITEP, Moscow Joint Crystal Collab. Group Kanagawa Univ. KEK Korea Univ. Krakow Inst. of Nucl. Physics Kyoto Univ. Kyungpook Nat'l Univ, (CHEP). Univ. of Melbourne. Nagasaki Inst. of Applied Science Nagaya Univ. Nara Woman's Univ Nat'l Central Univ. Nat'l Kaoshiung Univ Nat'l Lien-Ho Coll. of Tech. ~300 researchers from 53 institutes Nat'l Taiwan Univ. H. Nievodniczanski Inst of Nucl. Phys., Krakow Nihon Dental Coll. Niigata Univ. Osaka Univ. Osaka City Univ. Panjab Univ. Saga Univ. Seoul Nat'l Univ. Univ. of Sci. and Tech. of China Sugiyama Woman's Coll. Sunkyunkwan Univ. Univ. of Sydney Toho Univ. Tohoku Univ. Tohoku-gakuin Univ. Univ. of Tokyo Tokyo Inst. of Tech. Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Tech. Toyama Nat'l Coll. of Maritime Tech. Univ. of Tsukuba Utkal Univ. Virginia Polytechnic Inst (VPI) Yokkkaichi Univ. Yonsei Univ. The Belle Collaboration
2002. 10. 4. CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 6 K2K (from KEK to Kamioka) Started in March 3, 1999 Long baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment: ~ 100 physicists from USA, Japan, Korea Korean Universities : CHEP(SNU, Chonnam NU) and Dongshin U K2K Experiment (Japan) Production of muon neutrion at KEK and Detection at Super-K Detector Data Taking and Analysis in Progress Goals Neutrino oscillation and massiveness of muon neturinos 250 km
2002. 10. 4. CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 7 2 TeV proton- antiproton collisons Data Taking/Analysis in progress Goals Discovery of Higgs particles Tests of Standard Model Heavy Quarks system (top and bottom quarks Korean Collaborators Kyungpook NU Seoul NU Seongkyunkwan U CDF Experiment at Fermilab (USA)
2002. 10. 4. CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 8 HEP Roadmap (Korea) Current on-going international Collaboratory Experiments that are taking and analyzing data DetectorData Taking/Analysis, Detector Upgrade Detector Maintenance (Korean Contribution in EM Caloriment, Trigger, Data Analysis) Data Taking/Analysis, Detector Upgrade Detector Maintenance (Korean Contribution in TOF detector, Data Analysis) Continuation of Belle And/Or Belle Exp at KEK in Japna Linear Collider Project CDF Exp at Fermilab in USA Detector CERN LHC/CMS Experiment Data Taking/Analysis, Detector Upgrade and Maintenance, (Korea Contributions in SciFi and others, Mantenance, Data Analysis) K2K Expe –at KEK and Kamioka in Japan Detector AMS Experiment at ISS 20 present 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
2002. 10. 4. CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 9 20 present 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 AMS Exp The first HEP Experiment at the International Space Station(ISS) 13 countries: USA, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Korea, China, Taiwan, etc. Stage 1(97-00) AMS01 on Discovery, Dataking(98.6) Stage 2(01-04) AMS02 Detector Korea Contribution: - Superconducting Magnet R/D - TRD Electornics/SW - R/D on Slow Control - Regional Data Center Stage 3 (04-05) AMS02 Detector Test -Reginal Data Center Stage 4(06-10) AMS02 on ISS Data Taking - Data Analysis at the Rigional Data Center 2005.7 AMS02 at the ISS via Endeavor Stage 5 (10-) Continue ISS experiment Retrieving Detector Or refilling Helium and continuation CERN (02.1) Local Laboratory for CHEP LHC/CMS at CERN 32 countries Stage 1(97-98) Korean Contribution: Barrel RPC R/D Stage 2(99-02) Korean Contribution: Forward RPC R/D Power Supply R/D Trigger(Optical Link) R/D Stage 3(01-06) -Forward RPC Fabrication -Powe Supply Fabrication -Trigger(optical links) -On-line Processor Farm -Preparation for Data Analysis -Regional Data Center in Korea Stage 4(06- 10s) Operation Maintenace on RPC Data Ataking and Analysis - 2006.8 LHC /CMS Commissioning Hosted Two International Conference LINAC2002, LCWS2002 in Korea (2002.8) Next Generation Linear Collider Project Global Science Stage 1(95-02) - JLC (Acc./Detector) Conceptual Design/ R/D -R/Ds on Modulator, Polarized Electron Source, Intermediate Silicon Tracker -Participation in HEP Consultative Group at OECD-GSF, ICFA, ACFA Stage 2 (02-03) -Intergover nmental Discussio n -R/D Stage 406- 10) - Fabrication and Supply of Acc. And Detector Parts Expect Commissioning sometime in 2010~15 Stage 3 (04-06) - Modulator R/D - PES R/D - Detector R/D Host the LC Project in Korea ?
2002. 10. 4. CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 10 Center for High Energy Physics ( C H E P ) Kyungpook National University Daegu, Korea 1. CMS Tier-1 Regional Center (CERN) 4. Belle Exp (Japa n) 5. K2K Exp (Japa n) 3. CDF Grid (USA) 2. AMS Regional Center (CERN) 6. PHENI X Grid (USA) Data Grid Cluste r Korea U Seonkyunkwan U Chonnam N U Gyeoogsang N U Konkuk U Ewha W U Dongshin U KBSI … Other users CHEP Kyungpook N U Seoul N U Yonsei U Participation of Institutions in the HEP Data Grid Project Established in July 1, 2000. A national center designated by the Korean Ministry of Science and Technology and supported by the Korean Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) 47 HEP physicists with doctoral degrees and 120 graduate students from 12 universities inside Korea. Major research activities: CMS at CERN AMS at ISS based at CERN Belle/K2K in Japan CDF/Phenix in USA
2002. 10. 4. CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 11 TEIN Bandwidth requirement –From CERN 100 MB/s experimental data trasfer –24 hrs/day, 10 million seconds/year operation –Data Size =1 PetaBytes/y –MC data production(2 PB/y) and transfer to Europe and USA –Therefore we need 2.4 Gbps 800 Mbps (Exp Data) 1600 Mbps (MC Data) Considering other traffic, we need 10 Gbps. Hyeonhai/APII 2.5 ~ 10 Gbps (KEK, Fermilab ) TEIN GEANT-Renater2- (2.5~10 Gbps)-KOREN (CERN) KOREN Topology 2.5 20 Gbps 20 Gbps Bandwidth requirement 2.5 20 Gbps Korea-Japan (alone) Bandwidth Requirement KEK Experiments – 130~370 Mbps by 2006 – 650 Mbps after 2006 Korea-Japan-USA Connection (additional) – Fermilab CDF Exp. (40~230 Mbps) – CMS Exp (800 Mbps) –Total bandwidth requirement: –1.2~1.6 Gbps Total of minimal 2.4 Gbps is required Considering other traffic, we need 10 Gbps
2002. 10. 4. CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 12 Traffic/Data for HEP experiments carried out in Japan Belle Experiment –At present, data of 30 Tbytes/year are being collected: 0.3 TB/day It is approxmately 5~15 Mbytes/s, meaning 40 ~120 Mbps Production and share of Monte Carlo simulated data (~3 times of real data) among Korea-Japan collaborators (file transfer) Therefore, 120 Mbps~360 Mbps is needed (24 hrs/day operation, 25 millions seconds in total operation per year) –After 2006, we expect collecting data at 220GHz amounting 2 PB data/year Koreans expect processing 30% of data (600 TB/year) 4800 Tb/30 Ms = 160 Mbps Monte Carlo data production and share with Japan (approx 1.8 PB/year) 480 Mbps Therefore, we need 640 Mbps between Japan-Korea for this experiment K2K Experiment –Until 2001, we have approx. 830 GB of unprocessed data –Processed data size is 3.1 TB –Expect the same size of data in 2003 –Monte Carlo Simulation Data is about 1.6TB –We need 2~3 Mbps SuperKamiokande(Super-K) Experiment (Kamioka-near Toyama) –Collects approx. 27 Gbytes of data, needs 8*27 Gb/86.4 ks = 2.2 Mbps –About the same size of Monte Carlo data are produced –We need 5~6 Mbps
2002. 10. 4. CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 13 Bandwidth Requirements Korea-Japan-USA Summary for Korea-Japan connection –130~370 Mbps by 2006 –650 Mbps after 2006 When Genkai is extended to USA via Korea-Japan – CDF Experiment at Fermilab Run IIa(2001.3 - 2004) and Run IIb(after 2004 ) – 500 Tbytes/year are produced (Run Iia), > 3 Pbytes (after 2004) Before 2004 : 10% processing (50 TBytes/year) : ~ 13 Mbps After 2004 : 10% processing (300 TBytes/year) : ~ 76 Mbps Monte Carlo Data Production and Transfer: twice the above Before 2004 : 40 Mbps After 2004 : 230 Mbps –Data Transfer for CMS (Europe) Monte Carlo Data Production and share with USA CMS Collaborators 15 years from 2003, we share 1 Petabytes/year = 800 Mbps is needed –Summary of Bandwidth requirement Year 20032004 2006 Between Korea-Japan 1200 14001650 Mbps Between Japan-USA 8401030 1030 Mbps (for Korean traffic)
2002. 10. 4. CENTER FOR HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 14 Suggestions Minimal bandwidth requirements for the HEP research is –2.5 Gbps over Korea-Japan-USA Suggest that if we use the Busan-Kyushu line for Korea-USA APII, we need the network to be 2.5 Gbps initially and then 10 Gbps at least reflecting other usage in near future.
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